28 Post – 340 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.

Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.

Dislikes: Nazis, Apple

He / Him


Big shout out to them leaving the links to LTT merch in the description. Venal fucks.

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Personally, I'm continuing my efforts to not be a racist piece of shit.

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They make me feel happy when I get them, and I need all the dopamine I can get these days.

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Oh, this is poor news indeed.

She had a tough life, and was routinely treated incredibly unkindly for daring to voice her opinions the truth.


It's not just "YouTuber drama" though; LTT have positioned themselves as The Grand Knowledge on all things tech, so a good number of people turn to them for recommendations. And their recommendations are questionable.

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Huh, and I've never even used Windows 11...

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I have a problem with anyone being openly sexual or flaunting their sexuality in front of me regardless of their choice of orientation.

A straight couple walks past pushing their baby in a pram

"How dare they flaunt their sexuality at me!"

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I saw my wife playing this years ago, and always fancied having a go, but never got around to it.

So a few months back we got it going so it could stream to our Apple TV and off I went. Spent a few weeks playing it in the evenings and having a nice time.

Then Ubisoft put out an 'update' to it, that broke it completely. A massive update for a ten year old game. Cunts.

So I guess I'll never finish it, because fuck Ubisoft.

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Of the five we had, Wilbur was by far and away the pointiest of nose, and the most questionable of parentage, but I still loved him. He could yoink a Cheerio like nobody's business.

This was Nac, Mac, and Feegle, at about eight months old, I think.

It was really hard to take good photos of them...

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"Look at that subtle off-white colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a watermark."

When I joined Mastodon in the November migration, I wondered why media organisations weren’t spinning up their own servers. Give all the journos an account on that server and there’s your verification right away.

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I love fixing up classic iPods, and as much as I enjoy it, any mention of it comes with "but why?", then the person asking refuses to understand why I still like using iPods even in this time of streaming music.

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that (mostly) just works.


As a Mac user since 2007 it feels like that statement gets a little less true every couple of years. But for me it’s still light years ahead of Windows when it comes to my workflow.

I disagree. Linus shooting from the hip and making himself look an even bigger ass is incredibly entertaining.

What crime is being committed while unhoused folks are online? Cybercrime? Are they pretending to be Nigerian princes?

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As others have said, there's always an adjustment period, and before you know it you'll be doing it without even thinking about it.

When I started at my current workplace five years ago, I was out of shape after spending almost ten years either at uni, or in a succession of office jobs. So going back on my tools as a welder was a massive shock that I wasn't really expecting. But suddenly, six months or so in, I realised that I was finding the work much less physically demanding, which felt really gratifying. I wasn't fit by any means (I never have been), but fit enough to do the work.

Then, 18 months ago I got promoted to a desk job, and I'm fat as shit again. I'd be fucked after a day back on my tools.

Yeah, my reaction to losing them is a good chunk of why my wife suggested not getting any more. I don't deal with it very well. I go to pieces, quite frankly. When I took Feegle for his last trip a few months ago, the vet's receptionist asked if I wanted to wait in a quiet room, no doubt because my sniffling and dribbling was putting off the other customers.

But Feegle was adorable.

No, it hasn't.

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I'm sure this is completely fine.

Perhaps, but I see it as indicative of the problem in general. A slapdash attitude where they don't pause for a second to consider what they're actually doing, which, you'd think they might try and do under a 20 minute video where they grovel and scrape and beg forgiveness.

All of this stuff makes me sad. As a long(ish)-time Apple user, it's been sad to see them go full throttle into hyper-capital mode. They're literally the wealthiest company on the planet because they've spent the past twenty years figuring out how to nickel and dime their customers. Hell, even when I bought my first MacBook back in '07, the guy in the Apple Store suggested getting the RAM upgrade elsewhere because Apple prices were ridiculous even then. Everyone knows they didn't go with soldered RAM and storage for the performance gains...

But they make incredible hardware, so I tolerate all that shit, making me complicit in the fuckery.

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Got a phone call from my Dad while I was working aboard Queen Mary 2 asking if I was alright. Confused me, because yeah, of course I was. He said something about an earthquake, so I put the news on the TV.

Turns out there'd been an earthquake which had caused the tsunami in Japan. We were off the coast of Japan. The wave went right under us, and I had no idea.


To make matters worse, I'm on Beehaw, which has defederated from, so I can't see the politics community on there even if I wanted to.

It's one thing having different instances, but quite another when users on one instance can't see the communities of another.

On the other hand, having two different communities does mean that people in my situation could still participate on one of those.

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I think you have to bear in mind that Lemmy as a whole is still fairly new, and until a month or so ago, no one was crying out for an app for it.

So for now, Mlem and Memmy are the only two app options, and their solo devs are doing their best.

For what it’s worth, over the past week alone, Mlem has gone from barely usable to actually a nice little app.

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But a million people haven’t done that with an iPad, because until now no iPad was able to receive video input. That’s the point of the article.

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You're wrong.

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Any new tech that emerges should be viewed as either "How will they use it to scrape all my data?" or "How will they sell this to the military?"

Or both.

Right, but what’s their alternative? While they’re still mods they can still affect some level of change. If they completely cede to Reddit’s admin, they have nothing.

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I'm not really part of the LGBTQ+ community, just a (mostly) straight guy who's subbed here so I can experience other viewpoints and help grow my own understanding, so take what I say as you will, but ultimately it boils down to:

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter to you, the casual observer, what other consenting adults are doing. Seriously, it's not your story, so why bother trying to insert yourself into it? Say you see a couple of guys holding hands in the street; how long are you going to hold onto that memory of them? Realistically, they'll walk by and within ten minutes you'll have forgotten they exist, so why let yourself notice them in the first place? Or more to the point, why assign any kind of morality to them?

As a society, I think we could be far better at letting people just live their lives without assigning our own thoughts and emotions onto them. We don't have their lived experience, so we shouldn't get upset when they don't conform to our internal rulebook.

But that can be hard to do when we as a species are wired to make quick assessments. Those quick assessments have helped us to evolve to where we currently are, it helped our ancestors rapidly figure out who could be trusted, whether an animal was likely to try and eat us, whether our food could poison us. But none of that makes any sense when it comes to looking at a consenting couple living their lives in public, and immediately placing them in an 'undesirable' box.

All you can do is what you've done here; engage with people from different backgrounds, and try to learn to understand that, regardless of who they have sex with (or not), or whether their outward look conforms to whatever genitals you suspect they have, they're just people trying to live their lives and be left alone.

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I once did an entire 2 hour radio show on this very subject.

There were some genuine surprises to me when I was doing the research for this one.

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Way I see it, if you can't access it via RSS, then it ain't a podcast. Fuck Spotify.

I remember listening to a podcast that talked of how in the Philippines (I think it was), Facebook is the internet, because Meta/FB effectively subsidised the carriers into allowing FB access to not use up any data allowance. As a result, if all you do is go on FB, you don't pay a penny. If WhatsApp is included in this, then yeah, you're locked in with no real alternative.

Assistant to the General Manager.

When I was 10 I sharted in the shower when I was on a family holiday. I did what anyone would do; pushed it down the drain hole and never mentioned it to anyone until now.

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The simple answer is that it makes a regular phone smaller. A bit fatter, sure, but a smaller footprint. And it protects the screen when not in use.

Oh the Freedom.

Yeah, fuck this guy. I like Anti-Flag, and Justin did some really good acoustic stuff a few years back, but I guess they’re now added to the pile of music I won’t listen to any more.

It’s a shame for the other guys, but their response was solid.

Not with that attitude.

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I think for me it's Terry Pratchett's 'The Colour of Magic'. Not because of that book in particular, but because of it being a gateway to the Discworld as a whole.

As much as I enjoy those books, and have read almost all of them at this point, it's more that they taught me how to be a thoughtful, empathetic person when I was a thoughtless, selfish teenager. Almost on the sly, Terry instilled values in me simply by virtue of the heroes of his stories being mostly good people who just want to have a positive impact, even if they're flawed in different ways.

Like, Sam Vimes is undoubtedly a hero. Night Watch shows us that he strongly believes in the power of good, and that people can - and should - band together to limit the tyranny of power. But he's also distrusting and curmudgeonly. Nanny Ogg is foul-mouthed bon viveur who places a lot of emphasis on living her best life, but she always puts her family and friends before her if she needs to. Even the Nac Mac Feegle work together for the greater good, even if, in their case, that means being able to get more drunk and fight more violently.

GNU Terry Pratchett

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"Flushable wipes"

I'm at an age where moist arse wipes are a godsend, and I stubbornly cling to the lie that they're flushable and fine.

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