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Nah, it's just a old school chat bot following a predefined flow chart. And in this flowchart someone implemented an improper email check.

It's pretty much the same as if there was just a website with an email field which then complains about a non valid email which in fact is very valid. And this is pretty common, the official email definition isn't even properly followed by most mail providers (long video but pretty funny and interesting if you're interested in the topic).

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Like really…Boeing is that dirty? Surely not?

I mean they were willing to knowingly keep producing unsafe air planes which lead to several crashes killing 100's. So yeah, I really wouldn't be surprised if they also do assassination to ensure their profit.

They have expanded the canvas several times. As far as I remember more quickly and frequently than they did before.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if they did that to achieve this very effect, way more space so protest art isn't so prominent.

So it's Jewish owned and you automatically assume that this never could have been put up by the owner because he's Jewish and of course has to support Israel? That's quite a bigoted conclusion of you.

I got a surprise for you, there's quite a bit of Jews actively speaking out against Israel current bombings of civilians.

And will only get even more bolder as a consequence. It's quite fascinating how that shit head is exposing so many flaws in the current political system. And yet very little is done about it.

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I can't imagine how happy the people at SpaceX were when he got into the whole Twitter mud pile. There's nothing worse for a company than a stupid CEO who way overestimates his own capability and constantly micromanages shit that a CEO shouldn't even care about.

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The pop up may have been triggered by a technical glitch before they wanted it to. But the whole feature of course was not only developed but implemented into the live version of the game.

Also I thought the troublemakers were Antifa? Why are they protecting Antifa?

  • Getting 8 hours of sleep each night.

*DM rolls behind the screen* With the occasional goblin raids in between.

I'm not shitting on you, but "we have ducks" has to be the funniest justification why the relationship isn't abusive I've seen yet.

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More or less safe. Predators often camp these choke points for obvious reasons.

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Every civilian aircraft is required by air traffic regulations to broadcast it's flight path and identifier.

So once a plane registration is publicly known to be owned by someone they can of course be tracked. Of course it doesn't mean that the owner is on the plane, but it certainly let's you gather how much they fly around. Turns out that Taylor's jet is used a lot even for private jets, which obviously doesn't make her look good from an environmental point of view. Now she tries to use her wealth to silence people tracking this and pointing it out to the public. Shame on her!

And I can guarantee that they have no fucking clue if their workers are slacking off in the office as well. They seriously believe them being in the vicinitee actually encourages worker to work harder. What a bunch of clueless muppets.

I certainly won't trust Musk even as far as I can throw him with such stuff.

I suspect that he doesn't read dyspotic science fiction novels as cautionary tale but as an instruction booklet.

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Because it's pretty much the same.

At the very core ownership that isn't recognised by the state is meaningless. So that ape picture? No one really cares about some guy claiming to own it because they have control over the token. As long as it's on the internet everyone can just copy it and there's no authority caring about it one bit since NFT isn't recognised as for example copyright is.

Even when it comes to stuff like items in games, these also are only worth anything as long as the publisher of the game recognises your claim to it! And even if they did recognise it, there's absolutely nothing preventing them from changing their minds later. Simply because they create the game however they like and have 100% control over it's development.

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Not defending Russia, but I believe most militaries have rules on the books saying that field executions for disobeying orders are a necessary part of war.

The last time western powers seriously used this was WW1. WW1 was quite famous and hated exactly because of the flippant use of executions of soldiers who weren't willing or able to follow horrific orders. After that you'll find a hard time to find examples. Especially after WW2. I certainly haven't heard of a single US soldier for example who was executed in the field in Iraq or Afghanistan nor any death penalty even when found guilty of serious charges against them like Abu Ghraib.

So yeah, no. Russia isn't just doing what every other military is doing as well.

How's telling her that she has shitty opinion a witch hunt, but her using her fame and wealth to spread her shitty opinion way beyond what a normal random person could ever do, isn't?

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You would need to get rid of the "first past the pole" system anyway to allow for other parties to have an actual chance. As soon as that's done, more parties can easily be done.

But well, the people who would need to make that happen are the same people who currently benefit from the system as it is.

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Well to be fair, before this they got all of the money for a tiny picture. So in that light they scam a bit less now.

But of course this still is a stupid idea which will decrease whatever remaining quality Reddit has even more.

New goal? That's how he got elected the first time.

Of course? Did anyone expect something else? And frankly they would be extremely stupid if they did anything they didn't check with their lawyer first.

And LMG would be stupid to say or release anything else on that topic! This is potential lawsuit country, they will walk very carefully and I would be surpised if they didn't check every public communication with their lawyer first.

Literally made his money on exploitation and lies. SpaceX is amazing, but built on much smarter minds; he was just the wallet.

Not to mention 100's of millions of subsidies from the US government. Space X could never have survived with only his wealth!

With the natural resources they have, they could have been a major member of the EU providing their people a lifestyle similar to Norway. But no, after the fall of the USSR they decided to go full speed towards a dictatorship. Such a shame.

Hasn't he already violated several gag orders without any consequences? Why should he stop now?

Any other person would have thrown into jail a long time already, but he keeps getting away with it.

Hell maybe the search function will actually be working as intended. Don't show me shit from the websearch before you make sure there's no software with that name on the system!

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Exactly. She's just pissed that they've lost control over the monster they've created.

I’ve only seen people stream it and it looks… like a Bethesda game. Like, to a fault.

I’m reading that’s what a lot of people expected, and I’m honestly surprised.

With one massive, at least for me, flaw. Previous Bethesda games had handcrafted maps which invited you to explore every region. There was so much to find in the most unexpected places. Starfield doesn't have that. I mean sure, even on remote desolate planets you can find objects of interest, but in the end they do repeat very quickly. In Starfield the world is much bigger but ultimately less diverse and well built. And to me that's a less appealing game.

And another smaller problem is that they no longer seem to want to go into the darker stories. The game does have quite some potential of exploring darker themes like the despotic parts of the UC organisation for example. But it never does dive deeper but sticks to the surface. You can imagine that there's much more going on but you don't get to experience this.

To me it seems like they don’t develop any particularly incredible tech besides streaming and storage

Well they pretty much single-handedly started the whole streaming on demand service for movies and series and rapidly grew accordingly. This success even allowed them to get into the production side of the movie and series industry. They also destroyed the DVD market and stagnated the Blueray market on their own.

Now they face more and more competitions after the other companies saw that there's a lot of money in this. The lose of that monopoly of course impacts their success and they seem to struggle with it. But they still are a giant in that market segment. So it's not surprising that they still are counted as a FAANG company.

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I think it’s an age thing a lot of times.

I don't have numbers but I bet that a lot of people who preorder aren't kids but adults with a proper income. Kids as a group don't have the income to uphold the current presale figures, that's done by working adults who can afford to preorder a game and take the not so small risk that it's utterly shit.

If I want I could preoder a lot of games that come out this year without having to worry about the waste of money to much. I doubt that any regular kid can do that.

Maybe, maybe not. But the UX pattern they use clearly indicates that they rather have users continue to use the adds version instead of getting 10 euros per month. And that's certainly not because of the goodness of their heart but because it is better for them as a company. And "better for the company" pretty much always means "making more money".

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That gave him a whole load of martyr rhetoric to play off.

Only because they let him off easy. He should never have been let anywhere near a political position after his coup attempt. Same for Trump!

This is not a bug. This is by design.

I'd say it's a bug in the design as it clearly fails to work with a completely fine email.

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Fuck that shit. She doesn't make any such distinction in her hate tirades. It's very easy to find many tweets and similar quotes of her speaking about transsexual people as a whole. So yeah, she very much has spoken about OP as well. And she's a freaking author, she doesn't get any excuses for not knowing how to write more specifically. She knows very well what she says and who it will affect when she generalises all transsexual people. And it for damn sure isn't some imaginary group or predators willing to go through all the hassle of being trans to prey on women but the trans community as a whole.

Oh come one. She could die and these idiots would still complain about her doing something nasty.

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Frankly that's nothing. In the worst case a train won't start, which for DB really isn't something unusual. It's far more disturbing how the whole global financial market sometimes rely on code that's still written in COBOL.

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I meant the summit being the last attempt of a treaty that Arafat didnt even bother trying to negotiate. has addressed this point very nicely in a post which unfortunately is no longer readable. So allow me to quote it because it shows very well how insulting, I'd say on purpose, the whole proposal of Israel was. They just wanted something so outlandish that it was refused outright so they can later say "See we tried but they don't want to talk!!!!!!". The whole tactic is very similar to Austria-Hungary's ultimatum to Serbia which they specifically worded so Serbia had to refuse it or stop being a sovereign state.

Anyway here's the post of It's a bit long but definitely worth the read to get a better understanding of this very complex situation:

I am sorry to tell you this, but you definitely ought look deeper into the peace accords as they were discussed at the time. Especially the ones at Camp David which were supposed to be the most fruitious and the ones Palestinians "threw out the door". The Oslo accords were more of a guideline than a clear set of instructions. They were a very loose set of vague directions both sides were supposed to go down on. Before that there were no other concrete accords. One would argue that the Camp David Summit was the closest both sides ever got to making peace. So let's take a look at that one and use it as a good compass in this discussion.

Palestinians were supposed to:

  • be completely demilitarized
  • give Israel the right to send troops to Palestine in case of any emergency (what constitutes as an emergency was never defined)
  • ask Israel for approval for every diplomatic alliance Palestine would ever make with other countries
  • have Israeli military bases installed in Palestinian territory
  • give the Israeli military complete control of their airspace
  • have israeli military outposts be installed on the border between Palestine and Jordan for a temporary amount of time
  • give Israel temporary control over Palestinian border crossings (without having a specified timeframe)
  • give up 10% of the West Bank, the most fertile land in the West Bank, for 1% territorial gains of desert land near the Gaza strip (the land that would be conceded included symbolic and cultural territories such as the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whereas the Israeli land conceded was unspecified)
  • Israel would keep parts of the West Bank under temporary occupation, without a timespan being given
  • What constitutes the West Bank was to be defined by Israel and not by international law. Israel defined West Bank as being the internationally recognized West Bank minus all the settlements they had at the time.

As you can see, all of these concessions would never amount to a completely sovereign Palestinian state, and as a result of that these talks failed in the end. To me, it looks like they were designed to fail from the get-go. Nonetheless, they did spawn new discussions and as a result of said discussion the Taba negotiations were born. With that being said, these concessions were in no way, shape, or form popular in Israel (only 25% of the Israeli public thought his positions on Camp David were just right as opposed to 58% of the public that thought Ehud Barak compromised too much). The Israeli prime minister at the time, Barak, facing elections, suspended the talks since it greatly affected his popularity in Israel. As a result of trying to broker a peace deal with Palestine, even a very bad one that was meant to fail as it was, he failed to get re-elected. The highly unbalanced concessions were already considered to be too much by Israelis.

Ehud Barak was from the Labour governments you were talking about, and this is the best Israel could ever come up with.

Trying to paint this situation as it being a level field where both sides did the same amount of wrongdoing is not a fair representation of the history of the peace process.

Since the most promising talks ever, the Camp David Summit, Israel has allowed over 750k settlers to move into the West Bank. A military regime has been installed and forced upon the occupied population contrary to international law. If getting the 30k settlers out of Gaza in 2005 was hard enough and almost caused an uproar inside the IDF, getting 750k settlers out of the West Bank will be straight up impossible without a major conflict.

There will never be two states and I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this was in majority the doing of the Palestinians. We should talk a good look at all these facts when we start discussing this conflict and use them as a compass.

You can read more on that on Wikipedia if you're interested in all the details. If wikipedia isn't a good enough source, there is a great book on this subject by a german professor specializing on the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

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No one is forcing her to fly around that much. And she's by no means a new up and coming celebrity but has been dealing with this since 2 decades now.

So no, she doesn't get a free pass to use her wealth to silence very deserved criticism of her disgusting global footprint! Heck, she could spend a tiny amount of her dragon hoard sized wealth to donate to environmental protection to offset this footprint. But no, she rather uses that money to sue someone who she knows doesn't have the wealth to fight her legally.

Wait! You actually think that they use common PR methods to get as much attention to their cause as possible? Who would have thought!

Wait until you find out that Rosa Parks didn't just randomly decided to sit in front of the bus but was working with the civil rights movement the whole time!

It makes complete sense when you realise, that these people WANT to destroy the American democracy.

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