Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12 to – 482 points –
Microsoft may replace the Start button with the Copilot AI in Windows 12

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Hell maybe the search function will actually be working as intended. Don't show me shit from the websearch before you make sure there's no software with that name on the system!

I disabled that realy quickly... If I wanted to search the Web I would use a browser. I can only recomment that, it speeds up search a lot and it now actualy works as one would expect

I used to do that periodically, but it kept getting reset, so now, it’s just iseless

Really? It hasn't been reset for me once, I wonder why I'm not affected.

You could just make a backup of the registry key and install it again in a few clicks .

Hmm, frankly I didn't even know that Microsoft allows that to be disabled.

"Allows" You have to add/change a registry key, so it's not like this is an option Microsoft wants normal users to have.

Oh that is so annoying, trying to open something and you bing search it.

Also the search having to load is a balls, it used not do that on Windows 7.