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How many times has the US military ever murdered 900+ protestors in broad daylight then censored it from all media and imprisoned anyone who talks about it decades later?

Educate yourself. Jesus fucking Christ.

For the record I don't need to read more about the US government corruption, that's known. The fact that you're comparing the two is disturbing af

Several in fact. Most famously they bombed Tulsa oklahoma when black people there got too wealthy. But now multiple states are banning the teaching of it, alongside banning the teaching of our genocide of the Native Americans.

We do most of our murder of innocent people these days abroad though which isn't really much better, but most Americans are apparently completely fine with children being murdered so long as they aren't white and they aren't here, or they aren't in an American school being shot by one of their peers.

Starting with the native American or i don't count it ? I don't know ? Is shooting a bus full of kids and laughing about it saying they'll grow up to be terrorist anyway isn't that far off and this is the tip of the iceberg buddy. USA is good at hiding murdering brown people by prefixing the word terrorists.

And yet you won't face life in prison for writing that. Yeah you're right, SAME

Ask the dude from Afghanistan that was randomly taken and tortured beyond belief for just being in the place in the wrong time. He was repeatedly raped with a broom and his pelvis shattered from getting kicked repeatedly on the groin area. Oh yeah, he died. How human of them.

I'm sure the FBI is hinting you down for talking about it right now. SAME. Tienanmen square didn't happen history erased. China=USA. Happy?

I like how it's black or white with you guys. The Tienammen sqaure massacre did happen. Can your brain even understand that i said it ? or want me so hard to be a Chinese bot because you can't fathom anyone saying America is as bad of China. You're not the worst, japan takes the cake since they're like we did nothing wrong, ever.

I like how you're pretending you're not trying to deflect

Indeed, i am the one deflecting.

What is the article about? And what are you trying to make it about?

Weak ass response.

Read my first comment and then yours. What are you trying to make my response about ?

Honestly, you don't deserve a more indepth response that that.

Thank you for the block request. I will continue calling out other people's bullshit like yours 😘

Don't worry. I won't block you. It was an insightful argument beside your name calling and childish answers.

The troops advanced into central parts of Beijing on the city's major thoroughfares in the early morning hours of 4 June and engaged in bloody clashes with demonstrators attempting to block them, in which many people – demonstrators, bystanders, and soldiers – were killed. Estimates of the death toll vary from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded.[15][16][17][18][19][20] lived in China you'd likely not know about this, since people who talk about it go to prison. Yeah the US is exactly like this so let's not talk about Chinese government being awful to their citizens

Some states are teaching kids slavery wasnt bad because "slaves had a place to live , could eat and learned useful skills". what's worse saying it never happened or saying it was good for the people that suffered ??

The fact that you even thought to make any of these comparisons is what tells me you're either extremely unintelligent or purposely deflecting to make China look better

Of course, i am extremely unintelligent. Why else would i argue with someone that use name-calling ? China isn't better. I just don't have a propaganda induced deep hatred for it. To me neither are worst than the other. Well, USA backed how many coup d'état ? I believe it's in the 100,no ?

You are minimizing the news article and it stands to reason you've motive to do so. Go away.

I have no motives. seriously, i have none. Go away ? A great response worthy of a toddler. Okey, just don't call mommy.

if you wanted to make this a whataboutism is bad argument i'd be with you, but you're still toeing the line of "oh but it's okay when america does bad stuff, it's not the same"

No I am towing the line of "stop changing the subject and erasing history"

lol literally no one is "erasing history" what

Actually you are if you don't vehemently oppose comparing the US to China

man the american school system really did a number on you huh. or was it youtube? or twitter? something sent you this way.