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Joined 13 months ago

Cannot wait for this, I wishlisted it immediately when I first saw a post about it over the weekend.

Just fyi, M. in French is only equivalent to Mr, it's short for Monsieur. Mme (short for Madame) is equivalent to Mrs, and Mlle (short for Mademoiselle) is equivalent to Miss/Ms.

So using M. for everyone is equivalent to saying Mr. for everyone.

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I would normally be inclined to agree but this isn't one of those "omg I just had the most intelligent conversation with my 4-yo today".

It's clearly someone sharing their hobby/job with their niece, and what better way to do that than by including them in a practical aspect. It also literally says they "helped her as she's 4 years old".

You commenting is only bringing more attention to the post by increasing the comment count so maybe reevaluate your approach in the future if you're so against wholesome content.

In case anyone didn't want to open the article, the feature is improved image quality due to AMD's FSR2 on PlayStation being used over 2x MSAA on Xbox.

There's also a slightly different gamma on PlayStation, combined with the different anti-alliasing it results in cleaner looking frames. The article has side by side comparisons as well.

"I Guess"

Completely agree, having a memorable name is important but that doesn't mean the name should be a joke.

I haven't read the article OP linked but this CBS article I read mentioned that the case was essentially dropped as prosecutors didn't feel good about it, but after Duane "Keffe D" Davis started doing talk shows and released his book, they felt the case against him got strong enough to prosecute.

I mean, yeah, obviously the dev would rather people pay the subscription when some of the Ultra features require server work and/or continued costs (translation, OCR, etc.).

Developing Sync is his full time job, which is why it initially shipped without a lifetime tier. People voiced their opinion and the dev listened by adding the lifetime option and the ad free option. If you don't like the pricing, use a different app. Nobody is forcing you to use Sync. LJ doesn't owe you the app for free (or any price outside of what he feels is fair).

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I loved SCC, it was such a great show that didn't get the attention it deserved.

And when we are troubleshooting, we'll be searching "crackpipe _____"... I can definitely think of a few scenarios where that'll return very different results than expected.

I don't really get how everyone focuses on the ad-free feature as if it's the only thing that Sync Ultra provides. It also provides text recognition in images, translation in-app, (both requiring constant server work) and will eventually support push notifications (again requiring server work). On top of that, LJ has stated he wants to work on this app full-time, which is only possible if he earns a living from it.

If those features aren't interesting to a user, there's always the one-time ad removal option (I'll admit which is a bit pricey but per OP's post, is a one time fee and not a subscription).

I've had a Samsung watch for a few years and I'm definitely not careful with it but it has easily put up to all of my abuse and the battery still lasts a couple days or more. Nothing I can really complain about.

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Tom Francis (the dev behind TBW and many other great games) posted videos throughout the dev cycle of the game on his YouTube channel. They're definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in game design/development.

I used to stream a bit back in the days and I would usually only get a handful of viewers but even to this day, it was some of the most unique gaming experiences I had. I used to try and play games that no one was streaming/talking about and a couple of times I actually ended up with the devs watching the stream and those were such great memories.

One time, I played this flash game where you had timed "lives" and the dev was watching (without me knowing) when I ran out of lives. I mentioned I'd be going to play something else while I waited for my lives to come back and he sent me a DM telling me that he would go and remove the timer so I could keep playing if I wanted.

That being said, I haven't streamed since then and I'm honestly not even sure how I'd start again. I don't think I'd ever enjoy having a large audience but I definitely enjoyed playing with a few people helping out on what to do next.

I mean the definition of crime is literally "an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government". So it being "technically illegal" is the basis for it being a crime or not.

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Omg I remember seeing this was being remade but I've purposely not looked at anything beyond that. So excited to give this a try, it was one of the 4 or 5 games I'd play non stop in rotation (partly because I was bad at video games as a kid (not that I'm much better now, I just have less excuses)).

Agreed, definitely excited to see what the revised tech tree does to the initial stage of a playthrough as well. This seems like a great way to make the game feel fresh and change up a player's approach.

I also love the idea that we can have "bot instances" (as mentioned by OP) so an instance can decide if they want most bots or not. Not sure if communities themselves can exercise that kind of control but that would be amazing as well.

Add that to the rapidly growing lists of things that are improved on a decentralized platform!

I was in a similar situation but I ended up creating a support ticket. They responded by asking me to verify my ownership by responding to their email from the account I didn't have anymore... So you saved yourself some wasted time by not attempting to resolve the issue with them.

You might have a point if it was the only way to access Lemmy but it's far from the only app available so I really fail to see how the prices are "abusive".

Nobody is forcing you to use Sync, or even to pay for any of the subscriptions/one-time purchases.

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I hadn't kept up with Factorio much over the last little while but I've always appreciated how great the Friday Facts are.

Not surprised by the overall theme of the expansion but I didn't expect a different tech tree for "dlc playthroughs". I think if it's reshuffled correctly, it could really help give even the initial part of a playthrough a fresh feel and change up some of my usual strategies. Looking forward to reading about more of the details over the next year.

Which honestly has been one of my favourite features of Lemmy so far. I can browse All to see what everyone is talking about, I can browse Subscribed to see what I care about and I can browse Local to see what Canadians care about.

Scrubs completely captured what it feels like to work in healthcare. It's the only medical TV show that I not only managed to finish but actually rewatch often.

Highly recommend cases by Fractal.

For self hosting I'd recommend either one of the Meshify 2 or Define 7, depending on local price and your specific needs. I personally went with the Meshify 2 XL and was blown away by the quality of the case. It's built well and allows for a variety of configurations. It also makes maintenance very easy as the filters and side panels can all be removed without any tool to handle dust build up.

Instructions unclear, I've now got cables duct taped around my body.

Zotero is such a lifesaver. I started using it to allow for easier citations and reference lists but I've loved being able to keep my sources organized and saved in one place while doing research. The browser extensions are also super convenient to save everything to sort later on.

I'm in the same boat, I can only justify the expense to myself if I'm able to get the limited edition. The OLED model seems to address basically all of my minor issues with the LCD model so I know I'd enjoy the upgrade but it's definitely not necessary for me to enjoy the device.

I'm one of the few that don't work in tech but it's arguably the hobby I spend the most time (and money) with so I'm not sure if I really count. I work in emergency management & specialized response services.

I use it occasionally to try out games on gamepass that I'm not sure I'll enjoy. I'll usually play for about 30 minutes to an hour and then decide if I want to install it or just play something else.

I also occasionally use it on my steamdeck but that's even less often.

Some of us don't really have that luxury. For example, I don't choose who I need to communicate with for work purposes.

Board Game Arena would be my recommendation. Amazing platform that keeps adding games (typically a new game is added every Wednesday). You can play real-time or turn-based, I almost exclusively play turn-based these days since it allows me to check the website whenever I have a few minutes of free time and play through my turns.

They do except there's the additional condition of 2 weeks since purchase date. So as long as you've played less than 2 hours and purchased within 2 weeks, you'll get an automatic refund (unless you abuse the system, but I've returned many games over the years and never had issues).

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Huge fan of Bitwarden as well.

I love that you can assign a shortcut for autofill. I found the automatic autofill a bit too trigger happy and the shortcut solves that since it'll only autofill when I know there's actually a username/password box on the page. It also works perfectly with websites that ask for the username and password at seperate times (google, Microsoft, etc).

I think a lot of users on Reddit (including some who gave migrated to kbin/Lemmy) haven't experienced a lot of the forum and IRC era of the internet.

As you've mentioned, "fractured" communities can actually be beneficial since each contribution is that much more valuable and nuances can actually exist between the similar communities. It allows things like the instance I'm on where I know I'm more likely to get a Canadian perspective in the communities on versus other instances. To me that's a huge feature over centralized platforms where those nuances would get drowned out.

I think there's a decent chance it will. At the bare minimum, it already feels much better to me than voat ever did.

I've always loved our toonie as well, the two different metals just looks so great. The black ones for remembrance of QEII are especially nice.

I personally have always loved our money in general, a lot of it stands out quite a bit. I do find it quite funny though that even with such unique physical money, we are one of the most cashless countries in the world.

I actually find that I use my phone less when I'm wearing my smartwatch than when I'm not. When notifications come in, I need to make sure it's not work related or something else that requires my immediate attention. If I check a notification on my phone, I'm much more likely to end up doing something else at the same time. Whereas if I check my watch, I don't have any incentive to do anything else.

Reddit was such a different website back then, it's crazy to look back on compared to what it is now.

Do you have a guide or something to reference to setup EFT Single Player as you've described? I haven't played in a long time (last time was right around when the first versions of the SP mod was made public) because I got fed up with the online experience. I'd love to jump back in to SP eventually to see what's changed, I definitely miss the EFT gameplay.

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Same here. I understand the whole notion of how an instance is able to "see" communities on another instance on the fediverse. But I don't get what these kinds of website do differently to see all communities on all instances and why instances can't do that directly.

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