It's Maddie!

@It's Maddie!
0 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Just a refugee from Reddit looking to see what Lemmy has to offer!

"I don't have data to back it up, but I know it's better."

This is every boss in every company throughout time lol

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This leaky headed geriatric piece of shit can go fuck himself

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"Please select all images which evoke melancholy as opposed to existential dread."

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I think it's a spam bot, I had to block that community to keep it from taking over my feed

Stockholm Syndrome is the only explanation for women continuing to support Republicans

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Guy is doing a Republican presidential candidate speedrun

Guy is shooting his shot at a 40-way

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Celebrities singing Imagine

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All Texas women should leave the state regardless of whether or not they need an abortion

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Someone tell the c/FuckCars people, this'll really piss them off lol

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Young voters overwhelmingly prefer the guy who's not actively trying to destroy the future, how shocking!

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Electric Avenue

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If there's one thing Republicans can't stand, it's helping the poor.

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Why in the actual hell are we allowing Elon Musk of all people to put chips in people's brains?

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This should be illegal

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Body hair is now opt-in

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He really is just an absolute garbage human being

She needs to win over voters one HJ at a time

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Door open. My kitty sleeps in bed with me and she likes to come and go in the night, she'd wake me up if the door was closed!

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"Respect your elders"

Nah they're the ones who destroyed the economy giving free rein to corporations, set the planet on fire, and let cops run loose murdering and stealing as they please, fuck them

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It's pretty disrespectful to imply that ace people aren't fully human imo

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Breaking news: Face-eating leopard advocate gets face eaten by leopards

Also, they bring you delicious food instead of violating your civil rights and shooting your dogs for fun

Well Elon Musk is basically a cartoon villain at this point so that's not saying much

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Yes. Yes you are.

I'd been gradually coming to terms with my sexuality and being attracted to other women for a while, and was ready to take the next step and start exploring it. There's an LGBT club nearby that had a decent reputation, and they do this thing where they cater to men one weekend and women the next. They're not barring folks at the door or anything, it's just that one weekend is "guys night" and the next is "girls night" etc. So it took me a couple months researching it and trying to gather up my courage, and finally I was ready to pull the trigger. Got a new dress, hair done, makeup on point, the whole nine yards, pushed down the butterflies in my stomach, and stepped out into the unknown.

I had the wrong weekend, the club was full of gay guys.

I found out later that they'd had a club party or something a couple weeks before, and that had thrown off the rotation and I hadn't caught the change. I was like a deer caught in the headlights, didn't have a clue what to do. I figured I'd nurse a drink for a little while then run back home and try to stay out of everyone's way until then.

Fortunately, this really nice older guy and his boyfriend noticed me (he must've seen the panicked look in my face) and they invited me to sit with them and some friends. They were super nice and supportive, and they really made me feel welcome, I ended up getting much more comfortable and having a fun night. They encouraged me to come back the next weekend for girls night like I'd planned, I don't know if I would've if I hadn't met them, and that next weekend I ended up meeting the girl who I'm now in a relationship with, so it all has a happy ending!

But that first hour or so was for sure the most awkward of my entire 2023 without question!

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All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey

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This should be the exception to the "no cruel and unusual punishment" rule

He'd also make a much cooler statue

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What. The. Fuck.

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Must be why they prefer to make us suffer from a distance, sitting safely in Congress and the courts where they won't be exposed to our tears

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One at a time please, we're not freaks

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Well, they are

Fuck Reddit, Spez is an asshole

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But can their CEO read the fucking room?

Mustaches are mouthbrows

This guy has negative penis

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Melt it down and make it into toilets

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