2 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Chairperson of the Boards



Edit; I'm happy with Firefox, and have been using it exclusively for about 6 years now.

Fuck Google. Do no harm, unless it generates profit.

By the looks of these default recommended videos, Youtube is great for bigots and authright traitors.

Yougov is a privately owned British company that is not the branch or division of any federal governments, despite their name attempting to imply they are directly affiliated with the US government. YouGov was created by a couple super right wingers, conservative and bigoted AF. They create these polls as propaganda. They are almost always poorly conducted, with a purposeful effort to gain the outcome they desire.

Do not trust Intuit. They are lying.

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I live in the US, and I'm not familiar with Italian politics, but this seems a little ... republican.

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Remember kids, 'the economy' means 'rich people's portfolios'.

I can afford Apple products. I dont buy them, because, fuck Apple.

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The race relations Rudy is talking about is MAGA related and means segregation returns. We moved away from that. Magats don't like that.

I like to think it was sabotage.

At least it won't be pinned on cannabis. /s?

Neither do we.

Its not funny. Its ludacris.

Is that ... Mac?!

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3yrs in. I'd say I've lost maybe 10-15% of my strength. I gained about 8 pounds, and I've def gotten curvier, grown boobs, hips, and a butt. My thighs are thicker. It only follows that I lost muscle and gained fat.

My body temperature regulation became less stable too. I get hot and cold easier.

I also stopped drinking, after drinking for 20 years, when I started transitioning. I also cut most dairy out in the past year. So, other factors and such...

I eat literal fish antibiotics from the internet when I need antibiotics. American healthcare is too expensive.

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Well, I suppose that one way to get blocked, u/soot

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The hackers were the US Govt. /s maybe


I'm on Firefox, using Alexandrite ... can't see em.

No, the downvote is that this poll is pure propaganda produced by a Catholic institution.

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Polls are easily, and usually are, skewed or produced in a way to get the desired result. Anyways.... This one is garbage, too.

Siena College is a Catholic institution.

Of course a group of lgbtq+/women-hating nationalist Christians say the party that is against them is losing votes and doing poorly.

Future use: If you see "Siena College and Poll" in the same article ... it's garbage.