2 Post – 58 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

True. My comment was addressing the perception of Biden as portrayed by the major media outlets (they rarely ever mention that Trump is nearly the same age), but I concede that my comment could have been clearer in that regard.

Yeah, it doesn't matter, at least for me. One candidate is old while the other is a 34 times convicted felon. The latter has made it clear he intends to dismantle the democratic institutions of our country and turn it into another fascist regime. At this point the DNC could platform a watermelon in a wig and I'd still vote for them over the convicted felon.

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The fools

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I wish the media wasn't so focused on stuff like this. It's only feeding their egos and driving them to even further to out compete each other in the worlds biggest a-hole contest.

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A post by another user on this platform a few days ago suggested Tuberville's true motives were to keep key positions in the military vacant until Trump or another Republican is elected president where they can then fill those positions with loyalists. This is similar to what we've seen the GOP do on the Supreme Court.

One might be led to believe then that the ultimate goal is to use the military to support their attempts to retain power indefinitely.

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"I was surprised that there were not more objections," from the defense team he added. "At one point, the court ... objected, because there was no objection coming from the defense."

Either they are bad lawyers or they were strategically withholding their objections in order to file the mistrial motion. I fully expect this to be brought up again in an appeal, assuming Trump loses the case.

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Real shame they blew up those statues of Buddha. Those might have draw in some tourists. :|

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The funny thing is it was the Trump WH medical staff that was found to be illegally distributing drugs to staffers. Not saying definitively that Trump was partaking, but ...

Trump White House pharmacy improperly provided drugs and misused funds, Pentagon report says

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Trump and his minions keep talking about "evidence", but based on their many court losses over the years due to a lack of it I don't think that word means what they think it means.

During the course of the investigation into the shooting, deputy Herandez resigned from the force.

Good. So now maybe they should look into their hiring and retention policies to ensure this doesn't happen again.

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I'm not from NY, but I too was paying attention back in the day and can confirm, the Orange Turd has always been a deranged, self-absorbed, shit stain of a human being.

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The Outer Worlds has always struck me as something of an underrated game. I certainly liked it enough to play through it three times; once just the base game and two more times with the DLCs. I do agree that one of the highlights of the game are the companions. They were all unique and it was fun to pair up different companions and listen to their banter. Well, except for the robot who had fairly a limited set of lines.

I will say the DLCs added a lot to the game. I recall being mildly disappointed in how brief the base game was but after adding the DLCs it felt a lot more fleshed out. Not quite like a Fallout game, but enough to satiate.

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That poor stenographer having to dictate all that bullshit

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If this weren't real life that it'd make a great premise for a comedy show.

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"...the climate change agenda is a hoax" That's what he said about that topic. That comment is disgraceful and so are the media for not calling him out on it.

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I thank you from the bottom of my heart for addition of "Guzzle my entire septic tank." to my repertoire of insulting phrases. 😆

In a letter to CEO Mark Zuckerberg published by Semafor, a lawyer for Twitter said the company “has serious concerns that Meta Platforms (Meta) has engaged in systematic, willful and unlawful misappropriation of Twitter’s trade secrets and other intellectual property”.

Makes you wonder what, if any tech they could have appropriated.

Just another delay tactic. Here's hoping that the courts eventually get tired of all his BS and throw the book at him.

Musk should sue himself then. Seems like he has done the most to drive away advertisers.

He's always struck me more as doing a poor imitation of Mussolini

Crazy is the new normal

The Supreme Court is the final appeals court, so it makes sense that they can be asked to review cases like this. However, in this case I certainly hope they do the logical thing and pass on hearing this case since the appeals court clearly got it right.

I suspect Putin got what we wanted out of that interview, so Carlson is probably safe saying he was "annoyed". Still he should be careful to avoid stairs, upper story windows, planes, and ingesting anything he didn't make himself for the next few years to be on the safe side.

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From my experience 4chan is not a place for any sort of serious discussions. From what I saw there it's about trying to shock, disgust, and/or troll people as much as possible.

Reddit lost what little interest I had remaining when they announced they would be selling our content to train LLMs. To be clear, they were already on a downward spiral before then with their ever increasing focus on monetizing the platform as much as possible, but the "AI" business was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

Article really makes Tom Wright seem like a psycho piece of shit.

Exactly. He comes off as the sort of guy the shelter was designed to protect women from.

So their strategy is to double down on the crazy. This is certainly going to be an interesting campaign season then.

  1. It would be a pain in the ass
  2. You'd still have to post (alt)text for accessibility reasons
  3. OCR exists

She's not exactly a shining example of morality. Just say'n.

Newsom will soon discover what it's like to play chess against a chicken.

Watched the documentary. Good stuff, thanks for posting that link. While I can't say I anything new except for some details I either didn't know, or had forgotten, is was a good reminder of the events surrounding the 1/6 insurrection. It's a good reminder of why Trump should never be President again, but we'll have to see what the courts and the voters say about that.

Also, Robert Ray's (Former Trump Attorney) arguments became almost comical as the documentary played. I almost laughed out loud at hearing some of the mental gymnastics he was trying to perform in saying that Trump shouldn't be convicted because of the first amendment right to free speech.

I really want to believe this is true, but the last time I thought "There's no way the country would elect Trump", they did. :|

The resemblance to Rygel the XVI , Dominar (deposed) to the Hynerian Empire, is remarkable.

Thousands of hours in Skyrim and I've yet to kill a bunny once. To be clear, this is intentional. I wish no ill on the bunnies. Just happy that I've somehow managed to not kill one accidentally.

What the ever living fuck.

Legal difficulties then? Legal entanglements? How about legal challenges? Ah, I know - legal kerfuffles! Surely one of those better describes his situation! :P

They have to know that if they reject the sound logic of the lower courts then their heads could be literally on the line, if not from the current president, possibly the next.

There are also no toilets yet on Mars either, so it's probably just as well.

That one person you know who absolutely loves horses would be a lot creeper

Yes, yes I was kidding, but also pointing out the dangers of getting too chummy with a dictator. Their moods can be fickle and their friends can quickly become enemies or liabilities.

As others have said, the full, medical transition of children isn't really a thing. Therefor my response is entirely limited to the psychological and limited medical support parents should give to a child while the child matures to the point where full medical transition can then be possible.

That said, I would conditionally consider it child abuse if a parent has the means to help their child mitigate their gender dysphoria issues, but refuses to do so. Where I would not consider it abuse is when there are major financial (i.e. the parents are poor), logistical (they live in a remote area with limited/no internet connectivity), or safety issues (the child or families lives become jeopardized should others in their community learn of the child's apparent gender change) that would prohibit an otherwise willing parent from doing all that can be done to help their child in this regard. I would still expect a parent to do what they can, but if they cannot help the child, say for example receive all the necessary psychiatric help and/or medications then I would not necessarily fault the parents.