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Joined 10 months ago

I think conservatives freak out any time they learn basically anything.

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I can’t believe half the country wants to vote for this deranged sleazebag.

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That's not the message though, so this is disingenuous or misleading. We all 98% agree the US should tell Israel to quit their shit and not give them more funds or weapons, and that it's disappointing Biden and 90% of the US political establishment have supported this. However, what people are told is we should not vote for Biden, and vote third party or not vote, to 'send the Democrats a message'. Enough people doing that would have the predictable result of getting Trump elected, so yeah, it's a decent question why people would suggest that when a Trump admin would surely be worse on the Palestine issue.

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Agreed on cabs but hotels haven't changed anything significantly and they're looking much better than AirBnB at this point.

Sure, it’s like how NYC spent $150 million to bust people evading $105,000 in subway fees. Absolutely anything to avoid legitimately helping people.

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Their #1 favorite method of dishonesty is omission.

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There’s the trend of restaurants having “mocktails”, which is cool, but they often charge for them based on their price for alcoholic beverages. I don’t really want a special lemonade for $14.

it's also notable that the Pontiac Aztec, still widely panned as a poor deign, looks exactly like the extremely popular compact SUV or whatever that 30 different companies make nearly indistinguishable models of, but the Aztec had a dip in the profile at the rear.

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Well great, this justifies jizzing in my garden.

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Sure. Wiggle your mouse, introduce randomness into your typing, and read about things you’re not interested in. It doesn’t matter though as they’ll still sell your info.

Shitty company culture goes to the top. Of course Elton would hire people who act like that and he would give not even close to a fuck himself - after all, this is a guy who exposes himself to his personal flight attendants and buys ponies for women he harasses, starts affairs and has children with his employees.

Otherwise powerful politicians still act like they’ll literally die if they stop sucking his knob, though. Not clear why but it will be nice whenever that’s over.

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A worm? God Emperor. It all goes weird when he splits into sandpuppies though.

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I forgot how Trump and friends seemed to try to intentionally give Biden Covid last time.

Anyway, I think it’s unlikely Trump will debate him. If they do, the moderators should definitely enforce turning off the mic when it’s not someone’s turn to talk and not allow Trump to creepily wander around the stage and stand behind Biden like he did to Clinton.

Pretty funny how Gaetz cites a 'rule' created by a child molester.

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2 presidents have been gunned down, but to trump, “no one has ever been treated as unfairly as I have”.

It’s true, unfortunately. He’s a perfect distillation of Republican attitudes.

What’s with these anti-Biden strawmen/nonsense posts?

One, of course Trump and Republicans will continue funding Israel. Two, it’s a false dichotomy/strawman because nobody has said we have to continue funding Israel to prevent Trump from winning. How would that make any sense?

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No, I sure don’t. Talking endless shit about Biden will affect more than the primary.

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Do you need advice on coping with it? Sounds like an interesting experience. I haven’t lived in different countries but have lived in many different areas of the US. The southwest, south, Midwest, Pacific Northwest and New England vary a significant amount culturally in addition to the differences between rural and urban areas. I don’t have any real advice but I suppose have had similar experiences… I grew up in a very car centric SW city, basically nothing but houses and strip malls like a mini LA, and thought it was great… I loved driving around and exploring the grid of traffic. However decades later I realized I wouldn’t enjoy living there at all and much prefer towns like central Eugene, OR where you can walk to everything you need within a few blocks.


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We’ve already lost a ton of media from 30+ years ago due to lack of preservation and obsolete formats. Are there going to be VHS players in 50 years? DVD drives? Ways to play video formats that are now common? How about the impact of streaming and lack of physical media? What about in 300 years? Is such technology guaranteed to survive potential cataclysmic wars?

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Great! Time to repeat some more republican talking points and post negative articles about Biden.

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Damn, they could have achieved the dream of uniting to form the worst airline possible.

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Back in real life, your lame attempt at sarcasm or whatever is pretty apparent. The usual “OMG I’m so left wing that we should get Trump elected” bullshit.

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I've always thought that about recession predictions. After all, economists measure consumer confidence and define the meaning of the results as

if consumers are optimistic, they will spend more and stimulate the economy, but if they are pessimistic then their spending patterns could lead to an economic slowdown or recession.

It's clearly reasonable to think that publishing panic-inducing articles like "stock market will soon CRASH 49%!!" would decrease consumer confidence.

I wouldn’t expect somewhere in the south to do something well thought out, proven or logical on basically any issue.

Art and music. If you act like you have some sort of cache and community respect, it's easier to socially hop with other artists and some customers also assume you're a big shot they haven't heard about yet. I was always pretty low-key but saw a few people use this as a path to success.

Of course, Trump is obviously a loathsome scumbag who upholds zero tenets of theoretical Christianity, and evangelicals said he was a "flawed vessel".

Do you mean all of the people none of the time?

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That’s fine but shady people selling likely counterfeit drugs to just anyone including kids isn’t helping anything. I agree it’s an effect of drug prohibition. However, the same shitty lack of moderation also enables crimes that you might agree are a problem such as child grooming and human trafficking.

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Is there some chance Biden might win Tennessee? Why do we care about what a bunch of 20 year olds in Tennessee specifically think?

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I get this all the time in the browser mobile interface, on different instances. Often I click on a link, go back, and am signed out. It can happen multiple times a day. Oddly sometimes voting still works, but the UI shows me as signed out and functions like I am.

From what I gather the iPhone 15 was kind of flaky. I have an older one and don't really have any problems with it at all. Probably varies between manufacturers for Android, I'd guess, since there are a dozen.

I agree, there’s a balance. I don’t think criminalizing homelessness is a good policy, but I also don’t like situations I’ve seen where homeless people take over parks, block sidewalks, or turn a whole street into a ghetto hellhole with burnt out abandoned RVs and trash. I understand these people are in dire straits but it’s not fair to deny everyone else use of public spaces like parks. A group of 20-25 people basically occupied a park near where I live in Denver for two weeks until the city finally kicked them out - ringed it with RVs, broken down cars, trash and debris, people sleeping on picnic tables, noise and commotion at night, open drug and alcohol use. Another thing is that wouldn't have been tolerated in the higher income areas of the city for even one day, and it is blatantly against park usage laws. I also know people who had situations like a group of random transients came and built a tent shanty directly behind their house in the alley, blocking their gate and parking area, doing a bunch of shady shit with bikes and making noise all night, and the city/police response was “well you should talk to them and ask them to leave”.

It’s amazing to me that the US is at the point where we have shanty towns taking over public areas. Unfortunately, our current solutions are an awful in-between where cities tolerate encampments for a while, then do a “sweep” where they clean the area off, kick everyone out and throw away possessions if people don’t remove them first. Then the people who had been living there just go to a different area of the city and nothing is every really solved.

I find them useful for skimming articles, but when it’s “saved 90%” like this they tend to be somewhat disjointed.

No reason to think OP is a bot - what does that even mean? OP is merely an idiot.

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Right, it works out to something ridiculous like only 17%. Besides a more engaged populace, it sure would help to have more mail-in (and look at all the Republican bullshit about that), a day off for Election Day, and for voter suppression to not be so rampant.

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Yeah, I’m aware of that and it’s what I said at the time. Anyway, my point was more about the weirdo who took it 200 times. I don’t think I would survive that.

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I suppose this is a ruling based purely on constitutional merits - saying the federal government is in charge of enforcing that clause, not states. In principle though, it seems like bullshit if we’re still going with the idea that states are independent entities joined in a republic. States should be in charge of elections they hold. Could they say the same thing if a state had their own law that a candidate for federal office could be disqualified from the state ballot?

I also wonder what the court would have to say about this anti-democratic atrocity some states have concocted lately (republicans, of course) where they want the state legislature to be able to discard election results and pick a candidate if they claim an election was corrupted.

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