Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay to politics – 665 points –
Conservatives are freaking out because they learned that some animals are gay - LGBTQ Nation

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I think conservatives freak out any time they learn basically anything.

Or alternatively, pretend it didn’t happen

A true servative learns everything they will need to know for the duration of their life by the age of 13.

They die basically the same kinds of people they were born as.

And by conservatives you mean two random twitter accounts that, at least in the article screens, do not mention their political view at all, one random youtube commenter with no mention of political views, and one conservative sports website which is kind of a weird crossover.

Let’s keep it real here, that article is trying suuuuper hard to be edgy with nothing much to cling to. Conservatives stopped talking about gay people in the 90’s.

The fuck are you smoking? Thomas talked about overturning Obergefell in his Roe ruling. Fuck off.

Sorry dude. I read the article and see the only cites of conservatives losing it are a couple social media comments from random noname people with no clear political view.

I don’t follow foreign politics so I have no clue what you’re trying to say, but in my country the older thinkers give zero fucks about people being gay.

Either way, do you think this article sincerely found conservatives freaking out about gay animals because I do not see that in this article. It does the world no favours manifesting polarization without substance.

Thomas is a Supreme Court justice and his legal ruling in a recent case advocated for banning gay marriage. Perhaps the situation is different elsewhere but in the US there is still a lot of prejudice against queer people among conservatives.

That nuts, thanks for the context.

According to Wikipedia the overwhelming majority of Americans support gay marriage. It actually references the 90’s as the turning point which seems to support my original comment.


You: I don't understand American politics around queer people but I'm gonna tell you that you have nothing to worry about. Fucking idiot.

What the overwhelming majority of Americans believe doesn't matter, because the US is not a direct democracy; it is a representative republic. The representatives are elected, and are massively corrupt. The corruption comes in many different forms, like gerrymandering, first past the post voting leading to a two party system, private monetary donations to political campaigns leading to representatives doing their donors' bidding, revolving door politics, the owner class having ownership over the means of production leading to massive consolidation of wealth which then ties back into private money in politics and the revolving door, etc.

When looking at polling data, the American people are pretty solidly social democrats, but US policy does not reflect that at all; instead, it reflects the will of the corporations and wealthy donors, except for very rare situations where there is a form of direct democracy, like direct ballot initiatives, for example. When looking at bills that are signed into law outside of direct ballot initiatives, 99.99% of the time, it reflects the interests of the wealthy or fascists (since the wealthy prefers fascism over any semblence of socialism, since it keeps them in power).

Yeah I think it is more of a loud minority but it is a strongly held belief for a not insignificant portion of the population, and they hold a lot of political power.

The majority of Americans arent conservative, so what the majority believe doesnt reflect what a minority of the population believe. As for the population of conservatives its about thirty percent, they just have undue influence due to fuckery and outdated governmental systems.

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I don’t follow foreign politics so I have no clue

Should have stopped there.

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You had me until the last sentence.

You may now be my favorite parody account on Lemmy.

I guess prepare to be let down?

I don't think you could let me down if you tried, friend.

Peruse my comments. Huge let down. But thanks for your support.

I’m not talking specifically about this issue or what was said in this article.

What issue or what article?

It was a general statement. Not sure why that's difficult to discern.

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