
8 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sundar Pichai has got to be the worst CEO in the silicon valley period

Google has managed to produce next to nothing of value with a dreamteam of engineers the likes of which no one else had access to

From one uninspired leadership decision to the next they've just been sitting there bolstering what's already there while every once in a while adding a new product to the Google graveyard

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The eu:

€20 take it or leave it

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HTML5 made video a first class citizen of your browser and buffering is handled automatically now 🙂


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That'd be like deploying a satellite to find your own ass...

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That's insane

Also lol at the people getting mad at the tea maintainer for "name calling" the guy hired to write up the scam PR

Gig economy or not this idiot should have known better


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No gayness? Count me out

It would literally not matter since it all ends up as heat in the end which is what you're looking for anyway

Minus 5 watts on the three fans or something

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The recruiter (most often third party head hunter) being competent has zero influence on the quality of the vacancy they're trying to fill

Gatekeeping makes you look dumb

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Can we call that terrorism too now?

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I'm convinced selecting trans women into those pageants, given who runs them, is a psyop to stir up the reactionaries against the women and the progressives in defense of them, leaving nobody behind to discuss...

Why on earth are we still having these dated creep shows in this day and age? They already felt like a comeback to the 1960s in 2010

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no it's a blue check twitter guy with a loli problem

You don't trademark the word "threads", you trademark it within the context of the industry you're in

I can make a shop that sells pies and call it "Apple"

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You wanna sell in europe you obey europe's standards and regulations

The publication reported that a judge had signed an injunction in 2016 that prohibited specific children to visit "any place of Ashley Villalobos' residence" because she was a "known prostitute."

Lmao it's like she's poisonous or something, what the fuck

Oh yeah even lifeprotips, if you go in the comments it's just full of people grasping at straws to find the tip useless and upvoting each other's cynicism

There was one: "If you want a fridge's compressor to turn on and off less frequently (ie: if you sleep in the same room), fill it with water bottles to increase thermal mass" and the top comments were "Actual life pro tio: get an apartment with 2 rooms???"

I was like: are these people actually that slow?

The less there is to say about an advice, the less reasons you have to go write a comment. Therefore the people in the comments are often outliers

The article says it's exploitable via javascript on a random web page. I don't see how that could be possible

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Uploaded the pic on github

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When reddit had the same amount of content that lemmy has right now it was already its user's main timewaster

It's just a matter of time

There's also power in just existing and becoming an increasingly more viable alternative to reddit. Between disappointment in the mods and how centralized things are, racist stuff invading the front page, ads, admins, ... the less painful the transition becomes from one timesink to another the more the risk to Digg their own grave becomes threatening

The only thing I'm scared of is whether lemmy is capable of standing up to bad actors with its decentralized architecturr because if we imagined it becoming, say, half as popular as reddit; we'd start getting astroturfing campaigns and spam. And vote-manipulation is way easier here, and so is ban evasion

Holy jpeg

Are we in the 1400s what is this

Is this an american thing

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I'm really glad they let them add support for case insensitivity in ext4

I would've 100% expected some prideful cunt to block it

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I will literally kill you if you don't like the correct type of roman pillar decorations

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This exact scenario with links to cloud folders is also how the infowars lawyer leaked case related stuff to the prosecution lawyer for the sandyhook families

I have a feeling it's time to think of a better (or worse!) UI/UX to alleviate human error

He doesn't read

Likely got it from a new alt right friend he made in the last 8 years


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Either emulation is legal and you're therefore okay with devs getting payment for tgeir labor or it's illegal and they need to keep as low a profile as they can

I hate people who try to be on both sides

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If one day I start caring enough about a videogame cosmetic to the point of whining publicly to make it more affordable, someone find me and murder me please

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Bruh Poland is handling its cops better than France

We still can't freely publish images of ours AND they're all masked AND they routinely not wear their mandatory ID on their vests

It's 3 carrots a day and the skin color is harmless (other than not actually protecting against UV but that's, like, not worse than not doing it) so it's actually quite positive. As long as they don't think they can suddenly skip sunscreen, ...

I got a permanent ban for report abuse for reporting a politicalcompass meme that was only toeing the line on hatespeech

I did like 5 other reports in the past that all got the post removed

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Factorio is priced appropriately

It's less that it never goes on sale, more like it is always on sale

And they can react to in-game state as well

If every action produces logs and the logs are given to every npc along with some flags, suddenly,

Just punched a guard? That goes in the context

Player is rich? That's in the context

Wearing mage clothes? Context

It's a cool way to increase immersion for not much effort without breaking anything in a traditional game

What taxes? How much do Americans need to indebt themselves for for college until people like you stop trying to have a say in what's being taught there instead of it being the job of the professors?

Do you realize I got paid to do my degree in France and we also have sociology and everyone is fine with it

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Yes you could say I hang out mostly with party animals

"I was playing bronze 3 league of legends during the debate"

haha smol peen funi

Ah but you see I'm not just eating nuts

I'm eating nuts unless I have nuts allergies

There's got to be a new directive following this for the writers on those games: "Ensure the dialogue doesn't matter"

How's that gonna work?