Trans men enter Miss Italy pageant in droves after trans women are told they can’t compete

Gaywallet (they/it)@beehaw.orgmod to – 259 points –
Trans men enter Miss Italy pageant in droves after trans women are told they can’t compete

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I'm convinced selecting trans women into those pageants, given who runs them, is a psyop to stir up the reactionaries against the women and the progressives in defense of them, leaving nobody behind to discuss...

Why on earth are we still having these dated creep shows in this day and age? They already felt like a comeback to the 1960s in 2010

They felt like a comeback to the 1960s in 1990... and thereupon lies your answer: they're shows for boomers, designed for when they were 18±5 years old, and still catering to the same audience. Kind of like Eurovision.

As anecdotal reference, I've recently heard a boomer-aged gent, get scandalized by the "oversexualization" of modern pop singers... then proceed to watch a Miss contest, followed by an Eurovision "let's pick our candidate" show 😒

Excuse me, but I will not take this Eurovision slander

My mistake; Eurovision started in 1956, when the youngest "boomer" (born in 1946, or 9 months after WWII ended) was about 10 years old, so that would make them 19±5 in the 1960s.

Now the slander: this is "Operacion Triunfo 2024"

Await with great expectation for one of those artists to represent Spain this year... 🤷

And then everyone got up and clapped.