9 Post – 592 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This DIO

No dick, no balls and probably no butthole since this guy feeds on radiation

She’s already done and uses her time for something useful

Aren’t there rules against doxxing?

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Do not the dog


It’s always money

Just kidnap me, as long as I get food and internet access and don’t have to pay rent, I will cooperate.

But who would be willing to kidnap in this economy?

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What do you mean superior complex? I am superior

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AI CEOs be like

Online Communism 😃

Real Life Communism 😠

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The prophecy has been fulfilled

Only X11 remains to become porn

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I don’t know, I need to know which operating system she uses to be sure

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Don’t forget this part

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I wanna see this with the evaluation symbols next to the messages

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Steam is full of corporate bootlickers it’s unreal 💀

Screw those functional people, all my homies are terminally online messes

Given she spends like 80% of her free time talking shit about a marginalized minority, she also has no class in general

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I prefer too many plugs over too few

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The existential horror of being in the second half of an hbomberguy video

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He became American 😔

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I wanne see them try that in Germany so they get fucked even harder than if they normally had a lawsuit on their ass

I love modern technology (else I wouldn’t still be in cs)

I just hate how most of it is not in our own control, but in the hands of greedy corporations with the sole goal of making their ceo able to buy another private jet. I should have the right to homebrew my consoles, repair my coffee grinder, uninstall programs I don’t want and not have my data stolen.

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HP is probably the worst big tech device company. Their products are shit, break quickly, are overpriced and econ students love them.

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Some more fun facts:

The tickets costed 40£ each

Not just the promotional images, but also the scripts for the actors were AI generated

The AI also created a whole new character called the unnamed (Edit: unknown, not unnamed), a shadowy chocolate-maker who became evil and lives inside the walls

Edit: Also they didn’t have any chocolate and each guest only got a single jelly bean and a 6cl shot of lemonade

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Let AI take monetary decisions for companies

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The same person

If it’s some "culture war" bs, just assume the opposite of what Fox News (or any reactionary outlet) claims

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Hey guys, did you know that in terms of domestic violence, 40% of cops are the most compatible aggressor for their partner?

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Protest for or against whatever you think is important and not what others think is important.

Also usually people can protest for or against more than one thing.

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Femboys are boys and transgirls are girls.

It’s even in the fucking names

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Bottom right author is one attractive person away from a realization about themselves

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Simple solution: make the employees hold the shares of the company

Oh wait, I think I just reinvented some socialist theory

What I have here is a dozen condoms and a brand new, never before used bottle of lube

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Mozilla Queershark

Notorious BI

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