77 Post – 479 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

God, Biden was just pathetic and old in this debate and got steamrolled by a coked up, orange fat ass old man.

They're banking on, and rightfully so, all of these shitty conservative judges that McConnell put in place to rule in their favor.

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Asshole who raised an asshole complains about asshole behavior from said asshole.

Damn who could have seen that coming....

Went on a trip recently and we always stop by a McDonald's for breakfast and holy crap, a freaking hash brown was almost three bucks.

I get having to pay workers more but that's just some bullshit price gouging there because there's no way in hell what workers are still there are getting paid that much better in order to justify a the dollar hash brown.

Ah Republicans when faced with the fact that they're shitty husbands and get divorced at higher rates than in the past, instead of looking inwards and trying to figure out why less people want to fuck and stay married to their shitty views, simply want to outlaw women and men to extricate themselves out of their shitty conservative marriage and force them to remain unhappy.

Spot on Republican family values.

I'm sorry, Hillary Clinton and Josh Gottheimer says what? Fucking moron.

Can't wait until old conservative Democrats go the way of the dodo and I can actually feel good about voting for Democrats again.

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Once again Democrats back and push for a conservative in the primary. Really fucking sad and why I'll never donate to the party ever again.

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Yeah, probably, and unfortunately probably from my generation no less. Still, even with my generation they're significantly less neo-liberal than these old ass blue dogs and then not having such an outsized influence would still be greatly welcomed by me.

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Judkins said that after the finger test, a lead cybertruck engineer at Tesla said he did the video wrong.

The engineer told him the frunk increases in pressure every single time it closes and detects resistance, Judkins said. It's going to assume you want to close the frunk and maybe something like a bag is getting in the way, which would make it close harder.

Are you kidding me? You did the test wrong on a safety critical feature? No you dumbass engineer, you designed it wrong. Why in the holy fuck would you make a safety critical algorithm keep applying more pressure on subsequent attempts??? That's literally the opposite of what you do for safety.

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This will just be the first of many. There have already been three documented cases in Ohio of minors who were sexually assaulted and were forced to go out of state for an abortion and thankfully since they could afford it.

But then again this is what Republicans support and want, the cruelty is the point because they think this thirteen year old asked for it. At least until it happens to their family and then they will be all about their moral abortion.

Fucking illogical bigotry combined with irresponsible gun culture and this is what your get.

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Yeah, like I needed any more evidence to prove that Joe Rogan is a complete and utter fucking moron.

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Just remember that these shit Republicans are lying sacks of crap and they're going for birth control too. These Republican women won't rest until the other women are barefoot and in the kitchen.

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Not even divorced yet and she's already getting fingerbanged in public with her affair partner. That's some fine Republican family values there, making her grandchild conceived outside of teenaged marriage proud.

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Good to see them calling these shitty AAA publishers and their terrible, anti-consumer ideas out.

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Yeah, I'm an embedded software developer myself and yeah, when we architect our code we have safety critical sections identified with software safety reviews and we always go with the assumption that we're going to run into that one guy who's the living embodiment of Murphy's law and go from there with that design to minimize the potential for injury and death.

Can't imagine who the hell is in charge of the software safety reviews there that let that pass.

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This is why I fucking hate government grants to corporations. These assholes never put in safeguards to actually force these jackass companies to actually use it as intended.

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Given that this is VW, I'll wait until someone else verifies this.

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Just corporate greed for more of you data to sell.

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A criminal investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement is ongoing.

Not going to hold my breath for any actual justice here.

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In a act of partisan cowardice that surprised absolutely nobody.

I mean it should and they didn't set a new standard, they just brought back a old standard of having a developer and publisher actually giving a fuck about making a good, complete game.

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A AG asking questions they know the answer to isn't setting someone up, it's called doing their fucking job correctly.

It's just a bonus of they know the guy on the stand is a prolific liar who can't lie and is the poster child of the dunning-kruger effect.

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I mean really, what at this point won't send a dumb ass MAGA person into toddler tantrum territory?

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He was a fucking murderous snowflake then and he's still a pathetic fucking snowflake now.

Yup and some of it is just absolutely insidious too. Take for example my state's 529 plan, it actively punishes the poor and working class. They charge a 4% fee/tax that decreases as you put more in at one time so a working stiff putting in part of their paycheck every month will get 4% stolen from them while the rich guy that can afford to put in 10K at once pays not a damn thing. To me that's completely and utterly screwed up and punishing those who need help the most.

It's absolutely sick how this "Christian Nation" actively goes and hurts the poor.

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I mean yeah but gamers keep supporting shitty companies that provide the exact opposite in record numbers so we don't get stuff like this much anymore.

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Basabe’s lawsuit accuses parade organizers of violating his First Amendment rights to free speech

Oh look, another dumbass, asshole republican who doesn't understand the first amendment but won't let the stop him from being a complete douche.

That's one fat, dumpy, ACAB fascist right there.

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She posted that she "...just had to put down 3 horses a few weeks ago".

Again as a person who grew up in the country around livestock, WTF is she doing that she had to put down multiple horses? Maybe she should really reconsider any form of animal husbandry because they sure as fuck sound like completely incompetent ranchers.

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I grew up in the country, raised chickens with my folks, so I get that farm dogs are different than indoor pets, I've had to put down a few dogs in my day due to old yeller situations but I've never put a dog down for being a shitty dog trainer, something that Republicans seem to really love bragging about.

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Huh, I would have never guessed public handjobs to be part of Republican politics. Live and learn I guess.

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Do I hate the two party system? Yes. Do I hate the fact that centrists like Joe Liberman who literally killed universal healthcare in the US are revered and embraced by Biden's party? Yes. Do I hate the fact that Democrats are always dismissive of liberal ideas and often act like complete jackasses and can't admit that when Obama was running there were a ton of Clinton supporters that didn't vote for Obama in a blatant act of pure hypocrisy? Yes.

Do I fucking hate Nazis and Fascist? Fuck yes.

Hence why even if I don't like the Democrat running, I'll vote for them and honestly, Biden isn't too sucktastic. Except for kyrsten sinema, she can fuck right the hell off forever.

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18 million copies sold and they're pulling this bullshit. Fuck Nintendo at this point.

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Not even a water issue.

The advisor said that "it is a known issue in the Cybertruck that when you do a screen reset, instead of resetting in the standard two minutes, it takes five hours."

This is crappy and lax software testing and verification testing.

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Raises new questions? No you dumb insincere assholes in the American media, we've been asking the same damn question and have had solid answers to why and how to fix this kind of bullshit for over a decade now.

oh and

Police have offered a conflicting account of what happened Jan. 10, saying in a statement Friday that they had executed a search warrant at the correct address and that the child did not "sustain any apparent, visible injuries."

Otherwise known as cops lied once again and they'll get a tax payer paid vacation while they investigate themselves and found they did nothing wrong.

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I think we missed Rep Crocket's poignant question after Greene insulted her appearance:

Just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blonde, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?

Also it's worth watching the entire thing to see how crass and ignorant, especially Comer lack of intelligence of the rules, Republicans were.

Can't blame them but at the same time, yeah kind of sad they folded as easily as a Nintendo DS.

I will say Nintendo can count on me, a older game with disposable income and kids, not buying a switch 2 with they way they've been acting with all of their lawsuit and anti-consumer practices.

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My experience in the past twenty years on both the looking and hiring end is that ultimately I don't think AI changes anything.

You've just replaced humans in HR that have no fucking clue what to look for and relied on algorithms and key word searches to filter out the good people to just going to directly to algorithms that will do the same shit job.

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Unless the company is going to allow me to run in company time or pay me my base pay plus overtime on top of the bonus that's a hard fuck no from me.

Company wants my time, they better damn well pay for it.

ETA. Thinking about it more, nah this whole running for your bonus is bullshit and I wouldn't do it even if they paid me overtime since running/exercising unless your job is directly related to it, running has nothing to do with work performance which the bonus is based on.

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