Dueling at high noon? Missouri Senate Republicans, gripped by conflict, look for way out

inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 66 points –

Ah, Missouri Republicans, always looking for the next way to prove themselves clowns.


“GRrRRrr! A post titles must match headlines!!!! Hssssd…. [I better go double check….]….. wow that’s actually the headline….. wtf MO?”

Yeah...just when you thought the Republican clown show in Missouri couldn't get more ridiculous.

Buried in the article is that Republicans are attempting to pass a law to raise the threshold needed for a popular referendum to pass. They're trying to block people from voting to legalize abortion in the state this next election, because they know they'll lose.

I'm not sure dueling at high noon was the craziest thing in that article, but it was up there.

Everybody knows you duel mid morning. It gets too hot otherwise.

No, it’s not as fun at noon, but I always do it anyway. That way the other guy can’t say “the sun was in my eyes” while he bleeds out. It really makes everything more legitimate.