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Tony scratched his neck, his high visibility vest making him itchy again. He took off his bright yellow hardhat, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Now cradling his hardhat under one arm, and a clipboard in his hand, he sidled over to the rich prick. “Look, Enrique, I really need you to sign the…” He paused for a rattling rumble, as a dump truck disgorged another load of printer cartridges onto the front lawn. “…pink copy of the bill of lading. It confirms the delivery was made, and my drivers can get paid.”

Enrique sputtered, fuming. “What the hell am I supposed to do with this?“ He said, gesturing at the small hill nearly obscuring his mansion.

“Well…” Tony grunted. “ You better hope that some of these loads have magenta, otherwise these piles of cyan and yellow are totally useless.“

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Good art is free expression of diverse ideas. Conservatives prefer artistic expression to conform to their narrow sensibilities.

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I know y’all are joking, but seriously, what is going on here?

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OK the memes were funny at first, but is it starting to feel a little astroturfy in here? Like, is her telling everyone they need to vote actually that scary for establishment politics?

The private plane thing is definitely hypocritical, but we’re singling her out from every single celebrity that also does that. Maybe I don’t follow her story close enough to know why, but it seems like the only thing that makes her different from the other celebrities is that she made conservatives mad about voting, and young people like her?

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Funny thing is that Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with gay stuff.

Ezekial 16:49

Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.

It was greed and inequality.

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I get the feeling she was rejected for the same reason Samsung’s sam was cancelled.

Nintendo looked into the endless horny, and when that endless horny returned their gaze, Nintendo blinked.

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The verdict is in! Looks like we landed on “ Possibly criminally negligent”

“Last year, an external audit commissioned by Meta found that while the company was routinely using algorithmic censorship to delete Arabic posts, the company had no equivalent algorithm in place to detect “Hebrew hostile speech” like racist rhetoric and violent incitement. “

Art does not need to be good to be expressed.

I’m tempted to dive into my philosophic opinions on when art ceases to be, but they would be coming from some really unearned confidence.

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Shall we play “Unreasonably evil” or “ Criminally negligent”.

Let’s head to the article!

We thought about it, but then we signed a treaty or two that cancelled the project.

Holy shit, ordering the wrong batteries was the icing on the cake.

Bisexual doors, they swing both ways. Also, awkward as fuck in conversation.

What is Purebred, If it’s not just inbred with the paperwork to prove it?

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-Metric system

-abolish penny

-abolish daylight savings time

-Every month is now five 6-day weeks (More orderly, no Monday)

-Last five days of every year (Six on leap years) Is now a New Year’s festival.

-move august and july to end of year (now September, October, November, December Correspond with their correctly numbered month)

Ads cannot interrupt content, can only be before or after each episode/movie

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These items are usually marked “not for individual sale“. I’m pretty sure what you are witnessing is people just stealing things. (At least some of the time, But smaller stores do break those “not for individual sell” rules too).

If you’re not sure, just asking an employee.

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Is this inevitable for some people? Or is this what happens when it goes untreated?

Had hair, didn’t fuck. No longer have hair, do fuck.

Fucking is definitely better than having hair. No contest.

Relative to what, though? A lot of lore has ghost tied to locations on earth, which are typically fixed places. I guess if there was some kind of astology ghost tied to certain stars it might rocket off in some unexpected way.

Maybe that could be a tool in some exorcist’s bag. Convince a ghost it’s tied to some stars, and trick it into changing its frame of reference.

Sorry, adhd, just saw the microwave background part. What i said still makes sense though.

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That tracks. Celebrity stuff usually annoys me, so I avoid news about it. There’s just been too many Swift Plane jokes to ignore lately.

Eh, why not.

In my opinion, art is when a person is inspired by … ”emotion” seems to weak and vague. “Passion” is closer, but some art is subtler and gentler than that word evokes.

That feeling could be humor, or awe. It could be hate, love, worship, derision, even focus or determination. They take that feeling and use it as inspiration to intentionally create.

Creation. Inspiration. I think art is when these two elements fuze.

I know you get some weird situations because of that definition, but I still like it.

Poorly drawing a dick on a napkin to make your depressed friend smile is more art than a world class painter perfectly, yet passionlessly, duplicating a priceless masterpiece for a scam.

A designer spending four extra hours in CAD because that small section of the chair just isn’t right is creating art. The assembly line recreating that exact chair for sell isn’t.

What is good art is extremely subjective. In my opinion, it’s art that takes a great deal of skill, effort, or an ingenuous innovation. It’s art that the passion of the artist demands you listen, or art that inspires an intense passion in the consumer of it. If it has a goal of inspiring a reaction, and it inspires that exact reaction.

Bad art is lazy, or boring. It derives its substance entirely from prior art with no innovation or originality. If it has a goal reaction, it fails to elicit it. It can be low skill or low effort. If its designed to bully or punch down, it is in my opinion “bad art”.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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I know the second part is from that Gundam show, but what is the first anime? The animation looks awesome, and I want to check it out.

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Personal opinion though: It would be an absurdly expensive way to taint future study of any place we nuke, especially if we want any hope to find any type of life on another planet.

I really hope we find something on Europa or Titan. Both have water and heat, so maybe they’ve got something next to a seafloor vent or something.

All beverages are now required to be Diet New Coke served exclusively in those tiny cardboard milk cartons.

pines … sinep

(The ellipsis holds forever in its palms).

Depends. He is indestructible and, as far as I know, not a renowned chef. Cooking with ingredients that you actually put in food should be totally safe for him.

He might be able to find some kind of exotic alien substance that could cause some physical pain, but at that point, is he really cooking? Or just adding something painful to food?

Sidenote, he could probably find some kind of kryptonite that would disable his powers for a meal.

Mass Effect is my most favorite series ever. Also played dragon age and liked it.

I don’t know if there is a specific word for it, but I think I know what you mean.

I was driving in traffic on a major interstate recently, and glanced out the window. I was struck by how many cars there were.

I kinda came to an overwhelming realization that each of these cars contained people with lives and hopes and dreams. They had all had years of life and memories leading up to them being behind the wheel in the car next to me. Most would have years to live in the future. There where cumulative millenia of experiences I’d never bear witness to.

I was just a small part, a single glance in their day; a day where they in turn would see thousands more.

Like stepping one too many times off the top of a dark staircase, there was an odd sense of… vertigo? Or, if you’re walking in murky water, and it drops off into sudden depth. There’s a short flash of panic at the sudden moreness of it, and you shake yourself, readjust, and go on with your day.

Maybe the phrase “existential crises” might apply somehow?

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Funny thing is that this isn’t technically true. If the fan is strong enough, the current will hit the sail and reflect backward and to the side, creating some very inefficient thrust. Any fan strong enough to achieve this would do better to remove the sail entirely and just point the fan backwards, but it would technically work.

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McConnell hasn’t had a bowel movement in decades, so he lets Trump shit his pants for him.

No, it’s not as fun at noon, but I always do it anyway. That way the other guy can’t say “the sun was in my eyes” while he bleeds out. It really makes everything more legitimate.

Thank you! You’ve answered a question I never really knew how to ask. I hope you have a really nice day.

Edit: Also threw an upvote towards AFKBRBChocolate. Credit to whom credit is due.

It looks like a donkey, but off the top of my head, I don’t know why. Visually speaking, how can you tell the difference?

Fair enough.

The acronym looks like Rick Sanchez trying to order tequila.

Thank you for your reply. I’ll have to think about it.

I mean, as a bisexual, it’s a win win scenario.

I have not, I’ll have to check it out

I appreciate the answer, I haven’t played any of those.


Wait, how big IS a football field?

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