Police find a second sex video of Moms for Liberty co-founder

inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 703 points –
Police find a second sex video of Moms for Liberty co-founder

Sir, a second sex video has been found.

Bridget, you deserve to be fired from your job because you are terrible at your job, not because you had sex with a woman,

I love this so hard. Epic burn.

i haven't even been able to find the first one yet

Good and let's hope it stays that way, because the rape victim filmed without consent is also one of the people in that video.

And even if there was no rape victim in the video, there's an internet full of porn out there and there's probably already something you'll accept as masturbatory material that was meant for the general adult population.

Commenting just in case there's an update to this breaking news story

The embedded video of Zander Moricz is so good! Click the link and go watch it. If the first line doesn't sell you, nothing will:

"Bridget, our first interaction was when you retweeted a hate article about me from The Nationalist while I was a Sarasota County School student."

Hell of a way to open a comment!

If I ever do something dumb that requires this type of public hearing please make sure this kid is the one doing the public roasting.

The hypocrisy of the GOP is stunningly not stunning.

I don't like stereotyping, but they're consistently like... not only projection but worse.

And they say the same about us in r/conservative... Holy hell.

Gaslight Obstruct Project. It's a whole platform of deception.

Unsurprisingly, I am unsurprised.

It has always been the way but we have a lot of motivated people and an internet to point it out now.

Why is police looking into this though?

Ah.. It's in the article. They found it in her husband's phone as he's being investigated for rape

In late November, a woman alleged that Christian Ziegler went to her apartment and raped her after his wife bowed out of a scheduled get-together.

Welp, I guess I'll zip it back up

That’s disgusting… where did they even post these videos, which websites, I want to make sure I dont see it by mistake!!

More like ‘Moms for Sexual Liberty’

"The only moral sexual liberty is my sexual liberty"

Did she commit a crime that's her private life is being exposed? I know her husband is a rapist, but why are these videos being released?

Yes, she's a hypocrite, but what about her privacy? Her rights? That's YOUR privacy and YOUR rights too.

The videos aren't being released publicly. It's in the article.

Only Christian Ziegler, the police, and presumably the prosecutor(s) have access.

I think she's being accused of sexual assault by one of these women, so it's on the playing field now.

It has always been "Moms for Libertines". They just get confused by words.

Maybe they were moms for lesbianism but somehow lose the meaning and started the hate.

I think this former Sarasota county student said it best. https://youtu.be/yq4LMi5-C6o?si=eLUXLIJ92QrnCQQR

Really her hypocrisy is just laughable and no one should care or be involved with anyone else's bedroom activities.

She is pushing her hateful and hurtful agenda in Sarasota county public schools. Meanwhile, she sends her kids to private school.

!I'm a bit split on this the more I think about it. Her private life doesn't need to be put on blast, she's a horrible enough person without putting her hypocrisy in the spotlight. However, it is her piousness that she flaunts as her guiding principle to negatively affect and control the lives of others. So can they actually be separated.!<

I'm wrong about this. Just because she's a horrible person doesn't mean her private life should become public. Other than her husband's assault, nothing that was done should be a judgement against her and she doesn't deserve to have everything aired in the public.

And as an aside Zander Moricz, the kid from the video gives me hope and his graduation speech is well worth a watch. https://youtu.be/qpTVyozS7M0?si=ZSGIpcO8m8VPe6Ud

Wait why do police have it?


Police obtained the video as part of its ongoing investigation into allegations that Christian sexually assaulted a woman


Police obtained the video as part of its ongoing investigation into allegations that Christian sexually assaulted a woman.

Edit : Warning, the following is supposed to be one of my badly stated jokes :
"Yes, because policeman policemen, of course, wouldn't do this simply out of deviant interests 😋"

One kind reader pointed out to me that, since English is not my native language, there is something in that sentence that doesn't really work ... I don't know exactly what.

::: spoiler Joke explained : Since there is a potential for the policemen here to find sex videos, they have not only the normal interest of doing their job by finding evidences, but also an interest to find kinky stuff. So, I am suggesting caricatural policemen more interested in the later. :::

Who knew that a sexual assault investigation would uncover sexual content!

Color me surprised!

I know so much this fact (the police are doing their job) that I went in this article and copy and pasted the paragraph explaining exactly that.

Then, after citing this very obvious fact, I made a simple joke which you people take seriously ? You really don't get it ?

Okay, so I am bad at making jokes, sorry about that. Well, on second thought, about 50% of reader up-voted my comment, so they understand the joke, but not you nor @FlyingSquid.

The fact that you care so much about upvotes shows you’re not only from Reddit- but that you expected the typical flood of upvotes that would come from a post so worthy of being posted there.

Right, the internet doesn't understand sarcasm

It’s painfully obvious it wasn’t intended to be sarcasm.

I hate cops, but who else are you supposed to report a rape to?

You're missing the joke - that they had instead found the video during regular masturbation. They didn't say anything about whether or not to report crimes to the cops

You are close but not exactly.

The joke was supposed to be that since there is a potential for the policemen here to find sex videos, they have not only the normal interest of doing their job by finding evidences, but also an interest to find kinky stuff. So I am suggesting caricatural policemen more interested in the later.

Yeah that's what I'm saying, dude.. they care more about finding weird porn than actual investigation

see my other answer.
Edit : here: https://lemmy.world/comment/6241148
::: spoiler 2nd edit, for @FlyingSquid :::
3rd Edit :
Ok, so, this other comment was an answer to someone telling me I should know it was the police's job. ... I know so much this fact (the police are doing their job) that I went in this article and copy and pasted the paragraph explaining exactly that.

Then, after citing this very obvious fact, I made a simple joke which you people take seriously ? You really don’t get it ?

Okay, so I am bad at making jokes, sorry about that. Well, on second thought, about 50% of reader up-voted my comment, so they understand the joke, but not you nor @FlyingSquid.

I get the feeling English isn't your native language? Your initial "joke" doesn't make a lot of sense.

For example, did you mean "a policeman" or "policemen"? Either way, it doesn't work as a sentence.

Oups ! Well, yes. English is still a bit hard for me, especially for jokes. I have a hard time getting people's jokes and it seems it goes too the other way around as well.