
4 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There will only be four remaining official ABC accounts: for news, sport, Chinese and the master ABC Australia account.

Somebody let me know when they actually leave twitter. This is a bullshit half measure.

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There’s nothing Republicans hate more than democracy.

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The damage DeSantis and Florida republicans are doing to the state’s educational curriculum will have catastrophic effects on an entire generation. It’s terrifyingly evil.

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User: OverflowAI how do I tie my shoes?
OverflowAI: That's a dumb question. Just wear velcro shoes.
User: But the thing is I really need to know how to tie my shoe laces.

Stack Overflow Mods: [This post has been answered and is now closed.]

Good, it’s the right thing to do. Russians shouldn’t even be allowed anywhere near international athletics until Putin is arrested and standing trial for war crimes at The Hague.

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Don Ohlmeyer for one. He’s the NBC executive who had Norm fired as SNL’s Weekend Update anchor because he wouldn’t stop mocking Don’s friend, famous double murderer, O.J. Simpson.

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TL;DR Modern republican campaigns are a roadside souvenir stand hawking tacky knickknacks on middle american yokels who are too dumb and disinterested to care about anything besides cringey puns printed on cheap Chinese merchandise. No ideas. No solutions. Only trinkets.

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Clowns. There's nothing but buffoonery coming from this McCarthy led House and it's exhausting.

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They simply do not care. That’s going to be someone else’s problem. Which is the fundamental problem with the modern Republican Party. They have no regard for the future.

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Some child influencers are born to “momfluencers”, inheriting large followings before they have learned to walk. The LaBrants, a family based in Tennessee, have accumulated millions of followers documenting their lives online. They run Instagram accounts for each of their children; their youngest, aged one and four, already have 1.4m followers on a joint profile

You know, we’re just now reaching the point where there are adults who’ve had their entire lives documented on social media without their consent by well meaning parents and I think that in and of itself has always been a selfish and irresponsible thing to do. But this is a whole different level of crazy. I can’t begin to imagine the amount of greed motivating these people to rob their own children of their privacy and force them into some “kidfluencer” role before they can even talk. Those “momfluencers” may be getting wealthy from all this but they’re morally bankrupt.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, “must get even for impeaching Trump twice.” 🙄

Republicans are like toddlers going from one temper tantrum to the next and it’s exhausting.

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Then there’s all the anti-consumer practises. Buy a car, but don’t own it. Yes we shipped it with heated seats, which you obviously paid for, but to use them you’ll have to pay a monthly fee.

"Existence as a subscription service" should've been nipped in the bud long before automakers worked up the nerve to pull this nonsense but I'm afraid it's now too late. We're all just sentient ATMs being bled dry every month by corporations that feel entitled to our money and have no interest in doing anything to actually earn it.

Spotify can go suck a lemon. I dumped them when they paid that right wing piece of crap Joe Rogan $200mil to continue to radicalize simpletons.

The linked video does not include the full statement. Below is a transcript (via Salon) for those who'd like to read it:

President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather, and his legacy is important. It's about a lot more than Camelot and conspiracy theories. It's about public service and courage. It's about civil rights, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and landing a man on the moon. Joe Biden shares my father's vision for America, that we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. And he is in the middle of becoming the greatest progressive president we've ever had.

Under Biden, we've added 13 million jobs, unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years. Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the New Deal and the largest investment in green energy ever. He's appointed more federal judges than any president since my grandfather. He ended our longest war. He ended the COVID pandemic, and he ended [former President] Donald Trump. These are the issues that matter. And if my cousin, Bobby Kennedy Jr., cared about any of them, he would support Joe Biden too.

Instead, he's trading in on Camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame. I've listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment. Let's not be distracted again by somebody's vanity project. I'm excited to vote for Joe Biden in my state's primary, and again in the general election. And I hope you will too.

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Steve Cheung, spokesman for the Trump campaign, claimed the new counts are part of an effort to damage Trump as he seeks the Republican presidential nomination and "nothing more than a continued desperate and flailing attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their Department of Justice to harass President Trump and those around him."

The Trump campaign is projecting on more screens than Barbie right now.

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I heard about this earlier but re-reading this headline made me smile all over again. I will simply never get tired of hearing about Verizon failing.

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There’s not really enough information here to form an opinion unless you’re just into feeling outrage at the headline

He was in the correct section:

Barber said he tried to use a special chair he brought with him in the disabled section of the theater but that staff stopped him and told him he couldn’t. Barber noted that he walks with two canes and uses his special chair everywhere he goes and has “never had a problem.” via secondary source: The Hollywood Reporter

But thank you for valiantly rushing to the defense of AMC who had already apologized for what their staff did before your blatant attempt to blame the victim under the guise of "a lack of information."

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Why is it that the right wing incel/MGTOW crowd can't seem to ever come up with specific examples? It's always vague nonsense like this.

This makes me feel pretty good about my decision to choose lemmy.world as my first instance. There is zero reason to believe Hexbear users will engage in good faith, in fact, the evidence presented in this statement clearly illustrates that they intend to troll and generally derail discussions. Preemptive defederation in this case is the prudent move. Keep up the good work, Admins.

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Good luck to anyone doing it but the whole reason I'm on Lemmy is because I refuse to use reddit's garbage app. I'm not gonna start now.

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You sure about that one.

Yes. I believe the vast majority of parents since the beginning of the social media age simply never even considered the potential privacy issues at play when they filled their accounts with pictures of their kids. They were just proud parents sharing their lives with friends and family.

Just because I think it’s selfish and irresponsible does not mean I think the average parent was acting with malicious intent. Social media was brand new for everyone, I’m not going to judge someone too harshly for failing to understand that their social media activity over the years could undermine their children’s right to privacy.

Well the good news is Voyager is available for both iOS and Android. Give it a shot, it’s a great FOSS app!

I would’ve but I had already cancelled over a year ago because Netflix doesn’t have anything worth watching.

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They're pretty good at arbitrarily raising prices.

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"Forced voluntary resignation"... What a fucking gross euphemism for being fired. It's disgusting but I guess at this point I really shouldn't be surprised by how Amazon treats their employees.

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lol as a semi-professional stage magician with astigmatism and a penchant for cross country travel by rail I agree with the other person.

Yeah pretty much, they might as well say "we've decided to sack Jerry from the Social Media team" because this isn't actually exiting twitter it's more like reducing someone's workload lol.

Yep, Republicans are projecting on more screens than the Barbie movie with that utter nonsense.

Wonderful news! Whenever Verizon fails an angel gets their wings.

And it ruined chicken wings prices forever.

You should start your own tech oriented community then. That way you’ll be able to implement all the arbitrary rules over what constitutes “tech news” that you like.

Lol right? I miss the days where if you found yourself in a crowd of red hats it meant you were at a Limp Bizkit concert rather than a Klan rally.

Henry Cuellar's success in his district in the deep south of Texas isn't indicative of anything at all on a national level.

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I'm suspicious of any tech writer that can't get a feel for a platform in seven days, big ole scary/confusing federated servers or not, lemmy just isn't nearly as confusing as some people want to make it out to be. Particularly if you've ever actually used reddit before. Frankly, after reading this article I'm not convinced he understands either platform in any meaningful way.

Service issues and downtime were pretty regular issues at the beginning though just as they are now on Lemmy.

Yep, unscheduled service interruptions and planned downtime were a fact of life on reddit for years. I can still remember when the reddit admins always announced downtime before swapping out the hamster powering their server.

Actually, I'd say when reddit stopped announcing downtime that's when things started to noticeably change. Admins stopped even trying to pretend to be redditors themselves and their comms became a lot less casual and authentic.

How is anybody supposed to keep up with so many forks?

It’s like eating at a fancy restaurant up in here.

I hadn't heard about it either but according to their blog post announcing it, it's https://social.bbc

Apparently they'll be running it for six months and then determining if it's worth continuing to operate.

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This makes distinguishing between nested comments much easier IMO. That's been my biggest gripe with the default UI so major thanks to the dev!

and being rowdy with her new boyfriend.

Is that what we're calling it these days?

Did Marjorie Taylor Greene once again call for “decorum”?

To be fair MTG can only recall about a dozen words at any given time and when she learns a new one it forces an old word out.