In the GOP primary, one thing sells (merch) above all: Owning the libs

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 186 points –
In the GOP primary, one thing sells (merch) above all: Owning the libs

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TL;DR Modern republican campaigns are a roadside souvenir stand hawking tacky knickknacks on middle american yokels who are too dumb and disinterested to care about anything besides cringey puns printed on cheap Chinese merchandise. No ideas. No solutions. Only trinkets.

I don't think it is wrong to say that a trait of a modern conservative is that they are very gullible and easily conned.

I feel like what we're witnessing is Republican politicians slowly realizing they've been giving their base too much credit

It's been a trait of conservatism since it's inception. Conservatism in all forms seeks to enshrine the status quo. Conserving nature is a no brainier good thing. Conserving selfish, bigoted human social structures is ALWAYS a BAD thing.

I find it fascinating. It's a lot like Rome or Lourdes where they sell an endless stream of tat to the faithful.