0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Bridget, you deserve to be fired from your job because you are terrible at your job, not because you had sex with a woman,

I love this so hard. Epic burn.

So, ah, that's not how that works.

If he "goes bust" and can't make repayments the bank will take his cars and silver and gold.

This guy is a great author, and those four words "rich dad, poor dad" are masterfully crafted. The book basically says borrow money to buy houses not boats. It's not revolutionary, it's just packaged in a way which is appealing to... poor dads.

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I'm genuinely amazed at the calibre of people running the US. More so that aparently half the nation thinks its the best choice.

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An expert hired by the Taipei, Taiwan-based Wisdom Marine Group β€œis working diligently to create contingency plans, arrange for a firefighting team, and ensure the necessary equipment is in place,’ the group said in a statement.

Yeah right. They're frantically trying to figure out how to dump the container overboard and whether the penalties would cost less than losing the boats cargo.

15 more...

Let me guess...

  • not very accurate
  • needs to be trained on an individuals brain.
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Cardiovascular disease.

I think it's coming with me though.

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If they could dump it overboard they absolutely would not care whether it continues to burn.

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I've been a volunteer treasurer for several medium sized non-profits.

You should have a think about what sort of charity resonates with you. Like education support, homelessness, legal support, drug rehabilitation, et cetera.

Then call a few in your area and tell them you're considering a bequest, and would like to understand some more about their organisation and how the money is used. 1

Yeah it's the common sense stuff we all know to be true. "Save and invest your money! Compound interest magic! Investments increase in value!"

IIRC he makes a case for ripping off his employees. Justification is that if he have them more money they would just waste it, but he will invest it.

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Folded is the wrong word. Not load bearing signs be better.

You need practice at concentrating on your work.

In the same way you'd work out to build muscle strength, your mind needs regular training to stay in shape.

Start with sensible, achievable goals and improve over time.

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Sure, let's not apply the law to ex presidents. What could go wrong.

In places with "hard" water (lots of calcium) you tend to get a calcium plaque in the pan after several years. It will absorb any iron in the water and turn brown.

It's pretty much a rock growing on the porcelain. A brush won't move it.

Given that the law was passed two weeks after they were married I think it has already been drafted and the whole subject was probably one of much debate. Also note three neighbouring states passed laws at the same time.

It seems likely that someone said "find a story about under-age marriage for our front page", and these two hapless yokels (or should I say Johns the hapless yokel) were the only ones stupid enough to have their photos taken.

In summary, I think society was working up to passing a law like this, and these two had a bride that was younger than most and got married at the right time.

That said, the author has definitely tried to imply that this sort of marriage was commonplace in the 30s, when it was probably at most "unusual".

God I feel you so hard my guy.

I'm only a few years older than you and have ischaemic cv disease (blocked arteries). It's a common problem in people twice my age. I thought I ate well and exercised regularly but it turns out that stuff doesn't help that much if you lost the genetic lottery like me.

I had a heart attack this year, while my partner was pregnant with our first children. Yes 2x kids. They were born a few months ago.

IDK if I have 2 years or 20 years to do my best for them... but fuck it's a bitter pill.

I absolutely get the dread / fear / anger.

Every time I have a new blood test that shows I'm more fucked than I hoped it just... hurts.

How do you wet the TP? 😭

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That's exactly what it is. Most people are hard wired to do this automatically.

I think you mistake how companies work.

When there's many millions of dollars on the line and you're an easily replaceable deck hand the SOP is to do whatever the fuck the special consultant tells you to do.

I think this is fairly reductive. I work in a related industry. Often it's the best lawyers working for the shadier clients, for obvious reasons.

I don't have that option. Android 13 on Samsung galaxy.

Maybe it means something like "allow this app to be terminated by power manager"

Chop chop chop.

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Well how else would they get chopped up by a wind turbine?

Yeah I do this to break my inertia.

"I'm not actually going to do any work, just clear my desk, then 5 minutes youtube"

"I'm not actually going to do any work, I'm just going to get my books / laptop out, then do whatever thing for 5 minutes"

... and so on ...

How long did you take the meds for? How long ago did you stop?

Last night someone was telling me that the resin they use to make the blades deteriorates over time and covers the area in microplastics. Oh and each turbine needs 40 tonnes of cement which is not carbon neutral.

15 more...

What a silly thing to say.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't want to use less power.

I suspect what you really mean is that you want to reduce power requirements by some authoritarian policy.

6 more...

Yeah I'm in the process of switching my OTP stuff to keepassxc. Better hurry that up.

This is heresay and supposition but... I suspect the Columbian government is trying to figure out how to secure the value represented by the find, and the archaeological angle is one way to do that.

I don't know anything about Columbia but I assume there's some corrupt government officials there somewhere. Billions might not be a lot when talking about a country's budget, but this isn't part of their budget. Any gold that makes its way into someone's pocket is fair game.

Again supposition but... I wonder whether Spain would have any claim on it if it wasn't considered archaeologically significant.

Yeah I don't like auto upgrades. Everyone says it's fine but that's not my experience.

My stuff isn't public facing so I'm not worried about 0-days

A very obvious example of post hoc ergo propter hoc. I've never heard anyone believe that, certainly not a majority.

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My goodness me.

"Talk to all the other people at the park and turn them against one other person in order to avoid an awkward conversation with said person".

If someone at the park told me to avoid some other person because their dog is a humper I world tell them to grow up.

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Sure ok. This guy drives Australian road trains. Typically 15 axles, 58 tyres.

Sure mate, I guess the question of whether it's authoritarian is subjective. Suffice to say rationing would be daft. What about roof top solar?

You can report on the behaviour without breathlessly trotting out every sentence.

The actual story is that Trump is using nazi phrases to stoke furore, generate headlines, and galvanise his base. It's so tiresome that it's working so well.

Thankfully I'm not in her situation, so i can't judge her actions, but I do wonder whether it would be better not to give the perp the satisfaction of publication.

I can imagine someone jizzing their pants over this article and their little stunt.

You could take photos of the dog humping your dog and make posters & flyers warning everyone.

Better yet, you could post to your local "mother's chat" Facebook group and let them resolve it

Wouldn't mutually exclusive mean that no one with a mental illness supports Trump?

Exactly. Reporting on what Trump does rather than what he says does not require you to ignore nazi rhetoric.

That's not what I said.

You can acknowledge the behaviour without reporting on every utterance (which is what he wants).

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