9 Post – 708 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is this the onion? Or not the onion? Or not not the onion?

On r/nottheonion this would be removed as "not oniony".

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I don't buy that. He tried to cancel the purchase. He's also losing money, and so it's definitely not a 3D chess.

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Fucking pay them better instead

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Republicans: "We're attacked with illegal votes!"

De Santis wife: "Non-residents, vote for us."

Took me, a non-US citizen, a while to get the joke.

Hi Officer, I was watching cartoon and there's those blue hairs on that yellow skin.

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When you have to go to court to get abortion

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It's stupid. Imagine the presidential immunity were a thing: POTUS could hold a press conference, rape a reporter in front of cameras, kill her husband at the same time, and nobody would be allowed to stop it.

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Kiyosaki has continued to espouse those financial views (and has explored extreme political perspectives, including adopting right-wing-media talking points in his call for the impeachment of President Joe Biden).

Not all morons support the baseless impeachment, but rich people who support the baseless impeachment are all morons.

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Right after Abbott said Texas would shoot migrants.

He said he doesn't because Biden would charge them for murder. Charge them now.

Although I understand the importance of feminism, I never had the impression that feminists are good at PR. Somehow, most articles written by feministsI've read love to stereotype and bash men.

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as a condition of their plea deals in the Georgia election interference case are just one sentence long.

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a standard practice.

It's just a legal tool. Even prosecutors are not interested in the depth of apology. Why would a defendant write a long text with 1000s of words, of which one tiny word choice can lead to a huge problem.

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ISIS could come in and want to display one

I don't think ISIS supports LGBTQ+...

What are we supposed to do with these conservatives? They can't be debated with, they don't have the concept of logic.

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Western leaders literally face Nazi opposition parties, yet they can openly welcome Netanyahu do genocide WTF

Imagine you, your friends and your family get killed and washed away from your land, and 2/3 of US people don't believe it's genocide.

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As a non-US citizen I'd like to reiterate that you can get rid of this idiocy only by banning guns.

Not interested in American opinion regrading this one, sorry, it's a super simple fact with no discussion worth wasting time for us.

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The concept of autonomous cars might be game over.

As always, advocates forgot about corporate greed. Do you trust your manufacturer to not lie to you? So much you risk killing yourself, your family and people on the road?

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Those conservative bullies have been teaming up.

As a person fed up with office culture, I'm wondering if it's now my time to destroy my government.

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I asked ChatGPT the same about the bible. It said yes.

Song of Solomon 7:7-9

Your stature is like a palm tree,
and your breasts are like its clusters.
I say I will climb the palm tree
and lay hold of its fruit.
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
and the scent of your breath like apples,
and your mouth like the best wine.

It goes down smoothly for my beloved,
gliding over lips and teeth

My experience tells me that the average voter has no idea how to discuss abortion. What the controversy is about, how scientific arguments are made, how medical experts make arguments.

And they still vote, without furthering their understanding whatsoever.

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Daniel Bernstein at the University of Illinois Chicago says that the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is deliberately obscuring the level of involvement the US National Security Agency (NSA) has in developing new encryption standards for “post-quantum cryptography” (PQC).

This sentence is basically all.

The journal isn't such a high prestige journal. It's actually a new one with open access, which doesn't attract best studies. Combined with the fact it's a psychological study, which is hard to replicate, and somehow the authors employed MRI, which doesn't really prove anything by itself, I think the authors knew it wouldn't be perceived as the best quality article.

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But only when they moo in the proper french dialect.

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Quick, hide that internet button so that grandpa can't switch it off!

Btw is it only my country in which people call the internet wifi these days? As an IT worker I feel my brain deteriorate every time even a company doesn't use these terminologies properly in their ads.

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I have a captcha idea...

Too bad democracy won't invade like Putin does because peace is the right thing to do.

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According to a report published by popular research companies, the company faced a significant financial loss by closing the last two months with a user loss of over thirty percent.

This article doesn't show the source.

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We work hard for a multibillion-dollar corporation. We should be able to provide food and clothes for our kids.

Why is this never the case for people who acrutually work hard? And why are the lazy people at the top who get more money? This world is wrong.

Conservatives on Reddit are saying they have to do the same to Biden. In their mind, it's pure tribalism...

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In the USA, you may get shot by a policeman by answering a welfare check.

It's-not-corruption-if-it's-law approach?

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I love my ARMed Mac because battery life. I almost never use the power cable outside.

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80-20 principle. There's no surprise here as they near-automatically threw IG users into the game.

Those far rights can't care less about reasons.

If you sympathize with Nazi sympathizers, you're probably a Nazi sympathizer.

They'll say they just sympathize with Nazi sympathizer sympathizers. But then they are sympathizing with Nazi sympathizers. And so they are Nazi sympathizers.

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That's an insult to gigantic global sewers.

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Exception for YouTube Video Posters:

Notably, any account that has posted one or more videos on YouTube will be exempt from the account purge, regardless of the period of inactivity. This exception ensures that users who have contributed content to the platform will not lose their accounts.

The Biden administration has used an emergency authority to allow the sale of about 14,000 tank shells to Israel without congressional review...

when the review was supposedly there to prevent the exact kind of harm these tanks will do to civilians.

After School Satan Club is an alternative to the evangelical clubs that are in thousands of schools across the United States

This is the way.