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Joined 12 months ago

Back when I signed up for reddit, you didn't need an email and they warned you if you lost your password you'd be locked out of your account until you regained it and they would not offer support to reset it

I liked that. I don't want to have to submit my email for everything just to interact

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You've never heard a man complain about something?

You're making pancakes in a rice cooker? I'm intrigued

My birds! (Blue one is Ripple and the green one is Crocodile)

My snek! (No official name)

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What I find works pretty well is to have the bag ready and put the first item into it and then set it down on the bAgGiNg ArEa together

"The only moral sexual liberty is my sexual liberty"

I can't think of a time steam was down (for me personally, I know outages happen) that wasn't planned and announced well ahead of time

And I've got a lot of hours on steam

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Just a note for the Velcro; I ran across this video ages ago and found it really helps with keeping that ripping noise from being too audible

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Not even that for me; most of the random things I want to add to my "to watch" list aren't even on a streaming service

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Fuck. I'll never not see piglin girls from now on. Thank you ♥️

I'm taking it to be a reference to how earthquake magnitudes are represented on the Richter scale

In case you can't easily see it for this strip:

"Branding: Actually, 'RSS&M is kinda catchy."

And that one actually piqued my interest

You can change that on a per-profile basis

This was an interesting conversation to follow, but I got lost on the acronyms. Could you expand those please? TIA (thanks in advance)!

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I'm certainly ready

This one actually made me snort laugh and I've been giggling for a few minutes now


Absolutely one of my favorite james acaster quotes! His whole Netflix special, "Repertoire" is just fantastic

That was a very succinct explanation; two sentence refresher course. Thank you!

So, like, also the Bible right?

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I'm with you on that one. I use a 3rd party app and it's nice getting that piped link. It uses the in-app browser and I don't have to go through any extra steps

As much as foss is pushed on here (fediverse) I appreciate the accessibility the bot provided until I make change of life approach to alternatives

I don't speak Russian, but I checked out the transcript because it auto translates. Started reading through that then said what the hell and just decided to watch it

I only got about 15 minutes into it, but I'll absolutely be watching the whole thing. Thanks for the link!

It reminded me of a strange book I read when I was young, an 80s sci-fi I think was called "the wizard of sunset strip"

I'd have absolutely believed this could have been a book by them

When mutilated bodies begin turning up in Hollywood and the police are baffled, the young wizard Wydrune and his band--a beautiful cat burglar, a Cockney punk possessed by the spirit of Merlin, and Camelot's last survivor--take the case

I need to actually finish those games. They're incredible

I lost my enjoyment of gaming, but thinking about playing through the half life anthology is actually making me excited... Gunna get started this weekend, thanks!

A little too well

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Huh. I guess I thought rhinos were bigger. Well I bet one could take on a pygmy hippo!

weigh 180–275 kg (397–606 lb)

I never realized how similar wasps were to each other. Though I actually love the ones that fly with their own wings and wouldn't mind being able to call an exterminator for the ones who have to use planes

Like lions!

No idea the best way to post the image, but here's the full image from the thumbnail

Trying to upload it directly here

Here's a link if that doesn't work: Erotomechanics VI (Mia und Judith, first state), 1979, HR Giger.

That's hilarious. I really didn't expect it to be a real thing

I just finished Bob's Burgers but I was playing a game while the last episode was on and didn't realize it was the finale...

Just means I need to rewatch the whole thing again!

It isn't! I don't remember which article it was, cbs I think (I'll edit the comment when I find it)

But a detailed assessment of the health of the spacecraft and its payloads awaited analysis of telemetry. Finally, two hours after touchdown, the company reported that "after troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed Odysseus is upright and starting to send data. Right now, we are working to downlink the first images from the lunar surface."

I never used Apollo. But I've really enjoyed voyager and it's been fun seeing the frequent updates. The dev seems pretty awesome

Not sure why you got a downvote for that. The chicken will continue to absorb flavor from the sauce, and it'll probably keep it a bit more moist as well

You got some downvotes too so I'm chiming in to say that you're also not wrong, and I don't feel either one of you said anything unreasonable (so far...)

A little leeway should be given if for nothing else anyone or anything getting their head chopped off in place would be questionable

This is what came to mind* immediately

Something we need but do not know we want

That was a fun video and you introduced me to a new youtube channel! Thanks 😁


I haven't been there in a few years but I stopped in recently and I was a bit dumbfounded when they guy burritoing up my food made it as spherical as possible

The 2nd image, to me, seems to show that green has a wider amount of emitted green light: