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Joined 1 years ago

the responsibility of countering Trump's lies fell completely on Biden.

Hitchen's razor should apply, but this wasn't really a debate in the first place. Hell, neither of these geezers is prepared to properly debate and their prep teams are just tic tacs and ice cream.

FTFY: ~mourn~ celebrate

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A billion a year is something most people would trade for.

I mean, I'd be done after 1, but hey, that's just me.

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"I'll take any motherf***er' money if he givin' it away."

-Clay Davis (The Wire)

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I upgraded today!

Encountered only one multimonitor issue with one panel migrating to the primary display after logout/restart, but otherwise, smooth sailing.

Wayland session even seems stable on Nvidia again (I have nothing but regrets about that GPU choice I made 4 years ago).

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This might be controversial, but I don't think performance between distributions is really worth considering unless you have a very niche hardware requirement.

Features and community really make the difference.

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Unexpected Futurama

For the uninitiated

He's merely protecting his and his family's interests. His son runs the coal business he started and he has been making special deals for it ever since.

Transmission lines have maximums and the Texas power grid is a shambles.

Here's a recent article that explains a little more:

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Proof of senility or a bald faced lie.

Either way, just one more reason he's unfit.

You've hit all the great ones, most of which were already available.

Have you added the bypass paywall clean filter list to ublock? Here's the url you can copy paste under "import" in the ublock addon settings:

So with the inflation adjustment, that looks like ... 172k today!

Even adrenochrome was projection.

Presumably the staffer that found it hadn't reached a high enough level to be in the vial club.

Hasn't been to church in a bit I guess...

13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; 15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16 The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17 And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

Genesis 9:13-17

It has always been "Moms for Libertines". They just get confused by words.

Bah, I read Nobara and assumed gnome. You said KDE right there.

Well, good news: Kwallet has a similar feature, albeit through an extra package:

An article with context for anyone else who stumbled on this without it (like me):

To hazard a guess, this is a gnome keyring asking to be unlocked after login?

Caveat: it has been a few years since I was on gnome.

You can tie it to the login with the gnome keying PAM module.

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You're going to love Jay Landsman's (Delaney Williams) lines.

I'll put an attempted common sense definition out there as a straw man (fully aware of Cunningham's law): it's a rifle typically featuring a pistol grip and detachable magazine.

The definition needs to be intentionally vague to capture a myriad of existing designs (and the legal workarounds). I suspect there are "assault rifles" that don't fit into this vague definition, and equally importantly: vice versa (e.g. the Barret 82A1 can't realistically be considered an "assault rifle" by common sense).

And therein lies the problem: by being only reasonably specific, we provide too many opportunities for shenanigans (cf. Formula 1 in the 70s and 80s). But without a reasonably strict definition, we're also creating a reasonably litigious atmosphere ("no sir, we intended this rifle for small to medium game hunting").

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What's next, negligent homicide when a "viable" embryo doesn't take?

Nobody here cares! It's the best!

You don't have to be rich, just smart.

Wild. 5.27 broke it completely for me! (2070 Super)

The proprietary software seems like a user-friendly version of USB/IP

I've got some extra time today, so I'll see if the free/built-in version is easy to get working.

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I'm all for building new tools!

You might want to take a hard look at a lot of the ways Homebrew works to find similar problems you'll need to solve to make this production ready.

So, major caveat here: I'm a linux gamer and don't have windows [subsystem for linux] available to test.

This actually works shockingly well for steam-steam gaming, but I'd call these steps proof-of-concept success versus "finished product".

I'll assume if you're going this deep, you know how desktop mode works and you're reasonably comfortable with the terminal. Otherwise, don't follow random guides on the internet, and you understand that you could break things.

Obvious prerequisite: enable sudo by creating a password for the deck user

Enable installing packages via pacman: I borrowed from this guide, but didn't follow it exactly.

# disable the deck's read-only mode
sudo steamos-readonly disable
# init the pacman keyring
sudo pacman-key --init
# populate the keyring with archlinux
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux

Install, start, and bind the usbip service on the steamdeck (steps from the "Server" portion of archwiki linked in my original comment above)

# install usbip
sudo pacman -S usbip
# enable/start the usbip daemon
sudo systemctl enable usbip.service
sudo systemctl start usbip.service
# enable the kernel module
sudo modprobe usbip-host
# list the available usb devices
usbip list --local
# bind the Valve usb device (check the output of the above for the right bus id, mine happens to be 3-3)
sudo usbip bind --busid=3-3

Install start and attach to the steamdeck (steps from the "Client" portion of archwiki listed above)

# install usbip
sudo pacman -Sy usbip
# enable the requisite kernel module
sudo modprobe vhci-hcd
# list the remote devices (use your steam desk's ip address, this assumes you're on the same network and have addressed any firewall/configuration issues)
usbip list --remote
# attach to it
sudo usbip attach --remote --busid=3-3

Now you can be shocked when it works instantly. Go play a game!

If no shooting has ever occurred from a CCW holder in those areas in 24 years, what value does having a gun in those locations add?

I get the whole constitutional right thing, but clearly these are safe places where having a gun doesn't increase your personal safety.

So, why bring one?

While they have not been charged with a terrorist connection or plot yet, the FBI alerted ICE they should be arrested because of potential ties to ISIS, and they were arrested on immigration charges, two sources say. They are detained and face removal proceedings before an immigration judge, and they could later face terrorism-related charges, two sources say.

So probably fraud.

Yes! That's one of the best callbacks!

Oh, nice! Does this work regardless of X/Wayland?

Heads up though, might be headed towards extinction with the manual tiling added in 5.27

Polonium seems to be a possible successor:

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Ooh, my family's was a 386 Wang Exec. My mom upgraded to the 384MB 5.25" internal hard drive. Dual 5.25 and 3.5 inch disk drives. So many memories.

Also the subject of Cory Doctorow's "Down and out in the Magic Kingdom" from 2003.

Not at all. A mini split is a kind of heat pump, but refers to a specific kind of installation.

Most of these are "air source" heat pumps, but there are also ground source or geothermal pumps that exchange heat using a loop of liquid buried in the ground.

We're installing a "whole house" air source heat pump to replace our 40yo inefficient gas furnaces and add cooling. This will utilize our existing duct work.