Hunter Biden says Republicans 'trying to kill me' to hurt president to politics – 267 points –
Hunter Biden says Republicans 'trying to kill me' to hurt president

"They are trying to, in their most illegitimate ... but rational way, they're trying to destroy a presidency," he said in the episode of Moby Pod.

"What they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle, and so therefore destroying a presidency in that way," he said, adding that they want him to relapse to drug abuse.

"It's not about me," he continued, adding that "these people are just sad, very, very sick people that have most likely just faced traumas in their lives that they've decided that they are going to turn into an evil that they decide that they're going to inflict on the rest of the world". He also accused conservative news outlets of "harassing" him.

Mr Biden added: "I'm gonna survive it clean and sober, is because I am not gonna let these [expletive], OK, use me as just another example of why people in recovery are never gonna be OK, never to be trusted, they're all degenerates."


i didn't care who Hunter was before Joe became President, and i still don't give a single fuck.. Republicans are nothing but fucking trolls, and they can all fuck off to Russia any time they like, if that's the kind of place they want to call home.. they can live in a country full of trolls like them..

and if you mindlessly vote for Republicans because you think you're a Republican, you can starve for all i care

It's all performative nonsense. They literally have nothing else. They definitely don't believe their right-to-life bullshit because Republicans have mistresses that have had abortions. They don't believe in their gay bashing. They still do it because they have nothing else. It gets them into office so they can sell out the public interests as usual. They believe in nothing.

they believe in hearing their own voices spouting a bunch of bullshit

Hunter Biden is also 53 years old. This isn't some juvenile runaway with a cushty job provided by his dad, he's some old dude. At what point is Joe Biden no longer responsible for him?

Yeah, I don’t think he’s going to get much of a defense given the only people who know who he is are over-the-top obsessed with him. I mainly know him as just another (Anthony) wiener in the soup making everything worse.

My first thought was he was being a drama queen, but given his history of substance abuse and Republicans' general level of ethics, I have no trouble believing they're trying to literally kill him.

So, uh, Brandon still hasn’t done anything illegal, yeah? No election interference? Conditioning foreign aid on personal political favors? Insurrections? Tax fraud? Witness intimidation? Rent seeking and endorsing brands at the Resolute Desk? Emoluments? Pussy grabbing?

This shit is boring.

I think the firearm misdemeanor was real. Involving congress in that is completely ridiculous, a waste of time, and yes, boring.

Whoa, Brandon was involved in a firearms misdemeanor? No? Didn’t think so.

President Biden was not involved in a firearms misdemeanor.

My b, I didn't read good and thought above commenter was keeping on topic with Hunter. Ya, biggest scandal with Joe is him eating ice cream.

Hopefully the guy is right and doesn't have a relapse.

Also, I hope he gets to vanish back into obscurity soon.

I actually agree with this but its also an impossible situation in the sense that he has to answer for shit and society must answer by fully pursuing and prosecuting any rich asshole who plays games with the system. Hunter has a mitigating defense in the sense he was a drug addict who had major addiction issues but there needs to be consistency and predictabillity in how and to whom these cases are investigated, charged, prosecuted, and punished.

Indeed there should be consistency. What would normally happen in this situation was what would have happened if the judge hadn't blocked the original plea deal.

The office of the US attorney of Delaware, David Weiss, has been investigating Hunter Biden since 2018 over potential violations of tax and gun laws. Weiss, who was appointed by Donald Trump, announced last month that his office had reached an agreement with Hunter Biden in which the president’s son would plead guilty to two federal misdemeanor tax violations while entering a pre-trial diversion program on a separate felony gun charge.

But the judge, another Trump appointee, no doubt saw the same opportunity that the GOP in congress did and rejected the plea deal. Because Hunter Biden is the son of the current Democratic president, he is not getting the same treatment that anyone else would have gotten in this situation.

Despite Republicans’ gripes, a number of legal experts have framed Hunter Biden’s indictment as unusually harsh, given that prosecutors rarely bring such gun charges. The law underlying one of the three criminal counts is also now facing legal challenges after the supreme court’s recent expansion of second amendment rights.

In fact, the law about drug users being in possession of firearms is one that has been effectively ruled unconstitutional in the fifth circuit thanks to challenges to it and recent SCOTUS rulings.

Those recent rulings include an August decision from the New Orleans-based US court of appeals for the fifth circuit that challenged the law barring users of illegal drugs from possessing firearms. The conservative-leaning court ruled that the supreme court’s decision last year in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Inc v Bruen, which established a new standard for reviewing firearm regulations in a historical context, rendered the 1968 law unconstitutional.

“In short, our history and tradition may support some limits on an intoxicated person’s right to carry a weapon, but it does not justify disarming a sober citizen based exclusively on his past drug usage,” Judge Jerry Smith wrote in the ruling. “Nor do more generalized traditions of disarming dangerous persons support this restriction on nonviolent drug users.”


A separate case considered by the third circuit, which does cover Delaware, could also have some bearing on Hunter Biden’s case. In Range v Attorney General, the third circuit issued what the judges called a “narrow” decision indicating that the federal government cannot ban people convicted of non-violent crimes from possessing guns.

Republicans want the law overturned but not until Hunter is convicted and sentenced for it. That is not consistent application of the law, that is political gamesmanship.

He's being prosecuted for something people are almost never prosecuted for, especially when they pay the money back, which he did. On top of that, there's a gun charge which, for some reason I can't imagine, Republicans aren't rushing to his defense about.

Yeah this is bullshit theater. But the prosecution decision came from the DoJ, not Congress. It’s not that you’re wrong per se it’s just that I find it hard to get up in arms about powerful people being held to account

DoJ wants to appear that it isn't working for the president, like it was with the previous guy, and they absolutely can be influenced to maintain that image.

  • The Federal prosecutor (David Weiss) in the case was not replaced, and is the same appointed by trump, because Biden didn't want to make it look like he is helping his son (usually they change with Presidents)
  • initially Hunter got a plea deal by the same, but due to outrage that was rejected
  • then a special counsel (again the same prosecutor) was appointed (which have him more powers) and he got an indictment

This is unusual, as it never goes that far because of unpaid taxes. You just get a large fines, and apparently he already paid off everything.

I normally would be ok with this as, he committed a crime and he should be treated the same as anyone else, but can't help but notice that looks like he is treated worse to show the office is impartial.

My fear is that if judge clears him of any wrongdoing there still will be an outrage.

There will be an outrage over something no matter what. They will make one. There is no circumstance where republicans don’t make, find, exaggerate, or straight up fabricate outrage.

Yeah it’s hard to describe how little I care about Hunter Biden as a political issue. As a human I want him to continue to get the help he needs to stay clean and healthy. As a member of society I want to see the rich and powerful held accountable. As a political event I could not care one iota less.

Ignoring the fact that it is extremely unusual to be indicted for tax fraud (usually just ends up with large fines and it looks like that this is done, because they desperately want something on his father), he is actually talking that they literally want to kill him. Biden was totally devastated when his other son died of cancer. That's why he didn't run in 2016.

unusual to be prosecuted for tax fraud

That's the problem, right here officer. Fucking make it usual. Make it foreseeable, like in Billions (I practically wanna jerk of to that scene lol) where the DA's rich buddy's crying cuz his old friend is already writing the closing statement he's gonna need to put his pal in prison for his financial crimes

I want tax evasion to be prosecuted more aggressively, but not nearly as much as I want the legal system to treat all defendants equally. Throwing the book at one particular defendant and then going back to business as usual serves no legitimate purpose, especially when the motivation is so obviously political.

Hunter's gonna be fine, worst case he's looking at like 2 years in the plushest of Club Feds. He's gonna be just fine, like Martha Stewart. She's got more street cred than Snoop for God's sake

She's gangsta as—well, you know how it go

Edit: The Trump "boys" tho, well, they are in for a world of hurt and free shelter for a good long while. I don't even wanna think about their well-deserved sentencing guidelines once their party train really gets rollin'

Well worst case they are saying it is 17 years.

Watch Brucer Rivers analyze the sentencing guidelines and indictment(s). Its nowhere near gonna play out like that 😇

Well, the GOP is pushing this and at the same time pushing to remove funding to IRS that allows to go after rich fucks.

I don't have a problem with going after tax fraud, but this won't solve anything if it is an exception to a rule rather than a rule.

Wait until Republicans hear about the traitors that tried to undermine democracy on Jan 6, 2021.

You mean the BLM trans anteefah false flag that tried to overthrow the gubment - which was a good thing, and the hundreds of conservatives that were arrested are heroes, and their charges don't count because that was a naval flag, and they tried the legal entity not the living person... Besides, Trump is the first legitimate president since Nixon, and Kennedy will come back from the dead with his running mate Elvis...

Nothing has any meaning to these fascist dipshits - so long as they have a marginalised group to be terrified of and lash out at.

They’re also doing it to please their Master. As Alpha Males do.

I think Hunter is maybe a little right, but that would be the bonus. This is mob style tactics, make you guys hurt (go to court and be harassed) if I have to go to court. This is regardless if trump is supposed to be tried or not. This is the stuff we know about, I wonder what's going on behind the scenes for all of the politicians or government employees daring to try to hold trump accountable.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

His death "would be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle", the younger Biden told musician Moby in a podcast that aired on Friday.

The first of the two-part broadcast was recorded before Mr Biden was charged with nine major tax crimes on Thursday.

Hunter Biden, a recovering crack cocaine addict, was speaking from his home in Malibu, California, to Moby, whom he befriended while in recovery for drug and alcohol abuse.

"What they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle, and so therefore destroying a presidency in that way," he said, adding that they want him to relapse to drug abuse.

On Thursday, federal prosecutors in California filed an indictment that accuses Hunter Biden of failing to pay taxes from 2016-2019 and instead pursuing an "extravagant lifestyle" of drugs and escorts.

As President Biden flew to Las Vegas, Nevada, on Friday for a campaign event, his press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked aboard Air Force One about the latest charges for Hunter.

The original article contains 392 words, the summary contains 185 words. Saved 53%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Maybe don't be such a hoodlum and doing absolute delinquent shit that is obvious to every ome not a picky leftoid.

What "obvious delinquent shit" would that be? Not paying taxes? The thing that Trump said was smart? Having a gun despite a history of drug use? The thing that Republicans say should not take away a Constitutional right? Because those are the things he's being charged with and those don't sound like "obvious delinquent shit."

So please enlighten this picky leftoid and let me know what obvious shit I'm missing. Thanks.