Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy to politics – 316 points –
Rudy Giuliani files for bankruptcy

To be fair most people would have to file for bankruptcy if they were given a $148 million dollar bill.

Even I would have to, and I found 50 cents on the street once.

Depending on when you found it, it might be worth... ~51 cents! Keep this up, and you'll be a millionaire in no time!

Buy my $1500 (75% off) online course so I can teach you how to become a millionaire.

You'll also have to sign up to be a seller for Forever Living

Oh, financial bankruptcy. I guess that works too.

The ethic bankruptcy has happened a long time ago, when he started being

I'll keep reposting this.

After he was elected, but before being sworn in as Mayor, Rudy was on scene when an EMS crew was treating a child struck by a car. The mother was trying to get the crew to go to a hospital where her husband worked. The medical protocol the crew was following called for transport to the nearest trauma center. Rudy threw himself into the mix, and later spread vicious lies about the crew, trying to make them look like they'd refused to treat the child. As the Union pointed out, Rudy would never have interfered with a cop or a fire fighter.

Some Rudy pics look like you could put googly eyes on them and they would appear the same.

He supposedly had 12 proberties in NYC alone. How that could be worth less than $10M, not including supposedly his properties in TX, OH, and others, I don't get. Plus whatever he's squirrelled away, probably offshore.

Texas has a homestead law there, so he might not lose at least 1 of them. All depends on how he owns it (outright vs trusts or whatever). New York should force him to sell all but his primary residence as they have a similar homestead law. This should be a fun show, i’ve invested in popcorn.

Really, what we all hope is that He’s treated like Alex and he can’t write off the 148mil in bankruptcy.

How is it even possible for him to accumulate that kind of money?


And book deals, speaking fees, and "consulting fees" (aka bribes)

It's just Chapter 11, basically the 'get out of losing money free' bankruptcy.

Can look up the Consumer Protection Act to see who made it harder for regular people to file Chapter 11, made some credit card companies very happy.

No worries Rudy, there’s plenty of room under the Queensboro Bridge

Now he’s not just morally bankrupt, but legally too.

So those poor women will get none of the $148M?

I have no idea how anything works but I'm a 50 year old man so I've got an opinion.

He has lots of assets and a judgement against him in their favor makes them high priority creditors (I think).

My guess is they will liquidate his assets, pay lawyers, pay banks, then pay these women and anyone else he's in debt to.

There will probably be a proceeding where his creditors lawyers line to explain why they should be paid first so maybe it won't go that way.

But rest assured: the lawyers and banks will be paid and he's deeply in debt.

He probably sees this as way to both restructure his debt and avoid paying them. How successful he is at that will be revealed in time.

As long as his money and assets aren’t moved or hidden away and unreachable.

I'm betting that settlement is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Correct, this was what I have heard on several podcasts. He likely really doesn't have the money, but he can't get away from the decision by declaring bankruptcy.

He never had those millions. So basically they will be able to strip him down into homelessness.

AFAIK, a bankruptcy cannot protect you from paying those fines.

Good point but I want those ladies to get compensation. From him. So he is left with nothing.

Their compensation is seeing him destroyed. That's what they wanted in the first place.

Does this mean he is too broke to appeal?

I'll read the article,.brb.

Chapter 11 will afford Mayor Giuliani the opportunity and time to pursue an appeal, while providing transparency for his finances under the supervision of the bankruptcy court


That public defense is gonna be in for the case of his lifetime...

From America's Mayor, to human shit stain. Thanks Obama Trump!

Buy some knee pads and start sucking some Trump grifter's dick to get those funds, Rudy!