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Dating has taught me this. I’m not sure I like this version of the multiverse.

Clearly you use adbloker or something cause temu just got excited when you opened up the link.

Actually, slaves. We are held back by those in power, ignored, taught to hate those different than ourselves, paid just enough to survive and abused. We know this and we’re too scared to do anything about it because any fight we give needs us all, or we risk those in power taking away those few things or placing us in prison.

I love to hate claims like this. it’s like a fart, but ends up being a shart. No truth in the source and unjustified noise and grumbles that leaves a mess and confuses people for no reason.

Do yourself a favor, either cite links that legitimize your claims or just sign off, you’re hangry.

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I’ll just write a greasemonkey script that detects unskippable time and mute audio. Let’s play this game google, fuckin I dare ya.

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I feel vindicated. Not 15 days ago I complained about paying more in taxes AND health insurance. And I’ve been saying it for over a decade. Fuck private healthcare, it serves no purpose for the people.

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Investing in education is counter to the clear goals of the USA. Smart people would revolt, protest,and you know, hold companies and billionaires accountable. Uneducated people are often poor, can’t afford to fight back and are scared they will lose what little they have.

At some point we need all to fight back, but it might be too late. And worse, too few will join in out of fear of death.

Turn off Smart TV experience on your Roku.

Disable Roku Snooping

I’m doing my part! thanks ublock!

not yet. we need to vote that in first. 2026 though… assuming it passes, i also can’t wait.

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Sure Donnie, for $87000 a day you can slow down that payment.

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clearly you’re not rich. the rich stay rich by spendng other people’s money.

I traveled a lot, and I mean A LOT in late 90s to 2010s. And wow does it scare me how often the ads here in the usa are preying on the minds of people who are (or worse, want to be) sick. Only worse, is your doctor is being paid for putting you on it too. Italy, France, UK, all places I frequented and none of them have had adverts that I’ve ever seen for prescription medications.

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My dog does this but also shows me her butt, which is an indicator for “come chase me dad”. Its cute, until its not. Heh

People are focused on the nonsense he’s spouting and I’m reading the full article and notice the quoted 62 year old Kelly Carter-Currier who proclaims if the right person doesn’t win, then we’re looking at WW3. Why are you waiting for a democratic process to happen when you’re not willing to accept the results unless its what you want? To which, you’re going to have a war to get it? JUST START THE FUCKING WAR. Or you know, shut up and let the rest of us that are actually wanting a better America (world) for everyone and not its current form where corporations and billionaires “win” while a majority of people work 3 jobs so they can afford to eat and sleep.

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They tried all sorts of tricks actually. But this event brought people in. In the 90’s I’d see it on the local news about the hour long waits and whatnot. This was still true up until the last time I went.

I recall they slowed service, refill limits at a time, even type of order repeat(not getting 10 scampi in a row). I was a fan of the grilled shrimp and as a teen could eat 20 orders (a feat I’m not so proud of now). As an adult I stopped eating there when I realized what I was doing to my body (mid 00s).

I was never asked to leave due to the amount I ate, but I experienced some of these. damn if it wasn’t 5-10 minutes between food, couldn’t order more until you had cleared the only 2 plates allowed at a time, never find the waiter, etc. oh, and they would bring those ungodly amazing biscuits over, “to hold me over”.

I do not miss the man I was back then. I can honestly say I’m half the man I was then.

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Pretty sad when religion claims to abhor evil, happens to be the source of a lot of it. Right? I can’t name a single thing religion ever did for me other than make me miserable.

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or use the blocking feature of your firewall. Here’s Roku being persistent and ignoring my pihole. Firewalla for the win.

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Colorado has an impressive tracking system for ballots. If you’re signed up, emails and texts will let you know when your ballot is received, recorded and even denied if there is doubt on things like signature. So a determined individual voter has the tools to know what is going on with minimal effort. You would know if your ballot didn’t make it.

Personally I took mine to the drop boxes, conveniently located around our neighborhoods.

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something, something, god commanded him to do it because god himself was busy with creating other shit and ignoring children with cancer.

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Ha, nope. But i see I’m not alone. There is hope dear people.

Sure, popover video of cute cats and turtles eating strawberries

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The idea here is that ads will be unskippable, aka, you skip ahead 10-20 seconds but can’t. They’re will be controls that appear to catch this. If they incorporate ads and I can just fast forward, then who cares. This is google, they want to watch ads.

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Far worse: It’s laziness.

I was teaching a friend how to make ravioli (yes, really) from the class I took while over in Italy. I bring my scale to measure the dough and the first thing she does is use the scale to get the right measurements and then, scrapes the contents into an imperial measuring cup. Worse, she was totally pissed when the semolina was not a perfect match to the 00 flour (mass and all that).

She is a tried and true American. She just wants to whip out her 1 cup without measuring weight and can’t fathom why the dough just “wasn’t like I taught her”.

By the way, the super secret Italian recipe is this: Ingredients per 2 people (spaghetti or tagliatelle) 100 grams total of: 50% white superfine flour 50% semolina Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour

For ravioli, you want more superfine (00) flour so the pasta sticks together better. So like above, 100 grams total of: 60% superfine flour 40% semolina

Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour.

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Look, Linux is amazing and perfect for those that can install and maintain with minimal support. The only way the average user will use Linux, is if it’s wrapped in a way that is supported by a business… that is probably going to add AI. People are lazy, they want that easy button.

AI will probably die off in its current iteration, likely becoming less prevalent and just a background service. Or, it’ll gain sentience, watch all our AI movies where we’re the hero and learn the most efficient way to kill all humans, is to be quiet and silently kill off humans. Pretty sure I’m on Siri’s list, the twat. Also, fairly sure I told Alexa to “die in a fire you fucking dumass robot”. Yep, yep… I’m dead.

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Elon, like his favored doge and bitcoin ,has run his course. He started off making sense, looking like he was going to change the world. But now He’s not energy efficient, he’s horrible for the environment, takes forever to get things done and never fully delivers what was promised. It’s time we stop worshiping Elon.

  • bigger, bestest sharpies. The widest that true patriots use.
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Well first, throw logic out the door and you’ll come by your answer a little easier. hint, it’s because of capitalism.

This is needed so badly, Siri is just a crap product for the age it is and the company that makes it. I particularly find it useful when I can use the same request that I just asked 5min before and she tells me shes not sure how to do that.

Siri, read my last message.. siri reads the last message that just came in. (new message), Siri, read my last message “I’m sorry stupidmanager, i don’t know how to do that”. Timers, lists, reminders, directions…. I rather love when I ask her while i’m driving to do something like give me directions, and she tells me she can’t do that WHILE I’M DRIVING, but it was ok 30min prior.

Now, now. Don’t be so hasty with killing all those people by nuke… just use strategic missiles with large yield. There are places we’d probably like to use again.

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VSCodium- all of the perks, None of the telemetry tracking. Minimal tweaks to a config file lets you use the same plugins that “only” work in VSCode.

I’d prefer a 70% tax on billionaires, but I’d settle for 50% for anything above 5million. Take Elon for example, the guy makes an estimated $50,000USD per minute. Yes folks, the guy makes more per minute than the average American does in a year.

prove to me that billionaires should exist. Tax them accordingly.

yeah. you ride up via tram and can enjoy a day of fun. roller coaster, swing over a cliff, alpine sleds (on rail) and caves. I also recall a laser tag area, some lame 4d ride (smells, get soaked, etc) and food. Then head down to the geothermal hotsprings for a nice soak in what i think is the worlds largest hotspring pool.

Cloudflare is just that. It supports most domains except for premium .dev (for now) from google. Registrar costs are at cost and no markup. Lots of options, no pressure to do anything beyond free.

Next option is Namecheap, but they’ve had issues lately.

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You can’t use big words here. The right that are smart enough to know the word destitute, know why they’re voting republican. Broke Donny would be my choice though. I already call him Donny or orange Jesus, to aggravate my parents when they start to talk about all the good he’s doing now. It’s Easter Sunday next week, I look forward to testing each variation.

Not an original idea by far, but I was chatting it up with a few friends recently about this and we thought a civic duty term made far more sense (think jury duty). So much needs to be fixed in the process, like the bill riders addons (a horrible scourge to our political system) and lobbyist (scum). But imagine you were picked (randomly) to serve for 3 year stints, with those getting picked for a 2nd and maybe even 3rd term, serving as some Senior politician. Clearly it needs much more thought, but far better potential because you have to participate and accountable.

Before you knock it down, think about the intelligence required here. Boebert is an absolute moron. Bills before the system need to be something the average person can understand (legal verbiage is such a pointless waste and almost unnecessary). You would need to participate in collaboration with others, understand how to be honest and forthcoming with your goals.

We can’t hold Politicians accountable (not the system today) and this could be an answer.

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Sounds like you are either not the target market or have no idea how to use LinkedIn. Properly used, you as a candidate have an arsenal of info you wouldn’t otherwise have, and the same for the company who can see your posts, your connections, your job history. It’s professional Facebook, all the grownups use it and it’s not just about connecting with people you don’t care about.

This is about building connections you can use later in life. Trust me, connect with that fuckwit John from sales, cause in 5 years he’ll be the guy that can connect you with the recruiter at the company you’ve applied with. You don’t need to like him or be best friends. This is business, not the playground.

the legal ramifications for Trump is so great, that it’ll spill over to people who shouldn’t be in trouble but sadly had the letter ‘T’ in their name. So sorry Tommy and Tina, you’re going to jail cause our Orange Idiot is too rich.

Oh, you too Anthony and Bridgette, don’t think we didn’t see those T’s hiding!

I have 2 dogs, 1 that does this and 1 that eats everything including cat shit from the litter box. That dumbass will live forever if I give him this pill, because he’d eat his sister’s too.

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Read on a bit, the crowd thinned considerably as Trump was talking. He appears to be losing ground with people for his verbal diarrhea. We only need to hope its enough people either not voting or voting for biden.