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Joined 9 months ago

If you can’t own digital copies since they’re not property, then piracy isn’t theft.

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Upgrading from windows 7 to Linux is still free

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This is it. This is 100% it.

“I suffered, so should you.”

The American dream.

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No. Stop.

This is the definition of interrupting your enemy when they're making a mistake.

Let them kill windows 10, I have atleast 5 friends ready to switch to linux when Windows 10 hits EOL.

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But I thought you said E2E encryption a danger to national security, hmm?

You said you wanted a backdoor, didn’t you?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, right? Right?

Standard double standard bullshit.

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The SteamDeck is my favorite purchase of last year.

Literally the best PC I've ever owned.

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"We will have equal rights for all. Except blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, gays, women, Muslims. Uhmm...Everybody who's not a white man. And I mean white-white, so no Italians, no Polish, just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. But only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. Just full blooded whites. No, you know what? Not even whites. Nobody gets any rights. Ahhh...America!"

  • Peter Griffin

While I see an extensive amount of "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" and do agree that this is the typical logic of Microsoft.

It's obvious this is to try and avoid getting hit with similar monopoly accusations that their competitors are receiving.

"Look, Look!! We support other Operating Systems! We have a guide! We're not a monopoly! See, See!!"

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Ah yes, that classic “freedom of speech” they’re always yelling about.

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The best days of the internet are behind us.

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Is it because replacing employees with AI results in a never-ending cascade where your stupid system doesn't keep consuming because AI don't consume and won't get paid?

Or is it because using AI will result in the climate to continually become more inhospitable?

Maybe it will be because AI will be used to create more and more believable misinformation that results in WW3?

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Throwing an Election (Any%)

Here are some relatively cheap games to give kids that aren't fortnite or roblox and dont run on some subscription/internal monetary currency:

  • Risk of Rain 2
  • Minecraft (Java)
  • Tunic
  • Stardew Valley
  • A Hat in Time
  • Baba is You
  • Fate (Wildtangent)
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Not the Skywalker Saga)
  • Chip's Challenge 1 and 2
  • Shovel Night (Treasure Trove)
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7zip exists and is free.

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I'm getting to the point where I need to start ending relationships with people.

If you're a trump voter after all of this, after january 6th, after all of his treasonous actions, and after this clear step towards hitler, we can't even hold a decent conversation in public, and we certainly can not be friends.

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Alright y'all, this is the moment.

Time to go to all those Lemmy Communities about tech support and coding questions, and ask away/ give answers.


This is the opportunity of a lifetime!

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Righties 4ish years ago: “Those cuckwokes in the land Downunder are pulling GTA V from shelves over violence, what a bunch of snowflakes. 😂😂”

Righties today: “um, could you stop doing violence in the M rated video game? My Hypothetical children are getting influenced. 🤓🤓”

The only thing consistent on that side of the fence is their inconsistency.

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If you're in the US and can afford it, Talk to a lawyer.

This is blatant discrimination of a immutable attribute which is a Civil Rights violation.

This is written evidence to that fact.

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The irony is now that the situation is totally inverted.

My STEM degree has got me making a barely livable wage while the GEDs who went straight into a trade are making twice what I make.

And the cruel reality is there is not a good way to determine which way this market will go unless you're one of the 0.01%. And if you were it would make this a mute point.

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Typically, imo, most people who aren't ready to jump to Linux are there because their top couple of games are ruled by arrogant devs/publishers who balk at the idea of ticking an "enable proton compatibility" checkbox with their anticheat.

From what I've seen Proton has hit a quality of compatibility that the games will just run, and typically better than Windows. If it doesn't run it's usually because it's too new and proton needs a patch, or the devs/publishers did the aforementioned "no, i won't tick the checkbox, it's too hard." bullshit.

Basically, if your waiting on a game to be supported for proton, it may need to wait until Linux adoption hits around 20 percent before the devs/publishers get that bullshit idea out of their head.

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We’re in the “dropping the act” phase of capitalism.

This is just standard monopoly-speak these days.

One more reminder that Godot exists and has been receiving a lot of praise for its intuitive user-friendly ui and design.

If only peertube had the same culture as Lemmy and Mastodon.

But it feels like, imo, Peertube has fallen to the same pitfalls as other YouTube alternatives. 99% of vids I see on Peertube instances are far-right conspiracy theory videos among other obviously abhorrent content that would otherwise be banned on youtube.

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They are, however, winning the race to make more gas guzzling profit generators that destroy this planet for the benefit of their shareholders.

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Can vouch, everyone told me growing up that computer jobs were a safe and stable choice because "everyone needs computers."

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The workers:

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What if instead we had Less Cars and more Public Transit?

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The order through Door Dash:

  • $20
  • $2 Tax
  • $8 Door Dash Charge
  • $6 Initial Tip
  • $10 for the Substitution up charge
  • $1 Tax for that purchase
  • $9 'Fuck you' charge
  • $4 Follow Up Tip Total: $60 for your $20 meal you could've just gotten your own damn self.

Damn still angry about that API?

It's funny seeing the corpos implode because they had record growth, which means nothing can match it in the coming quarters and therefore they're going to have to find someway to meet their stupid investor demands.

The only exemption is Twitter, which is just imploding because Elon is a dumbass and not because of greed.

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Is this a windows joke I'm too linux to understand?

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Adobe: We’re gonna go buy Figma.

EU: care to elaborate on-

Adobe: Figma Balls

EU:… on how that doesn’t make you a Monopoly?

Adobe: 😐

EU: 😐

Leaving google isn't hard.

Leaving YouTube specifically, however... Well, it's been getting easier as content seems to be less and less frequent or quality.

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Remember, this isn't because they're at record losses, or that they're breaking even.

It's literally because they're not making enough profit.

This is the freemarket system functioning as intended.

A company can still be making money, still be above water, but decide their shareholders need to be even better off and they will decide they deserve money more than people struggling and making it by barely check-to-check.

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Every now and again, their interests align with the average person.

But make no mistake, the companies forming a coalition like this for one or two good causes won't make up for the long term damage it will no doubt cause.

Ah, so that obnoxious complaint about how "Linux users report too many bugs" and thats why devs won't port their game to linux, is actually a strength because Linux users:

  • Accurately describe the bug
  • Provide useful data
  • Make Helpful Suggestions
  • Typically hit bugs that are also on Windows
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"We just kinda figured maybe you'd make something neat under pressure, but it appears you made TikTok and a global pandemic instead." The spokesman went on to suggest that maybe they should go back an extra year, just for good measure. "We want to give everyone a chance to reconsider their actions. Although I was personally in favor of an extra year, the council has decided that 2015 is an acceptable starting point." The spokesman then left the podium to the Chronometric Operations, Observation and Managment representative.

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