This person's rejection reason

The Picard to Mildly – 1447 points –

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If you're in the US and can afford it, Talk to a lawyer.

This is blatant discrimination of a immutable attribute which is a Civil Rights violation.

This is written evidence to that fact.

I really hope OP goes through with the lawsuit because of how funny it is. I want to see it make big news

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This is why I assume this must be fake. Because even a trainee HR employee would look at that email, and not send it out.

Nobody looked at that email, it was automated

A hire rejection email. Idk, seems unlikely. Especially one that mentions a concrete reason for rejection.

Assuming they're checking the emails at all.

Remember when that guy decided to read a book while his Tesla was doing basic lane following, and merged into a semi? I 'member.

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