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Joined 8 months ago

A backup account for !, and formerly /u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.

Bro needs to go big. Why not all electronics and electronic systems in general? As it is he could still be "caught with his pants down" by another speculative execution bug.

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There's a certain level of irony in correcting people's language while not reading the original question properly yourself.

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On Reddit people use emojis a lot

Really? We must have used different subs. Maybe that's the answer, you're the only guy from r/emojipasta or whatever to make the switch.

I really, really hope AfD gets banned. Germany has strong anti-hate protections, but enforcement on small groups is avoided because they're too small and not worth the trouble/attention, and enforcement on large groups is avoided because they're too large and powerful, so it's barely useful.

Canada often does the same thing.

The US when Israel openly does bad stuff: "We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas!"

It broke in the 90's. History was "over" so they kind of adjusted the scale, and now that shit's real again they keep having to shave off tiny increments closer and closer to midnight.

We're still way better off than during the Cuban missile crisis, imminent existential risk-wise.

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No. The Soviets had one that was basically C but a decade early called Адрес (address). The higher-ups were skeptical of the concept of computers, though, so computing in the USSR languished anyway.

I think the Chinese have something going too. Mostly educated global people know some English anyway, though.

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I'd recommend one, but I'd probably just get it wrong.

There, the obvious joke has been made.

I'm annoyed that most of the answers are just "no".

It's actually a great question, but practical experience has shown that closed-source software is just as buggy when written, and only slightly harder for an attacker to figure out, but much much harder to fix. And that's not even talking about deliberate anti-features, like every app that hoovers up your data and sells it so you can order a pizza.

Lemmy doesn't really have the traffic to support ultra-niche communities in general yet, sadly.

It gets the same jokes as Mexican food usually here. Really, some people's guts just can't handle any amount of spice, and poo jokes are always a hit.

I'm guessing both terms are vague enough, that companies can legally just lie.

It's only a "liable untruth" if someone can prove it's not true in court.

If they can do it, they will. It's ad dollars to them, as good as any others.

Don't let them do it. Buy dumb electronics, or at least smart electronics you can use airgapped.

At this point, it feels more likely than not the Middle East is going to explode.

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Good. The whispers are so loud they barely even count as whispers.

Yeah, it's not a fair comparison. You can say it's a dumb ideology but at the end of the day it's close cousins with big-L Liberalism, and often has been first to the social ideas we hold dear today.

They got banned because is also a communist-run instance. The mods could have taken the high road and just replied, I guess, but that would have been extraordinary patience. So, they banned the person calling them a Nazi, and I don't think that was an unreasonable choice on their part.

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Expect a lot more "white collar workers laid off due to AI" posts coming. I wonder how long it will take for a (very well resourced, those are status-y jobs) movement to form in response.

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Yeah, they have a very alternative interpretation of geopolitics and they're loud about it. If there was a flat earth instance with users that spammed every physics thread there would be some grumbling just the same.

Russia should have had the conventional phase all finished in a couple months, so by that measure Ukraine. Russia has also lost territory the whole way past the battle of Kiev, so by that measure also Ukraine. Neither look set to win any time soon, so by that measure (which is probably the important one) it's a stalemate. The big variables now are Western support and Russian political stability as the conflict drags on. Neither side is close to running out of men.

The claims that Russia was winning the whole time come from basically the geopolitical version of flat earthers, who believe exactly the opposite of what everyone else does. Or actual Russian agents, but as far as I can tell that's rare.

Anti-user features are a major thing. People are dumb enough with technology you can get away with openly screwing over your "customers". The antifeature in this case is "it's not actually the advertised game, it's a cheap pay to win thing".

Presumably, people download this thinking it's cool, and then end up playing it anyway and whaling for the "developers", who may literally be four people, one of which reskins existing games, while everyone else does sales and marketing.

Which is kind of what all LLMs are doing. Guess the next word, and don't be wrong most of the time; repeat.

Gee, how far back does it have to go to be authentic? Tomatoes weren't in Italy until after Columbus brought them (of course after 1300), and didn't catch on until well after the later date mentioned of 1700, so there goes all of Italy's most famous dishes.

Hamburgers are American food. Not Native American food, but American. Next you're going to tell me baguettes are Middle Eastern food because grain was domesticated there, or that camel meat is Native American food because they evolved in America before crossing the land bridge in pre-human times.

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The local copies cease to exist online. Remote copies on other instances stay. There's a number of communities I subscribed to that no longer exist independently, but which I can still see on my old instance, for example.

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Butter chicken was invented for the British (in India), but naan bread and the various dal dishes are authentic, and those are the first things I think of. Thai food is good too, but it's different.

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If only there was a website called "StreamHub" or something.

Honestly the content vs. characteristic method of delivery distinction is subtle enough this is still a great way of explaining.

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Ask for scalding hot dishwater to show that you're hardcore. A bowl of hot sauce is also acceptable. /s

I'm guessing nobody checks anything at this point. They hear a rumour, they bomb it. And, of course, there's going to be a small but significant number of people on the Israeli side fabricating rumours whole-cloth.

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Which is a library written in C, of course.

I mean, no. That's not enough energy to cause nuclear stuff. This guy tried sciencing, which I still respect in the context of a goofy scenario, I guess.

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So is there another animal that doesn't bite when infected with rabies?

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The big stuff has transferred quite nicely, as have tech communities, but other niche communities seem to have floundered. Even ones that explicitly and openly made the switch died off, like r/streetphotography. It seems raw user count is pretty critical to supporting them.

So “eat the rich” is just edgy humor or what?

Yes. Most people don't want to eat other people. I would expect the explicit cannibalism to clue you in to a level of irony there.

Weird, because somehow, every time that every time communism has been tried, it involved massive genocide, though perhaps one could argue that the majority of it was the result of incompetency, because the majority of the victims starved to death as a result of disastrous agricultural policies.

Genocide has to be at least a bit deliberate, and generally they just fucked up their economy bad enough agriculture was negatively effected. In the USSR's case at least, the starvation affected the republics pretty equally, too. As Ukrainians were starving so were Khazaks. For political reasons, some parties have tried to make it sound like a targeted ethnic thing, but it just wasn't, and it certainly wasn't on purpose.

but you have to admit that even when taking to low estimates, communism’s death toll is far higher than that of the Nazis. OP is correct, they’re all evil ideologies.

This is the part where the communists come out with capitalism's death toll. Dumb ideology, maybe, evil ideology no, at least not on it's own.

Edit: Also, I take issue with not counting all of WWII as part of the Nazi death count, since they very deliberately made it happen. Consider this was in the space of just a few years, vs. an entire human lifetime for the Soviets.

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Really? I don't usually watch those, but I'm pretty sure they're holding a weapon and definitely not signaling intent to surrender in the ones I've seen.

Pretty much the same. Bought some Bitcoin in high school in the early 10's. It was just a novelty and I was a kid, so I didn't buy much, but if someone was kidnapped or something it would be worth it to go through my old drives.

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Unsafe... for our margins!

Yes, it's been established that you can still use JavaScript, and it will only backfire sometimes, even though it's a bad language. And yet, people try to use it where it's not even required.

Yep. Small ones that still hosted communities also had a high attrition rate - I was in some of them.

Yeah, I actually miss this sometimes, when I'm lounging in some weird position. The question is how much the keyboard would suck.

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I assume it's a switcharoo scenario. Otherwise where does the air in my new location go?


When they say every fingerprint is different, are they right? There couldn't be an infinite number of finger print patterns, could there be? If, so how?

It depends how close to each other they have to be to count as the same. They consist of a series of mostly parallel lines, but for the sake of simplicity only focus on just one. It's a curve. A curve has an infinite collection of other curves that are different to any, arbitrarily small degree, and that's even true for smooth curves like we're talking about here, and even if you ignore a finite set of transformations, like moving it or stretching it.

However, the systems that police use to catalogue them have no such infinite precision. If you have a collection of k fingerprints, and there's n possible fingerprints a system could distinguish, the probability of two overlapping is a lot higher than k/n, actually, even if you charitably assume every fingerprint is equally likely. In criminal cases, a little bit of doubt is enough to prevent conviction in a typical Western country. The issue of whether a fingerprint - especially a partial one - is reliable enough evidence a given person was involved has indeed come up before. Off the top of my head, I don't know if it's made the difference in any cases, but I bet it has.

IIRC, it's a big issue because a lot of the systems are proprietary, and the companies don't want to provide defence lawyers with any sort of data on how they work. For all they know, it could be programmed to return a match with a random frequent offender if it can't find anything else. Unfortunately, most judges are tech laymen who see no issue with blindly trusting a magic box, and are very aware that some nasty people could be released if they call said boxes into question, so getting the problem recognised is or was an uphill battle.

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