Israel claims a tunnel ran through this Gaza cemetery it destroyed. A visit to the site raised more questions than answers | CNN to World – 125 points –
Israel claims a tunnel ran through this Gaza cemetery it destroyed. A visit to the site raised more questions than answers | CNN

A spokesman for the Israeli military said they would provide video of the tunnel shaft in the enormous hole, but never did.

Instead, the IDF provided drone footage that showed two other tunnel entrances – one of which CNN entered – near the cemetery. CNN geolocated the tunnel entrances using footage filmed on the ground, as well as satellite imagery, and found that neither was in the cemetery grounds.

The Israeli military stood by its claims, insisting in a press release that a tunnel ran directly through the religious site.

But that press release also undermined Goldfuss’ claim that the underground command center was directly below the cemetery. A map released by the military placed the command center outside the graveyard.


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I'm guessing nobody checks anything at this point. They hear a rumour, they bomb it. And, of course, there's going to be a small but significant number of people on the Israeli side fabricating rumours whole-cloth.

It wasn't bombed. They drove a tank through the cemetary, the footage of the aftermath shows what they did. It shows shrouded corpses and mangled body parts, piles of over turned dirt and tank treads.

There was no tunnel, the iof just wanted to desercrate Palestinian graves.

So what's the excuse? We were hoping the weight of the tank would collapse the structural integrity of the tunnel and then we would just drop in like the Italian Job?

Why would israel need to justify themselves further than they already have? They don't need to have plausable excuses, just look at every other thing they've ever said.

Israel has always been fully allowed to commit mass scale warcrimes against Palestinians and has always been fully subsidised by western countries to do so.

I just don't know why they even bother responding. Just send a shit emoji like Twitter or just say "We decline to comment". They aren't fooling anyone, and I fail to see what use it is to their domestic media as like 75% support the war and almost 50% support the genocide.