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Joined 12 months ago

Basically competent support for hardware for laptops newer than 2014. Proper thunderbolt, displaylink, trackpad, fingerprint reader, facial rec support.

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Weeell "bullshit" is easy to claim but not necessarily untrue. So with android phones this is definitely a problem. Industry wide firmware support for these ARM SOC-s are often ranging from not long enough, to fucking atrocious. You get basically two years of new drivers, and a security update maybe. The way LinageOS manages to support phones like the note 3, from like android 4, to 11, is basically creating manifests, that use drivers from newer, still supported, but "similar-ish" components. And the note 3 was a flagship device, easily the fastest phone of it's generation. These Chromebooks, especially the ones schools can and do afford, are built to the penny. There is ultimately no point in pushing a software update to a device for a significant cost, that makes it so slow that no reasonable person would ever consider using it.

What is the solution to this? Hard to say. Not buying hardware so incredibly obsolete that it has to run an alternate OS, is a start. Maybe just use PC-s and deploy linux.

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This is why I assume this must be fake. Because even a trainee HR employee would look at that email, and not send it out.

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Still a curveball. Collecting your data and having to say ot to your face are not the same.

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I don't know. It looks more aesthetically consistent. Your computer has to display something. Average users would be scared if it dumped logs on the display. so the vendor logo makes sense. It COULD just say loading, but this is a bit pedantic I think.

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I think when this happens you DO get a refund, (usually a coupon for the same service, but still). This is a situation where villanizing Sony would be, but not necessarily correct. Obviously they have no interest to remove previously purchased content from user libraries. (like this).

So the question is, on what possible grounds can a company change licensing AFTER sales have been made. This is the same fucking mess as with the soundtrack being retroactively removed from GTAIV. How is this legal?

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50? Idk the biggest techbro firms NEVER made any money ever. Fucking Spotify is yet to be profitable. Who exactly are they planning to sell more service to?

50 is generous.

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You have very little idea what a sportscar is about if you think that.

I haven't seen the film or read this review, so I find it very possible that it was lifted out of context or maybe from someone who isn't a native speaker. Because the context I immediately assumed is that their attractiveness is confusing because mattel is virtue signaling about body acceptance and diversity in the entire film, and yet all the characters are of course conventionally attractive, and makeuped to shit. This though is based on an assumption of what the film is about to be fair.

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The truth is, faceless datacenters run linux. PEOPLE run Windows.

Yeah but that is a situation that is funny in hindsight.

Also how is this bad?

I do agree, and Cisco immediately grabbed the occasion to push their shitty restrictive trusted boot policy. Which is worrying.

Are you like 12\s :D ?

The reason digital games took off is because it was a hundred times better in every possible way. In 2006 if you didn't live in a capital of a country in Europe. (Which is most people), buying games was a fucking pain in the ass.

First of all games had a short shelf life. Like insanely short. 3-6 months MAYBE. After that go fuck yourself. If it sold superb well maybe it got a platinum rerelease, but honestly most games that platinum-d, you probably had already, because they were the must have-s for the console, and those were basically the games you could buy in your tiny video game store / supermarket(s). (What I mean is they had a very narrow selection of the most popular games, and budget games). The idea that your budget games were older bigger titles didn't exist. You had awful budget games instead. Notice those are all but gone? Thank digital distribution. Makes no sense to stop selling a game. Also owning a more obscure console like the Saturn, was pretty much out of question, because there were even less stuff for it. Also in these stores no game, unless it was LITERALLY unplayable was marked down much. There was a very real cost associated with a physical game. It was perfectly possible to lose money on a real copy, unlike a digital one.

Also more experimental games were a huge risk for a publisher. Especially lower budget ones. Distribution and cartridge printing was awfully expensive. This did get better with CD based consoles a little.

Also the way games are distributed since the 90-s is optical media. Optical media is a huge PITA. The disks get damaged real easy, often without noticeable damage to the surface, they take up a lot a of space, and the optical drive is the single biggest point of failure on any period device. Laptops consoles, desktops. The first thing that always broke was the ODD. This resulted in a costly difficult and with more exotic devices impossible repair. I have a stack of like 20 PS2-s (I know I know), that I got for effectively free, because they were useless to their owners, because they don't read disks anymore.

So this is why digital distribution took off as hard as it did. Because people remember when games were an expensive pain in the ass, and dd made it incomparably cheaper, more convenient, and let's be real here, more long lasting.

Also the nuclear war never happened. Shooters on the other hand...

Ah yes, the steam machines. Combining the downsides of PC and Consoles since 2015.

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This is what I wrote on the other thread about the same article. The question is, on what possible grounds are they allowed to revoke licenses for completed sales?

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It is also a good demonstration how realtive our happyness is. It is all about expectations.

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Like have you seen hw prices lately? The prices of these class of card simply crashed through the ground. 1070 are very cheap, the rx470-480 is barely sellable trash. A lot of time had passed since the 10series...

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This is just simply not the case. There are multiple phones that have no known bootloader bypass to this day. Sk17i springs immediately to mind.

Yes however on windows and mac displaylink "sucks" on linux it is practically unusable. I do agree Dlink sucks, but modern laptops have no alternatives to speak of.

No car comes with AN OPTION for AC. He is kinda right you know. No car on the market has equipment so basic it would be unlivable. All come with central locking ac, electric windows, ps, most come with cruise. I can see drivetrain options, but spending 19 grand optioning up a Mirage is just mad.

But they kinda sorta do. It is not like Chromebooks are locked down like an iPhone. I had an old Samsung Chromebook, you could just turn off trusted boot with a flick of a switch (okay it did reset your device), and just run what you wanted. It's just with arm based stuff running what you want is not trivial. You run what you can which is often nothing.

A hire rejection email. Idk, seems unlikely. Especially one that mentions a concrete reason for rejection.

Unless you need displaylink. Than it is literally impossible.

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To be fair, Sony might go for that. This is incredibly embarrassing for them as well, and it does erode the trust in their service which is really important for a marketplace like this. Sony will be handing out coupons probably, but this is still damage to their brand.

Can I use this fantastic opinion to back racism as well, or is is exclusively reserved for sexism? Thanks!

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They will ALMOST CERTAINLY. But my point is this doesn't really help... Let's say a game I really like, I dunno Wreckfest (substitute you own idc) gets yanked from Steam. Here is my 24.99 EUR back. Okay fine, fair enough (it isn't but whatever), where can I buy the game again? Well REALLY you can't, you can either buy gamepass forever (Until it gets yanked from there again), or you can go and hunt down a rare an expensive Xbox physical release.

So have I been reimbursed for my loss? No, because the 24.99 is no substitute for the game I had and wanted.

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And then imagine being one of the basically 7 billion people whose first language, isn't english, but are forced to use it because of, the internet. This type of let's be real malicious syntax is a huge issue.

I mean, let's be real here. That decade is very theoretical. These midrange chipsets are kinda slow from the start. High end phones with absoulutely top of the line chipsets, with high powerlimits last a decade.

Edit: Also the parts are pretty expensive to be honest, and the price of the case is a fucking ripoff. 30 Euros for a case that isn't even nice is just taking the piss.

Also 579 is for the entry version with only 6 gigabytes of ram, which is the amount that my note 8 had in 2018. You need to pay 649 for the 8 gig one, and if you want to keep the phone, you really want the 8gig one.

Edit2: Also you need to buy the more expensive 8/256 one, for the specled green back cover, which again is just taking the fucking piss. Not the mention the self admittedly chinese bought unrepairable TWS they were peddaling with it. IK IK you got it for free for a short while. Now however you have to pay for it.

True, on the other hand this is very much employee driven. Some IT guy picked chrome as a company policy, and the reasoning behind it was looking at which browser would cause the least amounts of tickets with people complaining about browser choice.

The same is with office. Do you think a company likes to pay MS for it's shitty office suite, for when people have to type out 3 lines of text? Of couse not, but it cuts down on whining. (obv. there are places that are "full contact" ms office users, with excel sheets full of macros, but these are quite a minority)

Point is if public opinion would shift to firefox, companies would just roll out an update to use firefox from now on. Yes some webapps would break, but that is like "activeX" dependent sites in 2018... A bit pathetic.

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Very much so. Reddit was crossposted to shit.

Yeah. Boycotting Ms made sense in like 1998. I don't like the ads in windows but calling ms an os monopoly in 23 is a bit misinformed

I am actually not sure this is correct. Voicing your opinion about wantong native support is a much better direction than trying to run a more and more accurate windows emulator.

Yes there is.

If you want a cfw, which you do because your phone either comes with 2 years of updates or has touchwiz.

If you run cfw you NEED safetynet. Even the witzair app crashes without it. If you cfw and need safetynet, you have to have magisk. Magisk needs root for the safetynetfix.

No, not really. I get what you mean but the truth is, that unsustainable practices should've been capped, and made illegal BEFORE there was a monopoly. Now that there is one, they can do what they want. Google aren't idiots. They know FULL well they can do this. All of this is calcualted.

When companies fight regulations they use statements THIS unreasonable to fight better legislation, for framing everyone who supports better regulation, as completely unreasonable whining anti capitalistic bigots, who just want regulation that makes conducting any business basically impossible.

With this logic, if your DVD rots, does the company who originally released the DVD owe you a full refund plus interest?

Yeah for some banking apps you need to freeze magisk now, because it finds the service. Still, as of right now it os perfectly doable

Okay, let's test this theory. Recommend me a reasonable mouse and keyboard, that have working Linux support, and I can buy them at a reasonable store. Do the same with a webcam.

I am very pessimistic but even I dont think mozzilla will abandon gecko. For one it works, also it is all they have.