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Joined 1 years ago

You think he can reach his asshole?

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They need to word these laws that owning residential property without living in them incurs a massive tax or is prohibited altogether. This is why housing for so out of control in parts of Canada like Vancouver.

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Ok boomer.

It’s like the mods are divorcing parents who has to deal with the toxic ex to take care of their children.

That’s a weird takeaway from this.

Govt: we believe that companies that employ people in our community should have to pay the established legal minimum wage.

Companies: we are only able to profit by paying non livable wages.

Lemmy user: yes company, keep exploiting your workers and breaking the laws all businesses have to follow, I mean they can’t really catch you.

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It’s not running away, it’s standing up for what is clearly war crimes being committed by a nation.

Man you just keep finding new and inventive ways to continuously prove how much of a dick you are in this thread.

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This is really interesting. I work in a casino and I’d say 90% of slot machines are now just video based.

I’ve noticed when looking a far distance across the gaming floor, slot machines that are physically far away from me appear to have “choppy” reel movement when they spin. As I get closer, they smooth out. It’s really jarring at first and it made me think of video games where things in the far distance are rendered with low resolution models that are replaced with higher resolution models as you get closer.

Maybe there is something to how we view refresh rates from distance that our eyes just lose frames or something.

Also can I just take a second to shout out the completely underrated stock music on his channel…..

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What’s even more upsetting is the republicans held a Supreme Court nominee hostage for a year.

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While I agree with you, there is probably about a 100 x chance of being shot in the US when protesting like this.

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It’s a shitty move for a league that preaches HOCKEY IS FOR EVERYONE

“You say anything and I’ll cut you”


It hasnt changed

About 1/3 had not been previously seen in the have I been pwnd database, that’s really crazy. Either this was a very new or private list of exploited accounts.

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What’s even worse is typically in the terms of those 3rd party sites, they say they can monitor your balances and transactions until you tell them to stop.

Quickly tapping or holding the lock button on an iPhone will disable biometric entry until a pin is entered.

So this is only passing the SAT score that a person uses in their searches? Not what they actually scored on their test?

Like if I search for colleges that take 1550 score that will get passed to Facebook, not my real score?

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I loved them when they first came in. Then they started messing with the software. I have a grocery store near me that requires everything to be scanned with the build in scanner (no gun). And be placed on the belt to get weighed. That means cases of water, soda, anything else huge has to come out of the cart and put back every time.

It makes me not want to shop for large items there. And I’m faster than most employees that run checkout.

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I accidentally reinstalled it a few weeks ago. Never opened it. Today I got a push notification and I’ve never opened the app of logged in. What a bunch of shit.

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The -4° always looks like a man leaning over pooping out a hyphen to me.

She’s playing Papers Please irl

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That was an original policy when the check was only for verified accounts. It was to get ahead of a hacked , verified account.

It shouldn’t matter for the suckers paying $7 a month.

I’m not sure which group the UAW account fell into.

I was going to say late 80’s early 90’s sitcom closing credits theme.

But yes, absolutely, perfect for the dental arts!!

Yep. Hurt my back and needed surgery, was out of work for 3 months, literally the week after I returned to my job my wife had a severe neck issue that took 9 months to diagnose then 6-12 months to recover from after surgery. So one of us has been out of work almost non stop for almost 2 and a half years now, in addition to accruing a ton of medical debit. And I have really decent insurance, but the max out of pocket is like $5000-13000 for my family. And my premium aren’t cheap either. It’s unfortunate.

Exactly, everything is broke. You, them, the chip in your card, the card reader, society. Just an average day.

Never Overcock Your Underwear

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I’m pretty sure using iMessage and whatsapp on southwest is free and you don’t have to pay the $8

Yep, it just sucks that the hit or miss accuracy of many current treatments will be like that for many decades. It’s just part of the process towards eventually getting to extremely effective treatments with minimal side effects.

They typically use a projector that is placed at the exact same point that the camera will later be used to take the photo. You project the colors you want and just paint what you can see, no calculation necessary.

How is this any different than a fast food chain illegally paying someone under minimum wage? Then getting shut down for not acting legally?

If you can follow the laws, you don’t exist.

Everyone else has to play by the labor laws rules. If you can’t afford it, go out of business.

I mean. 2-4 inches is still technically an AOE.

There’s not really any limits for content anymore. Look at Amazon’s The Boys.

The way you play Fallout / Skyrim / Bethesda games might end up being a perfect format for a television adaption.

You can have a main character and follow their travels in a really strange setting. You can have 1 off episodes with perticular styles much like the quests in the game. You can easily switch from a dark horror filled vault to a campy town the next episode. Kind of like the files would have lighter episodes then some really dark ones and occasionally an episode about the main characters.

Because the fallout universe has a lot to be explored you a smart writing team could do a lot.

TL;DR Gimme Twilight Zone in the wasteland

So like should we define them based on theoretical murders per minute they could achieve!

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There is always another Florida man

Right, my concern was how the official score was being attached to a pixel while still staying “ anonymous”.

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Hey now, give the cops a break. Recently there’s been a progressive movement in law enforcement to change the culture and to not shoot minorities and their dogs exclusively. It’s just a bonus and easier to clean up when it’s a minority.

It’s not to spend more money, there’s a real increase in value Bluetooth provides to most people. Yes there are edge cases, but when you can get a a blue tooth headset for $5-20 it’s not really cost prohibitive any more.

Remember when the singe piece Bluetooth mics were like $100 when Bluetooth first started hitting mainstream phones? Many people didn’t think it was worth $100 to use an unwired headset for phone calls.

Well now, that phone is also your entire music collection, your cable box and much more. Being untethered makes a lot more sense.

In addition, easily Bluetooth destroyed device batteries, now it’s more power and you can just leave it running all the time in your phone.

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