2 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If it's broken then why no issue being tracked? Is there any issue tracking at all or is it genuinely all through Discord?

I would really recommend using GitHub's features whenever possible, especially for important information like the status of the Android build. Very few people are keen to join a Discord group to find the status of your code or instructions

The whole thing looks suspicious to me - there are no images of the game, broken English everywhere, tons of contributors but only one open issue. The repo is just odd in a lot of ways and is sending out bad vibes.

Also, the Android instructions make no sense, since there's no APK in the releases. Unless they somehow bundle that in the source code or Linux zip.

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Didn't he cheat on his wife and get caught as well?

I was looking for resources for a custom LLM and noticed they had a ton of copyrighted books and wondered to myself how the heck that was legal

I guess this answers that

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When I was younger I fell for two - baggy jeans and llamas.

I remember in 5th grade I tried to joke about llamas with one kid and show him the llama song (because he loved llamas) and he said I was just copying him. In hindsight fuck you Hans, you didn't invent llamas, you were just copying others too, you tool!

Baggy pants were regrettable too...

Got one after the craze had died down and they're surprisingly fun - just a good quality desk toy

I wanted to chime in, since I'm in the unique situation of not being a "Swiftie" but still having an above-average knowledge of Taylor Swift due to being married to a Swiftie.

For starters, her songs are very relatable for women. Especially in women around her age, she was routinely writing songs that spoke to the emotions during each periods of their lives. My wife, for example, was in middle/high school when Taylor was releasing her romantic country songs, and met me right around when Taylor released Lover. This is all because Taylor is extremely autobiographical with her lyrics and was writing about what she was experiencing at the time. She wrote lovesongs in Speak Now because she was in high school and early college when she produced the album. She wrote Lover because she had met a man who, at the time, she perceived to be a man she could spend the rest of her life with. Since Red, very few of her songs are about hypothetical situations. Almost all of them are about her real experiences as a person and as a woman, with the exception of folklore and Evermore, and that speaks to women in a very strong way. Her lyrics and reasons behinds songs are deep, much deeper than most give her credit for.

Additionally, she is extremely good at marketing. Many of her songs and albums have Easter eggs in them that only true fans will be able to find. She also drops a lot of cryptic hints, which her fans love to dissect and interpret to try and predict major releases or announcements. It's just good fun for them, and it increases the hype significantly. Also, her concerts are not just live music, they're a whole show. The Eras concert is 3 hours long, and she is singing and running the entire time. She rarely lip-syncs - I say rarely because I've heard claims that she does but I have never seen it - and gives it her all every single concert. Her band and many of her dancers and support staff have been with her for a decade or more now, and they have continued to routinely put on shows to the best of their abilities without fail.

Finally, she is, most Swifties believe, a genuinely good person. The worst thing I've ever heard of her doing is loaning her private jet out to her friends and families which caused her to break the news because her jet was causing a lot of emissions. Beyond that, she seems to be a grounded woman who genuinely loves her fans and the people around her.

If you take nothing else away from this post, this is the most important fact: She is relatable to women. She sings about her lived experiences, many of which are relatable to her fans.

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Well the latter have more "meat" on them, whereas bugs are mostly just "shells" once they die. You aren't eating the shells of crustaceans, you're eating the innards

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"Do you think fighting can be part of a healthy relationship?"

My wife and I rarely fight, we've maybe had two or three in our entire relationship, and they weren't yelling matches We just got upset and patched things up relatively quickly. I don't think I could be with someone who thinks raising their voice at another person is okay, and surely not if they think it can be healthy. And hard "hell no" to any violence.

So, this is a weedout question

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My Zoomer sister-in-law told me about it. It's an app that will randomly prompt everyone to take a picture using both the front and back cameras and you have a limited amount of time to do it. The idea being that because it's random you can't really prepare anything beforehand so the content is more "real" and everyone can see what they all do day to day

I'm a fan of the reality part but not so much a fan of allowing your life to be timed by a social media company

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I do my best to avoid art from controversal figures, but more importantly I avoid financially supporting them. Sometimes that's difficult, because they have been involved in so many things and that involvement isn't always obvious, but I try.

One of the recent, easier examples is J.K. Rowling, whose stance as a self-proclaimed "TERF" has caused me to avoid her Harry Potter franchise except for the books and movies I already own (although I have still not had interest in those lately as a consequence of her stance). This is an easy case to avoid because it's (usually) obvious what she benefits from and what she doesn't, there is no guesswork or Googling. If it says "Harry Potter" in the title it is probably financially benefitting her

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Unciv is a Civ 5 remake with simplified graphics. Its a lot of fun but the AI is brutal.

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They definitely weren't monitoring the one at a time rule... I downloaded the file and now have it forever

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My wife has just informed me of the latest Easter egg, to further explain the marketing prowess and give an example.

She has changed her profile picture to black and white, rather than full color. While trivial to non-Swift fans, this is a red alert to her die-hards. I haven't heard many of the theories yet (my wife often distills them down to the most reasonable for me, thankfully), but her favorite so far is that it is signaling her intent to release the "Taylor's version" (re-recording) of her album Reputation, which is one of her most popular albums and has a black and white theming. This is the kind of puzzles and theory crafting thst many Swift fans find so enthralling

Well yes, but also no. You can't reproduce a book because that violates copyrights.

Open source in this context just means that nobody owns the book, you can reproduce it however many times you want, and distribute it where you want as long as you include the original license in the reproduction (MIT license).

Also, there's a bit of a colloquial understanding that others are able to contribute or fork the original source material.

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Less nice, more realizing that would remove their ability to stop the Republicans when the political winds inevitability shift the other way

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My toxic trait is that I want to keep every book I ever read ..

  • uBlock Origin - Ad blocker
  • Dark Reader - Dark mode everywhere
  • Privacy Badger - More tracking protection
  • Old Reddit Redirect - Redirects all reddit URLs to the old versions
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Putting aside the content, this was a fantastically well written article. It was long but I kept reading because it told such a tale.

And, the inline sources were, generally, actual sources like statistics and research articles. I detest articles that just link to other news sources - I want the source of truth, not to play telephone. So good on the author for avoiding that trend!

intended to blow up his van at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

What on Earth? What's this guy got against NIST?

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No one seems to have said it yet, but consistency. Waking up at the same time every day including weekends. Eventually, you just wake up early naturally. I get up at 5:30 am every day on the dot with zero alarm just because it's when I wake up. And I'm never groggy, because I've adapted to it. It's not early anymore it's just when I wake up

I think the second half to this is that it can't be a chore. You have to want to wake up. If you wake up and think about how much you hate being awake it will be all the harder

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One example comes to mind where I almost did.

I used to drive an older Pontiac. It wasn't the fanciest car, so it wasn't the most performant.

One day, I was leaving a restaurant with a girl I was dating, and had to merge into traffic up a hill. I knew the car would need all the power it could get to do the merge safely, so I turned off the air-conditioning. Confused, the girl asked why I did that. I explained that air conditioning affects the performance of the car. She disagreed. She was raised a bit privileged and had only ever driven nice cars, so never noticed the performance hit of having the A/C on.

We bickered back and forth for a minute or two before I said "okay look I'll show you" and reached to turn off the A/C. Before I could, however, she hit me with "you know, you don't always have to be right". I didn't end up getting to prove it to her.

In her defense, I can be very stubborn when its something I am confident I'm correct in, and we actually argued a lot about stuff. Another example of an argument we had was over the fact that prairie dogs can carry the plague. She didn't believe me and I remember we had to look up the answer. And that was on our second date.

I think about that line she hit me with a lot. But I also realize that in a lot of our "arguments" I was still having fun. To me, there's a playful aspect to a good argument. As long as nobody is yelling or getting feelings hurt, it's a fun way to pass the time. Unfortunately, I didn't realize she wasn't having fun like I was.

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Well, I jumped in and got one. Ever since I entered a serious relationship I've missed out on a lot of titles, so having the option to play sitting next to my wife without taking up the TV will be huge. Here's hoping it works exactly as I plan

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I first heard this trial while I was still on reddit and I was sickened by the comments there. Most people seemed to feel that the shooting was fully justified and that they'd wish the shot had been fatal. A site that claimed to be progressive was openly arguing for escalation and killing. Just because the person is a shitty prankster.

Of course, I don't know the full details of the case, but I find it so difficult to sympathize with the shooter here. They had options, but instead chose to pick the deadly last resort. They could have run or even pulled out the gun as a deterrent if they were really desperate, but instead jumped to lethal measures.

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I've actually gotten much better about hangovers, because I'm so conscious now about drinking water - I DOWN water while drinking more than one and it usually works out for me the next morning

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How do you know the image isn't flipped?

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I don't think anyone knows that you are talking about. Who are "these people" and when? Do you mean on Lemmy? A particular community? A country?

And what do you mean "is this place fascism" because people being mean isn't fascism. You'll have to be more specific on what opinions.

Agreed, as a Java developer you will hopefully find C# familiar but more refined. They share a lot of the same features now, but C# seems to do them all better, in my opinion. Linq especially is just so much more enjoyable for me than Java Streams.

.NET Core (now just .NET) readily runs on Linux and Visual Studio has a free edition that is superb - an IDE provided by the language developers. Of course, you can always use Visual Studio Code or a third-party offering like Rider (by JetBrains so the transition from Java could be very easy of you are already familiar with their programs).

My only complaint on C# is that the .NET versioning is a little confusing if you aren't already familiar. However, that's only an issue if you work with legacy code. New versions after .NET 5 are all the same naming and upgrading is generally effortless, just changing a single number in your project file and downloading the proper SDK

Here you go

The Future of Online Communities

Communities are the lifeblood of the Internet. They are the places where magic happens online — where people meet others like themselves, think and talk about the same things, and laugh at the same jokes. From newsgroups and chatrooms and forums, communities have always been the centers of the Internet that draw people in.

But online communities are much more limited than their counterparts in the real world. In the real world, communities are independent entities, free to choose where and how they hang out. No one tells them what to do or where to go.

Today's online communities are not like this. They are trapped inside apps and platforms, where they do not have independence or control anything of value. This limitation makes them second-class citizens, unable to chart their own destiny on the Internet. It is time to put communities in their rightful place as the foundation of the Internet.

It is time for them to take back ownership and control. It is time for a change.

Community Points

Community Points are the first step towards a better future for online communities. In order to be truly independent from platforms like Reddit, communities need to be owned by their members in ways that platforms cannot take away. With the advent of blockchain technology, we now have a way to establish this freedom in a decentralized and secure way.

As blockchain tokens that are owned and controlled by communities themselves — not by any app or platform — Community Points represent a way for Redditors to own a piece of their favorite communities. They are earned by making contributions to the community, like creating content and moderating. They not only represent ownership and reputation within the community, but can also be used for community governance, moderation, and unlocking premium features. They can even be used in custom tools outside of Reddit and on other platforms.

Most importantly, Community Points are a flexible tool that each community can shape to its needs. Each community has its own Points that it can customize with its own name, symbol, distribution rules, and uses. Every community has its own needs and we expect each to use Points differently and in novel ways that help take them to the next level.

This reminds me of a question I have about the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal. Obviously, he was in a position of power and shouldn't have had relations with an intern. But it does beg the question: can any American citizen fully consent to relationships with the active president?

The issue is power and influence, but even the president's wife is subject to a certain level of his presidential authority. So where's the line? When is it "okay" in the eyes of the power dynamic.

Most people are probably reasonable enough to say that his wife, of course, can consent. But it still does make me ponder, and there's an invisible line in the sand somewhere for most people

This is a really toxic way to look at animals. You should enjoy them not because they are cute and loving but because they are incredible beings that help craft the ecosystems in which we thrive. If not like them, then hopefully you can at least respect and accept them for what they are.

As to your original question, raccoons are incredible animals. One of the few species who are so adaptable that they can manage to survive in our concrete world, despite our efforts to stop them. They're very intelligent and dexterous and it's incredible they continue to survive and borderline thrive at times.

This is definitely the issue. For most of modern history, humans haven't had to care about anything outside of their city/town/village from day to day. Then social media and 24/7 news came along and suddenly we know everything going on, and most of it is bad because that's what drives viewership.

We shouldn't expect every person to be worried about every issue all the time. It's just not good for you.

I'm personally trying not to focus on things outside of my sphere of influence. I'll vote in elections, donate if I can spare the money, volunteer if I can spare the time, and buy products I know are more ethical than alternatives. That's realistically the most anyone should ask of one (frankly unremarkable) person.

If I had to come up with a reason for it out of my ass, I'd say it's because being rejected from a tribe would be a death sentence for most, so those that remembered their mistakes were less likely to repeat them and be expelled.

I have concerns about the success of this platform. I am convinced what makes TikTok great isn't necessarily the algorithm (its good, no doubt) but the volume of content. There are so many users producing content that the amount of content you find enjoyable is always more than you could scroll through in a day.

A platform like this will be boring pretty fast when you scroll through the 100 new videos uploaded that day in an single hour, and you skip many of them. It's tough to generate enough content without enough users, and most of the content will likely just be aggregated from the other short-form sites. Of course that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's a more privacy-friendly way to browse that content, which is a plus.

Also, not particularly a fan of more brain-rotting short form content. It's crazy how addictive it is and I'm wanting less, not more. But if I had to choose a "shorts" platform I'd sure like a federated, free one to be the one to succeed. But it's got a long way to go

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Depends a lot on the environment when they were young, I wager. Could also just be nature more than nurture and some animals are just more food motivated than others from birth

That gen 1 of Pokemon didn't have compound types (i.e. Pokemon with two types). In reality they did

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A change was made in 16.1.0 to allow users to reset their password through a secondary email address. The vulnerability is a result of a bug in the email verification process. The bug has been fixed with this patch, and as mentioned above, we have implemented a number of preventive security measures to protect customers.

Struggling to figure out what the heck they did. Some kind of injection attack to send the email to an arbitrary account? How would you even mess that up in the first place

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The US has a lot of bullshit in their labeling requirements. My wife studied food science in university and some of her biggest complaints are:

  • Serving sizes aren't always the entire package*

  • "Natural" has almost no meaning on a package, it is just a hand-waving word

  • They can hide a lot of things in the ingredients under umbrella terms like "spices" and "flavorings"

  • "Made with real juice" does not mean it was made with the juice on the label. For example, a pineapple fruit juice may be more apple juice than actually pineapple juice

  • They can round down to 0 calories if the actual amount is below 5

The most egregious example I've seen lately was a jar of pickles I bought where the serving size is 1/3 of a pickle (now the website says 1/2). That's just so that the sodium doesn't get out of control and, in all likelihood, because an entire pickle may be more than the 5 Calories allowed to say it's "0 Calories".

*This is changing, slowly. Manufacturers now have to put servings for the entire container if it's small enough

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I spend less than an hour a day, usually. I end up scrolling past a lot of the posts because they don't interest me and are more long form content, but I like to catch up on the memes and cats