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Joined 1 years ago

Classic tactic. Let em rant in a special "freedom zone" and do nothing else. I know, obvious, but still maddening. I left reddit behind forever.

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What the actual fuck??? Seriously, Florida?

Fucking piece of shit.

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If y'all can pay a living wage, y'all can't do business. Tired of this shit.

Sure. Drag shows are the problem.

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You know....just bums me how the GOP is wasting out time with shit like this and with shit like trump, instead of working on actual problems like the environment, corporate malfeasance etc. Don't @me. I'm just venting.

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This guy. If anyone of us filled that, we'd be locked so fast. But, no....this wad gets to carry on like some jackass. When will he be gone from our lives?

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Sure. Its all about controllino women. This is some Taliban shit. Fuck these guys.

In the tank for trump is usually about who you hate, not about who you care about.

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Trump is a damn criminal fascist grifter. The day he leaves our lives, I'll do a goddamn dance.

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Fucking astounds me how this grifter is pulling numbers....everyone for him is just doing it for spite now...

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How are they even considering this traitor?

Boy, they really worked hard to find such a crank for that spot. Sure beats actual intelligence, i guess.

Hell Yes. To quote Jay " and Bob are pro choice. A woman's body is her own fucking business!"

Not Chrome and Not MS. Simple.

So.....there really has been some massive psy-op done on us all,right? Make us dumber and take us out. Seems like it.

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Aw man....that's sad. Say what you want, She was herself and fuck anyone had a problem with that. Will miss her.

Goddammit, Florida! Why are you so bad?! Seriously, F yourselves.

" I'm sorry I'm an asshole!"

Too few women in politics for sociopaths like Baob. to come wreck things.

This guy is a Damm goblin that wants the organization he works for to disappear. His existence is an insult to society.

Suppose it was worth the delay to get a truley shitty choice. What the hell, guys?

Oh, he's a piece of shit, alright. What where we thinking, holding this dude up as some kind of visionary?

Hoping you can be who you are. Good luck.

Religion: wrecking lives since....well, since it was invented.

The only way to deal with sociopaths is to get away from them as far as posssible.

They can only be furious. Sure beats thinking.

Uhg, Twitter. Just die already!

Sure. Performances sure beat doing the actual Work.

Not surprised

Uhg ..this performative bullshit from the GOP. Sure beats actually working on real problems.

Sooooo.....actual delusional,crazy people in office is fine. Sure.

Grifter. And y'all ate it up. What a fuckin mess.

Goddam...we love our guns, though.

Left reddit. Collected my pics, killed my account. I feel much better now. Reddit can die in a fire.

Who needs public health?

Hard-core Dark Patterns, amazon...

Uhg. Cannibalizing the bird app for something equally obnoxious. These corporations are playing us for Suckers ....

Ahhhh....takes me back

Oh, he's a piece of shit, alright. What where we thinking, holding this dude up as some kind of visionary?