2 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You're correct on all counts, but you're also not a typical desktop user, you're definitely a professional or power user with specific needs.

The average user needs the ability to use a web browser and that's honestly about it. That's why Chromebooks are so popular with schools. A basic Linux desktop is quite capable for a standard user.

For the things yoi need you're correct that it's not 1:1 and you'd need to move to open source alternatives or tinker with VMs/WINE to get those apps working and it would be a chore.

Yeah that doesn't sound typical, but you're right if you've got those going on OpenSUSE then I don't think you're missing anything major. If Fedora ever gives me trouble I might give that a try. I just wasn't interested in PopOS or Mint as a lot of other people were because I want those latest core components and don't really like GNOME.

Not knocking your choice, OpenSUSE is a grand daddy OS, but if others are looking for a good KDE experience I find Fedora KDE Spin, which is not anweird fork yoi can get it from Red Hat themselves, is very good and come out of the box with all the latest and greatest like Wayland and Pipewire by default.

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I expect to see this soon as a way of combatting people who join one for a month or two, binge, then switch to another provider.

It might not come in the form of contracts at first, maybe they will just jack up the price of month to month high enough that people will voluntarily buy into a contract or yearly pre-purchase.

Trust me, there is always a way to make more money if you're OK with being anti-consumer. It's just a matter of time.

Maybe I'm gate keeping, but RFID technology is... old. Does this belong here?

That... didn't last long. It's a shame as a lot of the communities I subscribe to are there, but I don't have an interest in joining a restrictive instance like theirs. This really highlights the fragility of these self-hosted instances and the platform in general.

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Because the winds are blowing in his favour. Xi (and the rest of the world) have watched Russia take land with little repercussion. The reaction to the invasion of Crimea was mild and allowed for the full on invasion years later. The rules have changed and now leaders are seeing that taking land, which used to be seen as a relic of the past, is back on the menu.

The US and a lot of the west is afraid to get involved and do what needs to be done to stop Putin, and Xi knows that if he waits for the perfect moment Taiwan will be his.

The US is building domestic chip manufacturing in case they lose TSMC, and once it's operational one of the main reasons they consider Taiwan an asset will be gone. Xi likely is hoping the war in Ukraine and Israel will continue and "news fatigue" will render people uninterested in a new conflict. I'm not sure what the final nail will be that makes him move, but a controllable president like Trump getting in is a good bet.

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I don't know what you're talking about. Signal does not use RCS and it is open source.

Android users literally run their lives out of Google Calendar. Think you can share your calendar with a friend from your phone? Think again. It's back to the 10 year old desktop interface for you!

Oh you're not at home at your computer, well, try using the desktop version of Google Calandar on your phone's browser. I dare you.

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A 100MB file transfer over MMS? I'm not saying you're lying, but recognize that is highly abnormal and most carriers aren't going to support anything near that high. 100MB would be a huge upgrade for most people over MMS.

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It's ridiculous that Google has disabled this feature. Even if we assumr it's in preparation for desktop mode, that's still unacceptable. Mirroring is a perfectly valid feature in its own right and it shouldn't be held back by Google's "plans".

It's crazy that my old Android phones from a decade ago could do this and the latest pixel cannot. We have been bleeding hardware features for years.

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Honestly? Really disappointed. Once again Google has done a decent job on the software and AI side and totally phoned it in on the hardware.

There is nothing interesting at all happening on the hardware side. Identical design, no increase in storage or ram, no maglock Qi2 charging, STILL no DP-Alt for display out so no Dex like feature, I could go on. To do such a minimal refresh then have the gall to charge $150 CAD more than last year while locking extra features behind the Pro model?

I struggle to see how this could be considered a good launch. They are trying to command premium prices based on software improvements alone, but with mediocre hardware that will never work. Pixel phones do not hold their value for this reason, and the price will fall with the 8a comes out and has all the identical software features at a fraction of the price.

I will give koodos on the one big thing though, and that's the 7 years of OS updates. That really makes it hard to consider buying a 7 or 7a when the 8 comes with support like that. It will be very interesting to see if the 8a has the same guarantee (same chip so it should) or if they gatekeep that artificially to sell the higher tier.

I also would have liked to see something novel here for repairability. If they had come out with a new design where the battery was easily accessible that would have gone a long way to prove sustainability and comply with the upcoming EU legislation. As it stands I'm not sure 7 years of OS updates are really that important because the phone will not last that long due to already middle of the road hardware and poor repairability.

TL:DR Google has yet again released a mediocre phone with a high price tag.

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Kind of. From what I've heard each network will alert you if it always sees the same tracker from the other network, as a precaution against unwanted tracking / stalking. I don't believe it goes further than that though, as in the networks won't report back all the tags they see on a daily basis to help with location.

Any tag following you = alert

Tag from the other network seen = nothing

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Thinking of picking up Stray. My GF loves cats and has been waiting for a sale.

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This is the War on Drugs argument all over again, except using porn instead of marijuana as a "gateway".

You're correct that there can be some crossover and some unstable people could have an addiction that gets out of control, but I don't think there's any proof that happens in high enough numbers.

I largely agree with what you're saying and there definitely is no easy solution. I've never understood why drawings or sex dolls depicting underage people are illegal in some places, as they are victimless crimes.

The issue with aigen that differentiates it a bit from the above is the fidelity. You can tell a doll or an anime isn't real, but in a few years from now it'll b difficult to spot aigen images. This isn't unique to this scenario though, it's going to wreck havok on politics, scams, etc, but there is the potential that real CP comes out from hiding and is somewhat shielded by the aigen.

Of course this is just speculation, I hope it would go the other way around and everyone just jacks off at their computers and CP disappears completely. We need to stop focusing our attention on people with pedophila, get them mental support, and focus on sex offenders who are actually hurting people.

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The same reason they removed the SD card, to get you using Google Drive, and the headphone jack, to get you to buy pixel buds.

I wish there were other options but most smartphone makers have dropped out of the game, cost a fortune, or have terrible updates.

If you wanted to self host Lemmy is very lightweight. The general consensus is you could get a cheap virtual host for $5-10/mo

That would cover yourself and a few friends. Now, if Lemmy were to really get popular your database would grow in size so youay have to get more storage later but it's overall very inexpensive to do it yourself.

That said, major instances like could charge their users $1-2/mo and probably be fine (this is napkin math). Long story short nothing is free, even if it's relatively inexpensive. We need to create a community that is willing to pitch in a few cents for freedom. I don't think that's too much to ask, otherwise the ad model comes into play and the place goes to shit.

There are plenty of things I might not like that aren't illegal.

I'm interested in thr thought experiment this has brought up, but I don't want us to get caught in a reactionary fervor because of AI.

AI will make this easier to do, but people have been clipping magazines and celebrities have had photoshops fakes created since both mediums existed. This isn't new, but it is being commoditized.

My take is that these pictures shouldn't be illegal to own or create, but they should be illegal to profit off of and distribute, meaning these tools specifically designed and marketed for it would be banned. If someone wants to tinker at home with their computer, yoipl never be able to ban that, and you'll never be able to ban sexual fantasy.

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No headphone jack. I really wish they'd bring that back.

Thank you, I was about to click.

Wow, so gaming with reliable latency is a special usecase? Wi-Fi is awesome for convenience but it can never be better than wired because of physics.

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And this is why I don't love Nintendo. They're are aggressively anti-consumer.

As others have said you can emulate TOTK with motion controls on the steam deck, but it is a bit of setup to get it going and the performance isn't perfect. I'm still enjoying it though. (plus unlimited weapon durability and all the mods you could want)

Of course they could, this is a software limitation. However consumer friendliness is not in either companies interests. Apple prefers to keep total control over their ecosystems so they aren't going to do Google any favours, and Google likely doesn't care much either way seeing how long it's taken them to even attempt a similar network.

I did a lot of research on this and the most important thing to think about is the layout. Is this just going to be to input a little bit of text every once and a while, or will you type a bit on it? The reason is almost all folding keyboards have to make layout compromise in order to fold. Some squish certain buttons down, some add gaps, some remove buttons entirely.

I wanted as close to natural button placement as possible, with USB-C charging, at a decent price. It didn't need to be the most premium thing because I just use it every once and a while. I went with this:

It doesn't however have a touchpad like you want. I made a spreadsheet where I collected all the main folding keyboard and you can sort by accurate button layout, touchpad,, multi device support, price, etc. Note that I made this a while ago for my own purposes so the prices will be old and some links may be dead. Hope it helps.

That's an issue that will go away shortly. On Reddit admins could mark a subreddit as NSFW by default and all content would hold that tag. That feature currently doesn't exist on Lemmy so people are just sometimes forgetting to check the NSFW box. Jerboa also does not have the box to check at all. I believe the feature is coming soon.

Not the OP, but let me step in. Dog breeds are something we have created as humans, they're not wild species that need to be preserved and don't have any effect on ecosystems.

Dog breeding is largely negative at this point as most breeds have outlived their original use and are now seen as designer pets. We continue to breed them as there is continued demand, but quite often these breeds are so inbred that they have genetic health issues. We also oversupply and don't fix/neuter enough, meaning there are always unwanted dogs without homes.

I love dogs, but all of mine have been rescues and I would have no problem with the vast majority of breeds being phased out. There are still some niche cases where dogs are actually used for their breed's purpose (dog sled, search/rescue, hunting, etc) but no, I don't think a chihuahua or a pug should exist and would not be sad if breeders stopped producing more.

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Bazzite has been designed to be an out of the box SteamOS distro. It's not based on Arch, so if that's what you're familiar with then that's not the same, but give it a try.

Exactly, the reason we don't repair things is two fold.

  1. The reason everyone here is talking about: the products aren't designed for it.
  2. The reason the products aren't designed for it: we can't afford it.

To dig deeper into #2, yes sometimes things are made harder to repair for the sake of thinness or some technological reason, but a main issue is that we cannot afford our own labour. Our wages have not kept up over the last half century and we can no longer afford to hire our neighbors in our local communities for their skills.

Because we have been outsourcing manufacturing for so long we feel like we have money, becYse we can buy a TV for every room. But if that TV was made in NA and not Asia? It would be a $2000 TV, not $400. It's cheaper to buy new because we cannot afford man hours to repair.

The consumer economy we have is built for waste and exploitation. While I 100% support right to repair and it's a step in the right direction, I feel most people will still buy new.

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What? Who's the enemy here, what are you talking about?

Police, no. Homeland security? crickets

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They did try to do that, but there wasn't enough interest from companies to split their development teams to support a third platform. In fact Microsoft realised this and was so invested in it that they had a program where they would use MS devs to convert/build from scratch your iOS/Android app to run on Windows for free. All you had to do was take it over and maintain it after; almost no one took them up on it.

I think the important thing is that people know these questions should be asked eventually, but I agree it can be later.

Too many people are giving the advise "it doesn't matter" but for all the reasons you mentioned I think it does matter a lot. You should consider your first account a throw-away while you start to understand Lemmy and what a home instance means to you, then be ready to ditch it and start fresh (until account porting is implemented).

Some of them are that crazy. Let me introduce you to the Church of Christ, Scientist (yes that's actually their name).,_Scientist

I agree with you, but remember the official dock also comes with a second power adapter so that ads to the cost.

Yup, while I do see the point some people make about it breaking the immersion of film for being too fluid (everybody has their preferences) it definitely WAS more fluid.

I will say though that when I first moved from 60-144hz I wasn't blown away by the change either. Things seemed a bit smoother maybe but not that big a deal. It wasn't until I accidentally went back to 60 that something felt horribly wrong. I can ABSOLUTELY see the difference now and for some reason I had to get acclimated.

I think Putin is out of touch and lives with a completely different world view than you or I, but I don't think he is insane or suicidal. Look at how far away he stayed from people during COVID.

I think we do ourselves a disservice by bowing down to his sabre rattling every time he reminds us he has nukes. We know, and he also knows the second one will drop on his head if he tries it. It's just posturing to get people likrnus arguing and making his land grab seem more legitimate, like there's nothing we can really do.

He will always have nukes, and if we alwuas back down because not them he will always get his way.

I don't play overwatch, but a friend of mine tried to get a refund since the game he paid for didn't have any of the PvR content they originally advertised. They declined.

Now I see why. They are planning to double dip.

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Yeah... a Bluetooth light sounds terrible. I'd rather stick with ZigBee.

You don't have to follow that link, it just has a few more technical details than the official Ikea site. That said I'm not a shill, just a cheapskate :P

I already have a smaller travel USB-C charger for my deck which is working great, but I've wanted to have a few extra around in places where I dock but haven't been able to justify the price.

People are right that you can get similar priced chargers on Amazon, but they are random Chinese brands and while I'm sure Ikea's is a rebrand itself, I would hope a large company like them would have ensured it was decent quality and won't burn down the houses they furnish with particle board :P