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Joined 1 years ago


Don't talk to me unless you're an alien, a time traveler, an esper or if your avatar is also Haruhi Suzumiya

tl;dr - a small number of bad actors are causing too much trouble, so the owner is pulling the plug on Omegle rather than continuing to fight uphill against it. The post is also a sad farewell letter where Leif reminisces a bit about the old internet and how people used to actually use it to not be total assholes to strangers all the time

Relevant bits:

In recent years, it seems like the whole world has become more ornery. Maybe that has something to do with the pandemic, or with political disagreements. Whatever the reason, people have become faster to attack, and slower to recognize each other’s shared humanity. One aspect of this has been a constant barrage of attacks on communication services, Omegle included, based on the behavior of a malicious subset of users.

The battle for Omegle has been lost, but the war against the Internet rages on. Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere. I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection. If that sounds like a bad idea to you, please consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that fights for your rights online.

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We did it, Reddit

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Bethesda was under no obligation to talk to these mod devs beforehand. But it sure makes them look bad. As a recent comparable, Concerned Ape was open and communicative with all the mod devs before releasing his latest patch for Stardew Valley, a game that is just about as old as Fallout 4.

Bethesda has become a literal laughingstock at this point in time and it's just funny to point at them every time they rack up another L.

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Common Bettman L.

Dude really just said fuck it, I am gonna die of old age in 10 years anyway, fuck the future.

Now the NHL has banned pro-LGBTQ messaging, there are animated digital board ads during play, ads on helmets, ads on jerseys, gambling commercials, commentators talking about betting odds, embedded commercials during play, and still no reasonable means of legally streaming NHL games. All under Bettman's watch.

Gary needs to go.

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Plot twist: OP doesn't actually have kids, they only have a carbon monoxide leak somewhere in their home and the kids are just hallucinations

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Personally I never get in the shower without my circular saw

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The most interesting thing in that article was that someone anonymously sent in a tip with Randele's obituary which is how they finally closed the case. Who is the rando super sleuth following this cold case for 50 years obsessively scanning obits from all over the country?

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I can't believe they would do this to an Olympic gold medalist and former astronaut

An older comment of mine with a few new things added:

Common Bettman L.

Dude really just said fuck it, I am gonna die of old age in 10 years anyway, fuck the future.

Now the NHL has banned pro LGBTQ messaging, there are animated digital board ads during play, ads on helmets, ads on jerseys, gambling commercials, commentators talking about betting odds, embedded commercials during play, and still no reasonable means of legally streaming NHL games. Not to mention the snail's pace of the ongoing Hockey Canada sexual assault investigation (seriously, are they hoping everyone is just going to forget about this?), the hypocritical RNG state of the Department of Player Safety, and the NHL's tiptoeing around concussions and CTE. All under Bettman's watch.

Gary needs to go.

It just wasn't that good. Not terrible, but very bland. I put 30 hours in but finally stopped when I realized I wasn't having fun, I was only chasing the idea of fun.

I don't even like DND and I thought BG3's first act put the entire story of Starfield to shame.

Now I'm playing through Phantom Liberty and loving the hell out if it.

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I'm in politics. I won't say who I am but you've probably heard of me.

Lately I've been wearing heel lifts inside some cowboy boots whenever I make a public appearance. I don't think anyone has noticed.

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They're just tanking so they can get a high draft pick next year.

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Bad advice. I'd rather:

  1. Throw away all of the money on drugs and hookers
  2. Die
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This is just like EVE Online for me - I am more interested in reading about the drama than the actual game itself.

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If Trump shat himself on live TV, conservative influencers would start shitting themselves on Tiktok and wherever else, claiming it's owning the libs.

You know what... they can just have that one, lol.

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Spiders are cool and all but I do have a personal rule of if it enters a certain radius around me, it is gonna fucking die.

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Hey are you by any chance trapped in a recently abandoned pickle warehouse?

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Tucker Carlson Onlyfans

2 hour long blowjob video

Russian audio, English subs

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In its ideal form, a microblog style site could literally provide an online version of a collective consciousness of society. It would be a live feed of normal people's thoughts.

Except in reality it's porn, smug posting, corporate advertising, vitriol, and propaganda all fueled by algorithms written to keep mofos scrolling.

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Go to options. Scroll halfway down the page. Firefox gives you the choice to change updates from automatic to whenever you want.

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Bad summary. That's not a criticism at all. Though the summary comes from the website, not the OP.

Also, linking to Fox News, gross.

Also, context for people who I know are not going to click on that:

The former Arkansas governor told the Florida Freedom Summit in Kissimmee, Florida, that such an outcome will make it harder for Republicans down the ticket to win their races if Trump, who is leading in the polls, wins the 2024 Republican nomination.

"There is a significant likelihood that Donald Trump will be found guilty by a jury on a felony offense next year. That may or may not happen. Before you vote in March, and it might not make any difference to you, but it will make a difference for our chances to attract independent voters in November. It will make a difference for those down-ticket races for Congress and Senate, and it will weaken the GOP for decades to come. As a party, we must support the rule of law," he said.

He's trying to rally Republican voters to make sure they don't get too complacent with Trump being a sure bet during the next election, not criticizing him.

Clickbait title much? It's because she's considering a Senate run or being Trump's VP.

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Holy shit, just answer the question, Mike

Area of effect?

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Yes, and also /r/ihaveaverysmallpenis

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I had [semi-important named NPC] die during a quest but then still talk to me as they were lying on the ground. Just Bethesda things, I guess.

The account you're replying to was created an hour ago and that is the only comment in their history. Don't feed the trolls.

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Man, Joe Rogan had his chance to be a unifying voice for America 3.5-4 years ago, but that fuck decided to take $$$ instead and now spouts non-stop garbage nonsense like this.

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Please don't joke this into existence

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Nobody has said Rebecca Black - Friday yet?

Fuck I am getting so old.

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What a cancerous website. Even on desktop that place is a mess.

Here's her solution at the end of the article:

We, the internet users, also need to learn to recalibrate our expectations and our behavior online. We need to learn to appreciate areas of the internet that are small, like a new Mastodon server or Discord or blog. We need to trust in the power of “1,000 true fans” over cheaply amassed millions.

The fix for the internet isn’t to shut down Facebook or log off or go outside and touch grass. The solution to the internet is more internet: more apps, more spaces to go, more money sloshing around to fund more good things in more variety, more people engaging thoughtfully in places they like. More utility, more voices, more joy.

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Lol. The first thing I thought of when I saw this headline was another post I saw earlier today: "Trump must return $7.8M paid to him by other countries, Democrats demand."

This is why I only buy normal mangoes. Explosive ones are too dangerous.

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So... ha ha, on the surface this is "lol Republicans are a clown show" but wtf actually happened? Did someone threaten his family? Is there video of him doing morse code with blinks? We can all laugh now but I don't think this is a win for anyone.

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Can this guy choke on a Big Mac and die already

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Easy headline to lol at, but this poor guy is fucked. He was doing it to earn a living, now he faces 5 years in jail and/or a $32k fine.

Maybe someone can fill me in on this because I don't know anything about it. "LibsofTiktok" is clearly just a right wing actor making liberal viewpoints look stupid, yeah? No one who actually identifies as "liberal" would ever willingly call themself a "lib."

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