Not arachnophobic, but looked down and saw this lady racing up my shirt, a few inches from my neck. My scream was internal.

AFK BRB to – 189 points –

I managed not to hurt it as I brushed it off.


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Spiders are cool and all but I do have a personal rule of if it enters a certain radius around me, it is gonna fucking die.

I figure outside is their territory, and try to leave them be. I have to get rid of the black widows in my back yard because my dogs are dumb and will try to eat then, but otherwise leave them alone.

Not quite as harsh but the area is extended: If I see a spider in my room around my desk, it gets thrown out into the garden. I have no problem knowing there is a spider in my room but I don't want to have to consider the possibility of it creeping up my body unwarned