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Joined 1 years ago

I can guarantee you can get a pretty nice hotel for less than that without bullshit fees. Anyone still using Airbnb or any of the other short term rentals deserve what they get.

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I don’t know why people expect massive jumps every single year. There’s only so much you can really change year over year at this point.

You don’t need to upgrade every damn year. Apple supports each phone for a minimum of 5-6 years.

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Important to note that police only sought the warrant after the women mentioned to them that they had talked on Facebook messenger about it.

Never talk to the police.

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He’s always been a shit head like this. He just got rich enough that he thought he could get away with showing his true colors.

The dude comes from a family of slave owners and was born with a silver spoon up his ass.

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Richard Nixon tried to nuke North Korea because he was drunker than a skunk and Kissinger had to tell the joint chiefs of staff to ignore him.

It’s not trans people we need to worry about. It’s putting mentally weak and fragile men in charge of things.

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Sealioning is the constant bad faith, feigning ignorance, asking for evidence of everything under the guise of “just asking questions”. Then ignoring any evidence presented and moving on to the next demand. Used to shut down discourse entirely.

Tankies are leftists that defend or deny the atrocities committed by authoritarian communist regimes like the Soviet Union or the CCP. It was first used to describe communists in Great Britain that defended the Soviet Union for using tanks to crush anti-communist revolutions.

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Gonna be real fun to see the crash test rating.

Without crumple zones, all of the kinetic energy goes into the occupants.

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Netanyahu: Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to eliminate the Jewish nation

Hamas: yeah he’s right

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Not to mention the massive civilian/contractor force that supports it. That’s a bunch of highly educated people that probably don’t want to live in Alabama either.

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That’s relatively cheap…

You’ve got 8 buns there so buying 4 more patties would take the whole thing to $28 for 8 burgers and cutting the danish into 8 slices which is probably the serving size anyway. Or $3.50 per burger and slice of danish.

And you grabbed the most expensive versions of things too.

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“Almost every company”

You mean like 5-10 major companies?

There are thousands of smaller companies buying ad space and access to consumer data.

And “buying data” isn’t what it sounds like for the most part. Few companies are out there buying and selling raw data tied to individuals. For the most part it is a company buying heavily targeted ads from someone like Google that has ALL of your data. They know, with surgical precision, how to target ads at you. Company B just tells Google “ we want to target a 35 year old, white, dad of three that is lacking in his masculinity and wants to feel rugged, while not making him feel emasculated”.

The you get a Dr Squatch ad.

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I mean, GREEN does stand for Getting Republicans Elected Every November.

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The difference is HBO is a media company that largely operates in the US, and Jon Oliver making fun of them isn’t going to hurt their business at all. Apple is a hardware company that also makes media. And selling hardware in China is critical to their business. Since the CCP owns China, they can get their panties in a twist and just ban Apple. Like they did with government devices.

As a publicly owned company they have a legal responsibility to maximize profit for shareholders. It’s the same reason why Twitter had to agree to the sale to Elon Musk and why they had to force it. It was a terrible move overall but since Elon was buying all outstanding shares and taking it private, the board literally had no legal choice but to take it since he was offering well over market value.

Public companies don’t get to take moral stands when there’s money on the line. They legally have to put shareholders first.

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Mueller didn’t half ass anything. He conducted his investigation and determined that crimes were likely committed, but that he didn’t have the power to bring charges in his position as special counsel and it would be up to the AG.

Which is true. A DOJ special counsel is not the same thing as the independent counsel that used to exist, which was what Ken Starr was when he investigated Clinton.

A DOJ special counsel is completely beholden to the AG and DOJ policies and can’t bring charges without the AG signing off on them.

If you actually read the mueller report, it’s extremely damning and he turned it over to the AG and Congress to do something about it. The AG declined to bring any charges based on a DOJ memorandum that says a sitting POTUS cannot be charged. The House impeached Trump over the findings and the Senate failed to convict and remove him.

The current AG could still bring criminal charges over the conclusion of the report, but at this point it’s been so highly politicized that it would be impossible to get a conviction on.

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BMW drivers had the highest rate of driving under the influence

Whaaaat I would have guessed Ram

Ram drivers had the highest overall incident rate

Ah there it is.

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They wouldn’t be red meat because that’s a mammalian thing.

Depending on the dinosaur and how they move they would either be white meat like poultry or dark redder meat like game birds (geese, ducks, cranes, etc).

A lot of the theropod dinosaurs would have very dark meat legs and white meat breast since they don’t do much flying. Sauropods would likely be very dark meat since they did a lot of walking around grazing.

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You can’t spin thread from it since the fibers are too short.

But you can use lint for felting.

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They have historically said aluminum in Canada too…

It’s not an American term. It’s literally what the British discoverer of the metal named it (after originally naming it Alumium), both because it resembled platinum as well as wanting to associate it with the more prestigious metal.

Aluminium is actually the “incorrect” way of spelling it anyway because it comes from the second neuter declination from Latin where -um is the correct way. Which is why you have plumbum (lead, Pb), argentum (silver, Ag), aurum (gold, Au), ferrum (iron, Fe), hydrargyrum (mercury, Hg), copper (cuprum, Cu), stannum (tin, Sn), molybdenum, lanthanum, and tantalum. Arsenic was originally arsenicum as well.

The second neuter declension from Greek is where you get -on elements like the noble gasses. Neon, krypton, argon, xenon, radon. And then helium, which by its Greek etymology should be helion instead of helium. Also Silicon, carbon, boron, and oganesson.

Oganesson by the IUPAC rules should actually be Oganessium, because the naming rules required all new elements to end in -ium regardless of properties. They ended up naming it oganesson because it falls in the noble gas group, even though it’s predicted to be a metallic solid at room temp and not a gas at all.

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You still need the comma before Okta to be grammatically correct.

More correct would be to just use multiple sentences.

“No, Okta. It was senior management, not an errant employee, that caused you to get hacked.

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2nm process doesn’t actually mean 2nm though. Hasn’t in over a decade.

The current 3nm process has a 48nm gate pitch and a 24nm metal pitch. The 2nm process will have a 45nm gate pitch and a 20nm metal pitch.

“Nm” is just “generation” today. After 5nm was 3nm, next is 2nm, then 1nm. They’ll change the name after that even though they’re still nowhere near actual nm size.

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Where do private schools come in to this?

It was a PUBLIC high school that pulled her scholarship. Learn to read you fuckin troglodyte.

I love how the title is that they’re lowering raises after a bad quarter, but then say that they’re going back to their normal raise structure they have always had and that 2022 was a higher than normal raise year because they raised the minimum wage by 10% on top of higher raises due to higher inflation.

They didn’t lower the minimum raise retail employees can get, they just lowered the maximum raise they could.

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That’s what happens in red states that ban abortion. It becomes illegal to go to a doctor for it.

Banning abortion only makes women seek back alley abortions that are risks to their own lives.

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I have never had a hotel charge bullshit fees. Rental rate and tax are all I have ever paid.

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I mean, the content here lately is 15 year old memes.

A lot of the boom is people that were too lame to get karma on Reddit so they spam dumb things here now and get upvotes because everyone is still in “upvote everything to help the community” mode.

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Saying Hamas represents Palestinian voices is the same as saying the Taliban represents Afghan voices.

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Not potentially, it would 100% compromise security. You have to sign in to your Apple ID on some Mac mini in a server farm somewhere that Nothing has control of.

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The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

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lol yeah we’ll see. They only offer 3 for the 7 pro and Fold.

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When people say free, they don’t mean completely free. They mean free at point of use for the patient, with the system funded by tax dollars like every other first world nation.

An example in the US would be the military. If you are in the military, either active or reserves, and need a prescription then it’s 100% free to you if you pick it up at a military pharmacy. That doesn’t mean that the manufacturer of the prescription is eating the cost, it means the federal government is using tax dollars to pay that on the back end and the military patient doesn’t pay out of pocket for it.

We could do that on a national scale for cheaper than what we collectively pay now for healthcare.

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Honestly with her dementia and other health issues, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was just hanging on out of sheer will to not leave her behind first.

And only the key operated ones. Push to start are not affected.

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I mean, Hamas took power by killing Palestinian civilians. They don’t represent anyone and they openly say they will martyr civilians.

The Palestinian National Authority (Fatah) was the democratically elected government of Palestine before 2007. Hamas staged a coup and executed Fatah officials, which is why Gaza and the West Bank are separate entities today.

Hamas is as much a state as Al-Qaeda. They’re a terrorist group that seized power by way of murder and have openly declared they intend to use their citizens as shields and martyrs.

They’re not a state. They’re a terror cell that deserves to be eliminated. Unfortunately their own admitted tactics of using civilians as shields means that civilians will be killed.

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Most of mainland China speaks Mandarin. More than 70% of Chinese speakers in mainland China speak Mandarin.

Cantonese is regional and only widely spoken around Guangdong, but very culturally tied to Hong Kong, Macau, and Guangxi which are all autonomous regions that the CCP has heavily wanted to completely pull into control. Eliminating their language is important to that aspect. Only around 6% of Chinese speakers in China speak the Yue family of dialects as a whole, of which Cantonese is an even more regional dialect of.

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No, no they could not lol. Not even remotely close.

The US spends $2 Billion a year on aid to Israel.

They spend $105 Billion a year in direct payments to SNAP (food stamps) recipients.

And $32 Billion a year on section 8 housing vouchers.

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Or it will just harden resolve and fulfill the propaganda they have already been fed.

When the only information you’ve bern given about the whole thing is that the west is aggressive towards Russia and you needed to invade to stop their aggression, getting bombed at home isn’t gonna make you question that. It’s just gonna make you believe it even more.

Either way, it doesn’t really matter what Russians think about it. I love to see these strikes.

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They only have 4 admins for their server and the massive influx of people across the board, but mainly and being two of the biggest instances with open registration, was apparently causing them issues.

They have a very curated instance they’re wanting to have and that’s on them. While they’re in the top 5 for users currently, that probably won’t last. As more people join, they’ll end up joining instances that don’t ask for answers to question forms.

It’ll be fine. Beehaw will refederate or they’ll wither.

Idk man. Maybe if you read the article it would have some more context and pertinent information.

Like, oh idk, how it’s not Boeing at all but it’s the engines they bought from General Electric. And how it affects both Boeing and Airbus.

They copy each other all the time. The idea that apple always copies android is just an Android fan boy idea.

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No. Israel has said they are going for the total destruction of Hamas. Hamas is a government entity and the ruling government of Gaza.

Hamas has said they are going for the total destruction of Israel the nation. Including all Jewish civilians. Not the government, all Jewish people in Israel.

That’s been Hamas’ position for years. They want to eliminate all Jews from the region.

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