Maybe this isn't proper shopping but $18.50 for four veggie burgers, buns, and danish seems like a lot to Mildly – 278 points –

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That’s relatively cheap…

You’ve got 8 buns there so buying 4 more patties would take the whole thing to $28 for 8 burgers and cutting the danish into 8 slices which is probably the serving size anyway. Or $3.50 per burger and slice of danish.

And you grabbed the most expensive versions of things too.

But no toppings (lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions etc.) So a plain burger and a piece of Danish for 3.50 isn't exactly great value nutritionally. But yeah this could be done cheaper and probably could have gotten at least some store brand cheese too.

All of that might be another $2 total. Produce is generally dirt cheap.

They could also make their own homemade black bean burger patties for far cheaper than $2.50 a patty too. Premade stuff is expensive.

Idk where I'm at 1 tomato is $1. Head lettuce $2.50. Onion $1. Cheese $5. Depends on where you live.

Yes, they need those veggie toppings on their veggie burger.

Can't tell if you're being facetious but I like veggie burgers and they are better with toppings imo.

I think people who are just weirdly anti vegetarian/vegan just assume they're like celery patties or some shit that taste like celery but the whole "burger" thing kinda makes it obvious they're supposed to taste like faux beef.

Hur dur, "can only add toppings to meat burgers" Hur dur

“Why would I put tomato in a salad when it already has lettuce?”

“Veggies” are not a single undifferentiated category.