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Joined 11 months ago

Yeah he wraps it up in a neat little package to make it seem like he's just trying to be a benevolent journalist, but anyone with two or three functioning brain cells can read between the lines here. It's really creepy and disturbing especially when you realize tens of millions of Americans like and believe this guy. SMH

Fanboys of corporations are cringe tbh

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Front or back ass?

My tin foil hat theory is this is all a conspiracy to create another pain in the ass situation for Biden to have to deal with on an election year .

Yeah that's my question. Like many others, I grew up with the single player only GTA experience. I have so many core gaming memories just fucking about in GTA 3/vice city etc. I just really hope we get a decent single player experience.

Which is still a pretty shitty response/situation

Yes and often times way more than that. I checked prices for a Tool concert at a venue near me a few weeks ago and the section closest to the stage had tickets reselling for thousands of dollars. Obligatory fuck Ticketmaster...

LoL! My sentiment exactly.

Also, "I'm in danger."

Because humans have had dogs as companions for millenia? Yeah I get that as a civilized society we should probably be working toward respecting all species of animals but every time I see this 'how is it different than eating any other animal" argument, I cringe. Because cats and dogs in particular have been domesticated companions of humans for thousands of years. So we see them differently than animals we don't have that relationship with...

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Just chiming in to say I appreciate seeing these reasonable takes

I still blast icy cold water in the winter. My butthole isn't picky

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Yeah no white people have ever been murdered by cops

Here's a fun one

Yes acab for all of us. They are an enemy of the people

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Care to elaborate? Was everything more expensive than competitors in you area or just certain things?

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Not everyone enjoys cooking..with or without their SO. Perfectly fine and not necessarily "sad" imo.

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But no toppings (lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions etc.) So a plain burger and a piece of Danish for 3.50 isn't exactly great value nutritionally. But yeah this could be done cheaper and probably could have gotten at least some store brand cheese too.

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If you don't care enough to elaborate then you're just trolling -_-

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It's good to have people like you around because we can always trust that your views perfectly reflect reality and are pretty much universal truths.

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Right, but are we supposed to muster up sympathy for people who follow influencers getting fatigued from following influencers? Really not trying to be snarky just curious

I feel like the people who think of steam as a small/indie company have that impression because it's not public and is shockingly uncontroversial for a company its size (at least in terms of revenue).

Right, just that the new "good" economy is even worse than the old "good" economy! Cheers everyone!!

Nah it was unplayable on PlayStation. And it shouldn't be that hard to understand why people don't like playing buggy messes of games that they paid good money for.

More like kip, but yeah

Because they are relatively new in the automotive world. I can take my '08 CRV to just about any auto parts store in America and get just about any part I need (or take it to about any third party repair shop with the same results). Good luck doing that with most EVs especially Teslas. Tesla is the most egregious example as they are anti right to repair and have seemed to take a page out of Apple's book as far as locking down their supply chain for parts.

Hopefully this will get better with time as third party shops have time to acclimate themselves and their technicians to EV architecture, and EV-specific parts become more available. Though the latter I feel is highly dependent on manufacturers not trying to turn EVs into phones in terms of repairability/serviceability.

In the meantime, as an average Joe without a lot of money, I really like the idea of keeping my relatively low cost older ICE vehicles because if shit hits the fan, if I can't fix it relatively cheaply, there will likely be multiple shops that can without it costing me an arm and a leg and/or taking weeks or months to wait on the manufacturer to supply the parts needed.

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Yes this is generally true but I don't feel like it's fair to the colleges/universities who work to keep tuition and tuition increases in check. There are lots of decent public universities that have more reasonable tuition. The public university in my smallish city is about 10k a year for in-state. Not necessarily saying that's ideal for everyone or cheap but it's a far cry from these places pushing it to 40, 60, 100+k a year.

The fuck I wouldn't


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I keep seeing this argument. I see a metric funckton of new construction and they are ALL 400k+ which is a lot for our smaller/mid city. Existing inventory is averaging the same.

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Username checks out...

Too many doomers on Lemmy. :/

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Yes, I would die trying to save children even if I wasn't armed at all let alone it being the job I was fucking trained for. You are a disgusting coward. Fuck off with this shit.

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This is some creepy fuckin shit right here

My wife and I are extremely fortunate in that we have a family friend rent situation that is way below market rent and both have decent income & no kids (yet). We enjoy a bit of light travel and go to 5-6 concerts a year and maybe one music festival. Outside of that we are fairly frugal. Don't eat out often, do most of our shopping at Aldi etc. That being said, we don't feel particularly well-off. And if we had a mortgage (minimum in our area with a 20 percent down payment) would be around $2k a month and a car payment, things would be pretty tight. I don't know how people are getting by at this point.. especially new families buying their first home and starting to have kids..

This sounds like an interesting story? Any additional details?

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Hur dur, "can only add toppings to meat burgers" Hur dur

Behind the Walmart dumpster*

I'm sorry but this is actually pretty fucking funny!

I saw a lot of comments saying that Trump would be able to slink out of having to pay most/all of the damages in the E. Jean Carroll case. Can anyone comment on whether or not he will be able to do the same in this case or will it be more difficult for him to get out of paying?

I live in a fairly rural area with a very healthy population of deer. I have a dashcam video of a doe jumping out in front of my vehicle and just freezing there. Thankfully I was alert and had just enough time to to stop but came within 1-2 feet of hitting her. This was about 4 pm on the summer, so broad daylight. No headlights. But yeah a lot of times they do jump away, especially if they're not already in the road.

Same lol. I was like damn this is way easier than I remember

Gryffindor Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff

Which one of these does not belong?

Funded by Washington who get the money from higher taxes on these fucks