The RAM sticks I just bought off eBay to Mildly – 411 points –

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This sounds like an interesting story? Any additional details?

Nope, I was logging into my eBay account to check on when my cable would be delivered and got a big message saying my account's been suspended. Emailed them and they said I needed to call them. Called them and they said my account's been suspended and my home address has been blacklisted. I asked why, and they said they had nothing more to tell me.

Literally the only thing I have ever done on eBay is search for and buy one USB cable, one time.

FWIW, I had a similarish experience with my local Craigslist equivalent (Gumtree)... They had a security breach, which led to my barely-used account being hacked by someone that was posting (I assume) fake car listings.

I reported it to them, and their response was to blacklist me. No great loss - why would I want to use a platform that badly managed. I later worked with one of their mid-level managers from that period, and yeah-it was an absolute shitshow there.