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Joined 12 months ago

So possibly, in a thousand years or so, we could have parasites that improve our lives in every conceivable way.

Just need to eat an egg salad sandwich from a truckstop restroom coin op machine.

Edit: I'm a little busy at work, so maybe I read the replies wrong - but this was a Futurama reference.

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Due to my job I was a mandatory reporter for suspected child abuse.

This means I was legally liable to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. I could lose my job, face a fine, and/or face jail time.

I had to call CPS for a friend's kid.

The friend was not the problem, her ex husband was.

Long story short, the kid is fine, and the friend now has a different spouse and many more kids with the new spouse, lol.

It was the right thing to do, even though the friend didn't want to involve a government agency to handle it. Just caused a strained friendship for a while.

Imagine losing your father in a tragic fashion, only for Hollywood execs to make a marketable facsimile of appearance and voice. If they could store his corpse and make it dance like a marionette they would.

Talk about retraumatizing the poor lady.

If an attacker has physical access then you're already screwed in most cases.

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In my case, and this the US, I had friends who smoked.

I was curious, bummed one, and once I got past the coughing I really enjoyed the effects, that said by the time you no longer get the "high" (for lack of a better word) you're addicted.

Fast forward 20 years and I'm still trying to quit.

Quit for 5 years cold turkey, but... Shit went down in almost every facet of my life, and I went back.

But I'm down to about a pack a week.

One in the morning, one on the road to work, and one or two during my shift if time allows.

Just need to kick it for good.

Edit: To correct typos

Unless things change drastically for their RPG division, I'll repeat what I've said since oblivion. Bethesda makes great modding platforms, the content within the game is a loose theme that modders can play with.

Yes the new Fallouts are just TES in the Apocalypse.

Yes starfield is little more than TES in space.

I buy Bethesda games for mod potential.

If they said no mods to all future games I wouldn't buy another one. I don't play ESO and I have never touched fallout 76 for this reason.

You get the government you voted for?

For so many people in this country that isn't the case.

I live in a deep red state. I sure as fuck did not vote that way.

The country has gotten so bad that I'm not looking into moving States any more. I'm looking at other countries.

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I came to, apparently, agree with you. My exact thought.

This is clearly a trick to get into power, and we all know Republicans love power before anything else. Morals, the children, the budget, actual constitutionally protected rights, etc.

As a Texan, I do.

Also as a Texan, I'm looking at more socialist countries to move to.

We're not all bad, some of us are just stuck.

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John 8:7 ESV / 34 helpful votes And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

Fucking hypocritical politicians, same the world over.

Edit: I'm not religious overall, but I love throwing scripture in the face of these assholes.

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Sounds similar to a job I had at an old folks home.

Throw wage theft and other DoL labor violations in.

I was happy to hear to hear when the state shut them down.

Just wish I had been older and less naive, I should have documented and reported myself, but I was a dumb kid.

This has to be satire, right?

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Read a story about a shifter druid (3.5e) that jumped off a cliff and transformed into a whale.

Landed on an orc village killing all inhabitants.

Cleverly cheesing the rules is a feature, not a bug.

Also the peasant rail gun cones to mind, lol.

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Knowing when to die is the key to a puzzle in fact, if memory serves. Possibly more than one.

Got Shaggy and Daphne, Fred doesn't look so good with the hairline and all, Velma apparently transitioned, good for him, and Scoob is long dead. Dogs don't live that long.

That and I doubt he wants to be shooting ready in an antman costume to walk around the neighborhood with his daughter.

His costume, other than the wig, is comfy as fuck. He can transition into whatever the night reasonably holds without have to have costumers remove the stuff and strip him of makeup, etc.

Besides, its probably in his contract to NOT portray his marvel character OUTSIDE of the movies, simply to retain proper branding. If he tried to put on his own antman getup, it would pale in comparison to a pound of makeup backed up by CGI artists.

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What does the acronym CSAM mean?

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I mean, small sample size, but I've never worn a crop top and I haven't been brutally murdered, well, yet.

I've developed some PTSD like symptoms for when my phone goes off.

Notification, call, whatever. Immediate panic and I have to remember to breathe.

Even trimming every notification I can, it still happens several times throughout the day, and my phone only has audible notifications when I'm at home, most from my wife.

I left that job over a year ago and still I can't shake it.

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Thank you for differentiating.

The original "skin head" movement was mostly factory workers in Britain who cut their hair short (not necessarily shaved bald) for safety around equipment, and some of the most popular music among the group was stuff by "rude boys" Jamaican primarily I believe.

It was working class solidarity with no intentions of racism.

The neo Nazi groups coopted the term, and delved into punk music to find disenfranchised people who would buy into their rhetoric.

There are also other skin head groups that exist today - SHARP for example, standing for SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice.

Espouse hateful rhetoric around these guys and you're liable to wind up on the wrong side of a brick to the head.

Why do I know all this? I have a penchant for research, and in the past few years I've been shaving my head because I decided to own my thinning hairline instead of have some ridiculous comb over type shit and hide it.

I have had an encounter with a racist white dude at a 711, and he's ranting at the cashier and looks to me and said "Right brother?!". No, it was absurdly horrible (misguided) and I threatened to call the cops if he didn't leave the store and hopefully the neighborhood. He left when he realized he didn't have any support.

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I have to call out Mirror's Edge, it is a great experience if you have the right mindset.

Trying to play it with an FPS philosophy is not the way.

You mean someone would go on the internet and just tell lies?

Say it ain't so.

Also, any "proof" that is presented as an edited image is clearly disingenuous from the beginning.

Built my first PC at 8 years old, no degree, and my family is comfortable - which is really as far as my aspirations went career wise.

I think, because I feel it myself while studying for a specialization (getting bored in my current role), its that people grow apathetic to learning after a point, coupled with the pace of life... Who has the time, energy, and focus to keep up with every new facet of tech?

Its my passion, and still I have trouble.

Why does the onion, a satirical paper, write satirical articles?

Humor would be the goal. Humor of course differs from person to person. It doesn't always land. The other half of satire is putting a looking glass on absurdities of life.

The problem is reality has gotten so ridiculous in the past, shall we say decade, that small bits of satire meant to get a smirk are no longer humorous, because of the horrors that go on everyday.

So they have to be even more ridiculous than the world, hence a zombie horde in Russia.

On Amalur, I made a character and quit when I couldn't play in a modern resolution

I played the original and enjoyed it well enough though.

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Because the overly vocal fans of the thrice (I think) idicted, twice impeached, attempted overthrower of democracy don't have the mental capacity past what most people reach when they are "small."

Lol I remember that from highschool on the first Linux system I got my hands on.

Thanks for some of the only good memories from that time in my life.


I have met good people who are Christian. They usually don't cowl all their behavior behind god.

There you're friends dad, who barely knows you, who helps you get your car running so his kid and friends can make it to a metal show. He didn't like metal, but he kept it to himself other than saying it wasn't his genre, which is a fair statement.

Why did he devote an afternoon and a couple trips to auto zone? Because all in all we were good kids. He wanted us to have fun, but to arrive (and ultimately) come home safe.

Depends on the dog.

I have three pups and two of them just would not handle it well.

The other would behave well enough, but no work would get done, that dog is a total slut for pets lol.

Don't know much about my current neighbors and don't want.

The people we used to live next door to were great. L came over as me and my BIL were handing out candy, and any adults got a shot if they wanted.

After the kids went to bed L came over to our place and we got ridiculously drunk. L passed out in the kitchen and we let him sleep some of it off before helping him back next-door when we met M, his wife.

Probably my favorite story is when M texted L and said she thought there was a snake in the backyard, and being drunk we went to investigate immediately. Not the expected reaction, so when I knocked on the back door (it was late-ish) I'm greeted with a double barrel shotgun. M apologizes and says its not loaded, at which point I drunkenly admonished her that if she's gonna point a gun at someone unknown, it should be loaded in case she really needed it.

We got to be really great friends with that family, and then they moved for work. Still miss them years later.

Just the Bible, since it was at a church.

Condones rape and slavery among other glaring issues with it.

I had the impression that those struggles have been going on for a long time. Like 30+ years.

Is the issue growing worse, or was the previous struggle sensationalized to an extent?

Sole IT person for a corporation and was on call 24/7/365.

It was just supposed to be a help desk position.

It was for an MSP that... Well, the whole thing was a nightmare, but I had lost my IT hospitality job due to covid and the place shuttering. I was desperate.

Less than a year ago people tried to set up tents and booths alongside a major highway next to a liquor store to support Trump.

I doubt they had permits, but they sure had a lot of AR15s around.

Sadly, my state is a Republican stronghold.

At this point I'm not looking to move states, I'm considering other countries.

America was a grand experiment.

Know what happens when an experiment fails in a science lab? Flushed down the metaphorical shitter. Use what good data you got from it, even if it doesn't support your hypothesis.

Trump would gleefully fiddle ala Nero if it meant he was in power.

2080TI, running Starfield at max settings with 4k texture mods, reporting in.

I want a top of the line GPU, I just can't find a good enough reason to shell out the money. It keeps plugging away, runs smooth as butter with a slight overclock, and I have no complaints. I heard lots of complaints about the 4*** series cards though.

I've saved up for a top of the line GPU twice now, and I'd rather spend it spoiling my wife and doing the nice things we can't usually afford.

When I want to check on if something is running off cache or a live connection, I go to

No one goes to Its never cached.

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I bought after it released.

So far I've seen a lot of Bethesda typical bugs, but nothing game breaking yet.

Yes the first few hours of a play through are a slog, after it opens up more it becomes much more enjoyable. A live another life type mod would make me immensely happy.

That being said, Bethesda does a good job of making a platform for modding, and thats the KEY thing that keeps me buying, and playing again and again, Bethesda games.

For that reason ESO just never had the magic to me, I understand a lot of mods found for single player games would be highly unbalanced and its not an option for an MMO. That said, without mods Bethesda games are lackluster and I quickly lost interest despite trying to enjoy it a few times. I like MMOs too, don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who only plays shooters being introduced to an MMO.

I'm excited to see what the modding community can do once the tools are released in 2024.

Wait, I've heard of oxtail as a delicious southern dish, but never had the opportunity to try it.

Is it really just a generic cow tail?

English is stupid, and I say that as a native speaker.

I loved to do that in Everquest.

Started on my mage who could summon a ring that instantly cast levitate on you.

So we had games getting up to, and jumping off of, really tall structures and playing chicken with the ground lol.

On my bard, the combination of raw movement speed and a Lev meant getting into places not designed for players, though I will say they did a good job of making sure you didn't die out of bounds, back when you had to recover your gear from your corpse.

I only had to petition a GM once to get me unstuck, lol.

They just teleported me to the current expansion at the time "hub city."

Never got into speed running though, and I don't think my attention span would allow for it. Respect and all, its impressive what some people can do, just not my thing.

As an epileptic married to a monitor tech, we both had a good laugh when I shared this.

Thanks stranger.