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Joined 1 years ago

Because a death cult runs our political system in the US.

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That’s assuming they actually use a Star Trek style warp drive when we ALL know they are actually using Navigators to jump into the Immaterium.

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Well, sexdolls or Terminators, which one will it be?

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Was hired at a company as a designer. Went to the production meeting and sat down beside another designer (introduced myself and we started chatting). In comes everyone else and sits down. We all start chatting and do introductions.

Five minutes into the meeting the company owner comes in, chatting with a salesman. He glances around the room, then his face freezes on me - he then looks at the guy beside me and keeps looking back and forth. He finally motions for me to come outside the conference room. I walk out and he asks me what I was doing there. I tell him ‘remember, you hired me and my start day was today??’

He turned pale and just said ‘oh yeah I forgot’. He let me go back in the room but then I heard him call the guy beside me out.

The guy never came back. Apparently he had intended on firing him and forgot.

Needless to say I didn’t stay long before I found another job. The place was complete chaos.

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States rights only apply when not direct conflict with conservative views’

  • John 22:16
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Well I for one am glad this came out.

This cleared up any doubts I had in my mind when it came for voting for this guy for president. Yessiree, I absolutely am not gonna vote for Hunter Biden in 2024.

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Anyone that thinks this wasn’t intentional is a fool. They are just testing the waters.

Bad feedback? Then shelve it and try it again in a couple years. Regardless, Pandora’s box as been opened and all the other game companies now will be eyeing this new ‘feature’ for future implementation real soon.

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Not sure about this specific pump but this same thing happened in my town several months back and BT was used then too.

When it happened we found out that the pumps at the station in particular (and probably most) have a BT receiver tied to whatever little processor that runs the pump so either a station manager or someone servicing the pumps can access them with the right equipment, make internal adjustments etc.

In the case that happened locally to us. Someone hacked them the same way, then posted to Facebook and other social media sites to come get some free gas, etc.

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Biblically accurate ears

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It’s almost like he could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose voters

Ah yes - the party of the Christian church isn’t it? 😂

“See these guys hanging? This is what happens to whistleblowers. Any questions?”

I said this in another thread that I bet some stripper or Porn star was banging him on the side and he slipped again.

Just imagine if Biden called Jill Biden ‘Jane’ or the like - the media would be be all over him for days poking fun at his supposed dementia.

Rules for thee but not me me!!

More than likely the reason for this is because they are not sending the original device back.

They are probably pulling a used one that is in good shape from the shelf that is the same style, etc - shipping it to you as the replacement in order to save time and sending yours back to a repair center to be worked on if possible.

Or just junking it out right.

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Hmmmm….Fortunate Son plays softly in the background.

Shot himself in the back of the head he did.


How many people have died because of organized religion vs. Panera charged lemonade.

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Soon to be available for humans for the low low price of 10k per dose. Thanks to big Pharma.

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Everything in the US has become either ‘fighting terror’ or for ‘saving the children’

If you complain about any of the draconian measures that keep encroaching on our liberties then you are not a patriot or you are some sort of child hating monster.

Interesting how times have changed and our government here has twisted our constitution. Our founding fathers are no doubt rolling in their graves.

Both parties - Democrat and Republican - here in the US - are part of the ‘problem’ and need to go. We desperately need a third or multi party system and an end to this bullshit of geriatrics ruling our government and making decisions.

I would make comments about the first line all the time on Reddit and immediately get downvoted to hell because people would start arguing or making comparisons to the old ‘two sides of the same coin’ bit. That’s fine if that’s how you want to see it.

I get it, we all have certain things we fight for that the other party shits on, women’s rights (abortion), equal rights, labor, gun control, taxes, etc.

But both parties still serve their corporate masters and still do their damndest to turn people here in the US against each other using ever scare tactic imaginable and thru the media sources (Fox, CNN).

They just keep playing the Game to turn people against each other and create more decisiveness and more power for them.

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Wefwef right now. I have been pretty pleased with it. Not sure who the the developer it but damn they’ve been rolling out updates daily. Sometimes multiple times a day. I don’t think the person is sleeping at this point.

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In a separate video of the same event posted by Ryan Matta, he also claims that Hamas and Hezbollah "are coming across" the U.S. border. "Venezuela is filled with Hezbollah," he said. "Our borders are wide open, it's our government that's doing it." Yon reposted the video with the caption "Allahu Akbar!"

So is it Jews or Hamas/Hezbollah?

They can’t even keep their shit straight that they are telling people. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Do a background search on this asshole. He is one more hypocrite.

Him and his wife already had an abortion - that’s fine IMO but fuck him for telling everyone else how to manage their reproductive rights.

He’s a crook too. Shocker right? A fishy Republican? All the news sites here in NC have been doing reports on his business practices over the last several years - prior to him getting in government and apparently paying Federal income taxes wasn’t part of his MO.

Of course he has played it up like ‘poor me I couldn’t afford it’ and blamed all his losses on NAFTA. The guy is a real piece of work. He makes no mistakes it’s all someone else’s fault.

I-40 going thru NC around I think Morganton but I may be off on my towns there is a giant traitors flag right on the edge of the Interstate. Largest I have ever seen.

Also if you are ever in SC traveling toward the coast near Hilton Head you will get the luxury of seeing these billboards.

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Until Republicans find out and push to get it banned because of ‘god’s will’ or some nonsense…

Don’t forget the tech priests murmuring their chants and waving incense during the entire copulation ceremony.

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Imagine being in this guy’s regiment.

‘Hello comrade, what brings you to us?’

‘Nothing much, murdered a few people. Ate someone, you know.’

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I’m a little shocked that Putin doesn’t allow other candidates to run to allow at least the appearance of some sort of legitimacy.

Even though it’s obvious the whole thing is rigged.

I guess he just doesn’t give a shit anymore and will just go full out with the ‘Yes I won with 110% of the votes!’

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Sex robots incoming in 3…2…1…

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Just don’t use it - it’s not that hard.

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My parents still live in this area and have emailed me non stop about this since the beginning.

They live in a county that HAD two large hospitals. Both got absorbed by this cancer. One got shutdown.

All their ‘old’ reputable doctors took retirement when Ballad took over. Any younger doctors were forced to join Ballad or GTFO of town. Ballad had not only a monopoly on the heath care but if you were in any sort of field related (say you were an eye doctor) and you had your own practice but you occasionally went to the hospital to see patients - you were no longer allowed in the hospital unless you joined Ballad.

Basically you were blackmailed to joined these assholes or else. I found this out from some friends who stayed in the area and joined the medical field.

Seriously, the fact TN allowed this shit to pass just irritants me to no end.

Me and my friends would go out at night and see how many lightning bugs we could catch. We would do this every summer night. My dad made us a couple of big containers with wire mesh lids so none ever got hurt.

We always had them filled and glowing like some crazy looking lantern out of a steampunk game. We would let them out to fly away when we were done but they would be everywhere as thick as you could see when the sun when down.

Now I think I have been lucky to catch one or two after dark.

Just like Hitler did in his last days.

I stopped completely this past year unless it is a server in a sit down type environment.

Tipping in the US in the past few years has gotten insane. It used to just be common courtesy at restaurants but now it is everywhere from fast food to, well…pretty much any sort of walk in establishment that takes a credit card.

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Missionary + lean forward and eat ass.

Its truly a win win for some of us filthy heathens.

Yeah, I was young and it was my first job out of college (technically I worked thru college but this was my first after graduation) so I was very inexperienced still and also didn’t know what to look for when it came to red flags.

The owner’s wife worked there in a ‘higher up’ position and was the major cause of a lot of conflict at the company. Basically he would give people orders then she would come along and contradict them.

If anyone disagreed with her then she would go to hubby and complain about said person(s) making it impossible to please either because you couldn’t prove her wrong. That designer in particular was just the latest of ‘trophy wife’s wrath’. The place had an insane turnover rate I quickly found out.

At least it was a good learning experience and taught me to ask questions and meet people during the interview process.

My guess is the machines are a complete fake and don’t do anything outside of having some fancy dials and meters that a select few people are trained on how to ‘trick’ people into making look like they do something.

If people start digging into it then shit will hit the fan.

My guess is they want this stopped or at the least delayed until they can come up with some other bullshit method.

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My imaginary tale is more real than YOUR imaginary tale.

A tale as old as time…

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Israeli Military have entered the chat.