Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show to – 192 points –
Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show

"Young woman" is what that greasy sack of shit child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz called his victim. It's an attempt to age them in the listeners mind.

It finally clicked for a friend when I asked him if he knew how old the "young women" were in another case, and he said "I don't know... 25?" which then got corrected to "16 or 17" when I reminded him that the "young women" in question were minors.

So finally I called out and asked his daughter to show us the cool picture she was working on in the study, and she excitedly runs in to show us. She was 9 at the time.

I asked him how he enjoyed the picture that "young woman" drew for us. I literally saw the change on his face when it clicked.

Let me guess this pest is a priest?

And not just any priest, but a megachurch pastor. So like a priest but worse

And not just any megachurch pastor, one of Trump's so-called spiritual advisors.

Trump's buddies- Epstein, Gaetz and this dude.

I've never even had one friend who I knew was a pedophile.

He was (he just resigned) a pastor at a megachurch in the most racist suburb of Dallas (Southlake).

There's a long way down from that high horse.

That part of American culture is dominated by such vile people.

I do know quite a few nice evangelicals who try to be counterweights to the crazy. But the evangelical culture definitely does produce lots of bigots, unfortunately.

For an institution belonging to a religion supposedly focused on protecting children, Gateway made an awful lot of references to this monster's sins, but precisely zero reference to his horrific crimes.

How odd.