5 Post – 636 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Actually it was more like "times twooouoo"

I highly doubt it because he's got to he accustomed to that this late in his sad life.

I hope they searched him thoroughly for that key.

That's a fucking hilarious retort, but also, it's a statement that becomes immediately untrue as soon as it is directed at an individual.

The digital equivalent of sipping mead from the skulls of your vanquished foes.

...came here to say this?

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People are downvoting you but I could definitely see myself needing a reality check like this in the next weeks, or probably days.

Harris campaign should just tweet that screen grab.

Those poor kids are adorable too. At least it doesn't look like they got any goblin genes from dad.

My favorite part of the article is where the libertarians called Lincoln a tyrant who was rightly assassinated.

Very cool and normal.

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I remember when I was a fundamentalist evangelical christian pro-life activist in my late preteens/early teens (picketing clinics was a favorite family activity), we used to have signs that said 'Adoption: the loving option'.

Turns out, maybe they don't care about adoption anymore. Just wombs.

This is really great reporting too. I just watched the video confrontation between the reporter and Robinson and it was incredible. Robinson made a weak excuse about AI but the reporter gave no quarter and had so many facts on recall.

It was the most satisfying thing I've watched on TV since Vice President Kamala Harris told Donald Trump directly to his, well, ear, that Putin would "eat you for lunch" while he stared dead ahead, unable to even look her in the eye.

Strongmen usually aren't, and it's nice to see that deftly demonstrated every once in a while.

Sing it with me


I love the text descriptions so much.

Trump = big sloppy pussy

I guess it is a good thing that this is seen as a problem worthy of addressing. I tend to comment more than I would have on reddit, as a means of just driving up activity and engagement on this comparatively low traffic alternative, and so I will definitely go in for some low effort joke cracking just to get the ball rolling sometimes. Maybe that's not as needed anymore.

Boy did you ever.

Across social, economic, and political spectra, you can always tell the good guys from the bad guys by their stance on access to knowledge.

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I am feeling a lot of personal satisfaction that I had no idea this was happening and had to read about it on Lemmy.

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(At the time of the layoffs, Electrek reported that Musk got rid of the entire team because its Tinucci did not lay off enough workers on her own.)

This single anecdote tells you just about everything you need to know about how Elon Musk approaches any kind of interpersonal interaction. His emotional IQ is non-existent.

I can't stop thinking about how ingenius the couch joke is. The reference is obvious if you know the meme but oblique enough to maintain plausible deniability, but it doesn't matter because guess what, Republicans can't even complain about this without giving further airtime to the ridiculous meme itself. It is a serrated takedown.

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Thank you, Summer Boismier, for standing up for what is right and being a true patriot.

This feels like a joke that anticipates the community notes as a punchline. I don't frequent Twitter, but I have to imagine this is a burgeoning genre of comedy tweet

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"Then he will say to those on his left, `Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' 44 "They also will answer, `Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' 45 "He will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' 46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

-Some Socialist Groomer Theater Kid

I'd bet any amount of money that most of not all of this bill's co-sponsors profess (at least surrounding election time) to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and a striving to be more Christlike. And all of them seemingly impervious to cognitive dissonance.

I enjoyed this for what it is: therapeutic fan fiction.

Moving on, we should not underestimate:

  • How absolutely craven most republican lawmakers are

  • How well, for better or worse, Trump communicates to boomers who we already know are active at the ballot box

  • how deeply bought in the Christian right/Christian nationalists are

Campaign math doesn't work like it did. Just because Trump is dismantling seemingly durable elements of the GOP establishment, that doesn't mean he's dismantling his capability to win.

Vote like it's the last election ever. I'll leave the rest unsaid.

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In response to such critiques, Reddit spokesperson Rathschmidt said he did not “know of an industry benchmark for scoring content quality”

Never before has the sheer inevitability of enshittification been so aptly summarized.

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I was fully on the side of Biden staying in the race and I have never been a Kamala fan, but I was wrong. This is exactly what we need right now. This might be the end of civilized society as we know it, but at least the new 97 days are going to be fun as hell. We have a candidate who is ready to scrap and has the goods to back it up.

Because the most well-armed portion of the populace has convinced themselves that the lifestyle of the rich is within their reach and identifies more with them than with their actual peers.

I know we're having a laugh, but the time when this sort of action is even plausible is quickly running out.

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Part of the reason this headline is a grammatical dumpster fire is that they tried to cram every possible prurient detail into the headline itself, relevance be damned.

Like, how very fascinating that the fact that the victim was a cheerleader rated space right up in the headline. If they wanted to cram in biographical details, aspiring nurse was right there, but they didn't go for that, and we all know why.

“In America, you can be anything you want. So don’t be weak and gay. Stay fucking hard,” Gomez instructs viewers in the video, delivering one of the most unintentionally homoerotic lines of the 21st century so far.

Great writing.

Okay, WHEW. I was getting worried that NL was going to let a pedophile rapist represent their country but it turns out they are merely letting a rapist of 12 year olds represent their country which, as we all know, is way better.

Someone couldn't find a photo of her looking less...Palpatine-y?

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Why do they write so many biographical details about the jurors? I don't need to know that one of the jurors emigrated from another country and what his hobbies are, but it seems like bad people would be very interested in that.

I genuinely wonder what legitimate newsgathering purpose Politico thinks it serves to go into so much detail, especially in a trial for a modern gangster who has threatened everyone and their mother. What is the steelman for this?

Shakespeare = typical woke leftist groomer

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Look we can't start blaming individual countries - even if Poland has unusually gassy citizens, I just don't think they are a large enough population to make that kind of difference.

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Enjoy it while its clumsy and obvious.

I don't know about you all, but I have been posting as an adult human male for a numbers of years now despite being a 4 year old Alaskan Malamute. No one seems to notice or care.

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In case there was any doubt, this is what scraping the bottom of the barrel looks like. Trump is running out of credulous buffoons with licenses and certifications.

It's beyond even racism. For someone have the utter mayonnaise to gatekeep someone's inclusion in an identity that you're entirely outside of, that sense of entitlement has to come from somewhere. A sense of superiority, perhaps. Supremacy even.

And if we know anything about Donald at this point, it's that he has mayonnaise pumpining through his very veins.

'5. Colonize Mars