McCarthy Says ‘We’re In a Very Bad Place Right Now’ Thanks to ‘Crazy Members Led By Gaetz’

Flying to politics – 586 points –
McCarthy Says ‘We’re In a Very Bad Place Right Now’ Thanks to ‘Crazy Members Led By Gaetz’

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Trump has completely destroyed the Republican Party.

Not only has he destroyed the Republican Party, he has inflicted significant damage to the very fabric of the United States. He has sown discourse discord, conflict, and division that could take decades to undo. How sad.

*discord. Discourse while sounding bad is just another word for discussion or debate.

Definitely. Writing without reviewing rarely yields a great sentence. Thanks.

Controversial opinion I don't think he did honestly. I think his damage was short term. He busted open a lot of bullshit and made it clear why we shouldn't be this way, and I think seeing voters in the last two elections has made that clear. We'll see if the momentum continues but Americans made it clear tbh, we ain't into it.

I admire your optimism.

Why? Trump damaged an already disgustingly broken system all he did was cause more incentive to change it.