Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to to politics – 455 points –

Spoiler alert: No, it fucking doesn't.


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I just want to say, I'm super not on board for mocking her by using her birth name.

  1. It's not much different than purposely calling a trans man or woman by their former name.

  2. Using her birth name as a form of mockery kind of acts to devalue similar cultural names. I don't want Indian Americans to feel as though they are lesser than for living in America and keeping a culturally significant name.

There's plenty of legitimate things to criticize her for, including the hypocricy of her xenophobic policies, but they should be followed with context explaining her parent's immigration and her subsequent name change. Or her complete whiff on not mentioning slavery when discussing the American Civil War.

That’s a valid take. I will say I think using her birth name does more to highlight the fact that nobody named Nimrata could secure the republican nomination. And also that it’s a little sad that someone would try to hide their heritage to win the votes of people who clearly don’t like who they are.

I’m Rafael Cruz, and I approve this message

See, that one doesn't really seem to have the same impact. When I hear the name rafael, I think famous artist, or shelled low-level crime-fighter. Sounds great, doesn't it?

To you, perhaps. To conservative voters it sounds like you should be outside painting their decks.

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  1. It's not much different than purposely calling a trans man or woman by their former name.
  1. Using her birth name as a form of mockery kind of acts to devalue similar cultural names. I don't want Indian Americans to feel as though they are lesser than for living in America and keeping a culturally significant name.

That's rather explicitly the point, I think. It's very much a "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" thing of turning her and Ted Cruz's own bigotry against them in an attempt to highlight their hypocrisy. How effective that is, and whether or not sinking to their level in such a way should be done at all even if it was, is arguable of course.

It's welding their own weapon against them and I am all for it.

I'll happily toss your ass out of the building for purposefully deadnaming a trans person, but these specific people deserve to be mocked and reminded constantly that this is what they're doing.

I don't recall anyone getting this bent out of shape over 2008 and the constant "Barrack Hussein Obama" and you could always hear that tone and force behind Hussein, it was always on purpose, it was always used as an attempt to say "he's FOREIGN! SCARY BROWN NAME!" and people like my parents ate that shit up. "listen to his middle name obviously he was born in Kenya" and for some people I knew, it was always Niger or Nigeria, for some reason

So nah I'll continue mock them with the rest of my lgbtq friends until one of them brings up these points.

I will say this at least. I could not find instance of nimrata resorting to the Barack Hussein Obama retorts herself. So I will give her some credit on that front. However, she gladly stayed a part of the party that loved it. Therefore, it's still kind of fair game. It shouldn't be a problem that people go by their birth name. I think it's a bigger problem that people feel they need to change it to fit in.

The zodiac killer on the other hand can go f*** himself

I see the argument you're making, and it's a good one. At the same time I can't help but feel that if her policy positions don't dissuade people from voting for her, but her birth name does, then I'm going to take the win and suggest that we keep rolling with the thing that works.

I’m super not on board for mocking her by using her birth name.

It's a way of pointing out the blatant hypocrisy, and it's absolutely legit political satirization.

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