Pumpkin Escobar

@Pumpkin Escobar@lemmy.world
0 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

FWIW they didn't merge it, they closed the PR without merging, link to line that still exists on master.

The recent comments are from the announcement of the ladybird browser project which is forked from some browser code from Serenity OS, I guess people are digging into who wrote the code.

Not arguing that the new comments on the PR are good/bad or anything, just a bit of context.

“Official” insurrection

Been 100% linux for like 6-9 months now, these stories make me thankful for finally making the switch.

I've tried to make the switch 3-4 times in the past and was stopped by 2 main things:

  • Drivers / Laptops were tough to get set up
  • Gaming

The experience was so much better this time and I really have no regrets. I don't imagine I'll ever run Windows again outside of a VM

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I’ve been tempted to try and install plasma mobile on a tablet.

Tons of remote jobs out there, probably a higher percentage for startup jobs. Most remote places will have people in different time zones and some sort of core hours they expect people to be in, but having some discussion you’ll probably be able to find one that’s accommodating.

One good site to start looking:


Good luck

Why no arch install?

Also, the few points others are talking about needing others, there's a group-finder and I'd say most people running those raids in group finder groups don't talk at all, so you can just pretend they're NPCs if you want.

dumbest fucking timeline. A subscription for a feature that requires no infrastructure and is part of the physical thing you just paid $40k for.

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FWIW his white whale or inspiration is more like the Chinese “we do everything” apps / platforms https://wise.com/us/blog/chinese-payment-app

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Holy shit, .15 euros per page? Why not just run to der Kinkos? I haven’t checked but I imagine it’s cheaper there. I get the convenience of having a printer at home but this is like if every cup of coffee you make at home cost you the Starbucks $8.25.

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Oh no, not titties!

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He’s told his followers that “cash is trash” and that he doesn’t trust the U.S. dollar, calling it “fake.” Instead, he’s recommended investing in assets like precious metals, bitcoin or Wagyu cattle


Maybe he's just doing research for his hit sequel: "Rich dad, 1 billion dollar in debt dad"

That’s a valid take. I will say I think using her birth name does more to highlight the fact that nobody named Nimrata could secure the republican nomination. And also that it’s a little sad that someone would try to hide their heritage to win the votes of people who clearly don’t like who they are.

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Rip up the Reddit contract and don’t use that data to train the model. It’s the definition of a garbage in garbage out problem.

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Are there any alternatives for people with gluetun allergies?

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It’s the best way to keep everyone calm with all those guns around

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It's a good thing a lot of elderly voters who can't make it to a polling location don't vote Republican. Oh wait...

I like that. If there was a site that did like The Razzies for movies but for technology enshitification, I would definitely watch, and probably follow a blog if it was done well

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It's the same, I picked up an Orange Pi 5 plus on sale and didn't even think about the kernel and module driver situation. It's rough. Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip and the other contributors do great work to un-fuck the situation and get a non-screwy ubuntu install cobbled together, but in the comments for issues even he gives off a "well, the situation is shit" sort of vibe.

I won't buy another rockchip sbc.

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I thought I saw a headline last night that the democrats in the house said they would vote to table any effort to remove Johnson.

The Trial of Hunter Biden('s Penis) - In this 6 part miniseries we'll be lending our usual journalistic excellence to uncovering the throbbing truth...

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First he came for my female M&Ms and I said nothing…

Almost every time someone tries to lump this many people into one basket, the rest of what they’re saying is going to be dumb as hell.

There are times I think I’m the lefty-ist person I know, then I see something like this.

I do think she’s not quite as lefty as her image from 8-10 years ago but she’s a far cry from Sinema. I like 60ish percent of the things Warren says and does, that’s a decent start.

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Hah. Clearly this should happen, but I hope the irony of self-enriching congress lecturing others about ethics isn’t lost on anyone.

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Sounds like maybe Trump has dementia.

One really annoying problem, in firefox the mouse cursor position is wrong. Clicking in firefox clicks on the thing 30-ish pixels above my mouse. I noticed that it only happens when firefox is snapped to the left or right half of the screen (of course that's how I almost always use it). I can fix it if I maximize firefox then snap it left or right. 100% scaling on the monitor, nothing funky, reset theme/appearance, reset my firefox profile, etc...

Hopefully it gets sorted soon

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The worm’s last words, “the moon landing causes autism”


Congress is the Senate and the House of Representatives. Two chambers.

Without looking I’m sure Louisiana is already bottom state in at least a dozen major education metrics. This ensures that ten years from now it will be even more.

I'm far from an expert in init systems, but there are some benefits to declarative approaches for configuration. It's one of the main reasons yaml and toml are as popular as they are. The short version is, declarative configuration tends to be less verbose, and the declarative contract defines what state you want things to be in, not how to get there which makes it easier on the person writing the unit file, and on the implementers of systemd in that there's a smaller surface-area to test

Generally declarative:

  • requires less verbose configuration files, less room for error
  • is easier to document and easier to understand
  • leaves the implementers more freedom to improve their system as long as they live up to the agreed-upon contract
  • is easier for implementers to test/validate. They don't need to support a scripting language and every single crazy thing someone might try with one but still consider valid

Btrfs will be fine, I use btrfs on a standard arch install, timeshift for managing snapshots, works well.

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Yeah, too many sites I’ve done 3+ captchas and still won’t let me in, and not even the ones where 1 cell has either a shadow or a sliver of a bike tire. And reports that bots are now better at passing these than people. I won’t use a site with a pick-the-squares captcha anymore.

Click a slider is the most I’ll do. If anyone needs me I’ll be over here hanging out with the bots that are too shitty to pass a captcha.

I just blue myself

For the easy option / question - do you have bitlocker enabled? That’s not enough?

Do you want the encrypted folder to be automatically-unlocked or unlocked with a password

You can build your own Linux kernel for WSL, I haven’t done it and unless that sounds like fun to you that’s not the route I’d go.

There are a lot of tiny PCs these days that can output 4k video and audio. Look for something with an N100 or N200 CPU if you want to go as cheap as possible, they tend to be super-cheap and perform well. I've got one of the GMTecs and this wireless keyboard+mouse, works really well from the couch.

There are cheaper/other options but to get you started: https://www.amazon.com/GMKtec-Windows-Computer-Business-G3-dp-B0CQ4XQ2WG/dp/B0CQ4XQ2WG https://morefine.com/collections/pc-box (specifically the M9)

Battle.net running in bottles works Ok. I did have an issue with battle.net running under X for a while, switching to Wayland worked. Whatever the problem was seems to have been fixed

What's Mozilla doing?

Can I ask what the better working system would look like? I've seen plenty of the stories about TSA lapses, obviously security at the airports isn't fun, but I'm not sure what an alternative system that works would look like.

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spherical, but pointy in parts