
3 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That Israel is not a colonial state. All it's founders defined it as a European colonial project. It was and is allied with all the colonial powers and projects like Britain, the US, apartheid south Africa, and Rhodesia. Its funding association was called the Palestine Jewish colonization association. It's bank was called the Jewish colonial trust. The Jewish national fund and the Zionist project at large was from the beginning concerned with building segregated colonies.

First, lands were bought with foreign funding from feudal land lords, and their inhabitants were entirely dispossessed, kicked out. Then when awareness of the ultimate goals of the Zionist project crystalized and resistance against Palestinian dispossession mounted, the lands were ethnically cleansed by force and the people massacred. 700 to 800 thousand Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in one continuous military operation that spanned two years from 1947 to 1948.

Zionist leaders fully acknowledged that Palestinian demographics were a core issue to the Zionist project, that the Palestinian population had to be removed at any cost, which is exactly what Israel did. What lead to the Palestinians being defenseless in this situation? Colonial Britain abetted the formation of heavily armed Zionist militias with soldiers numbering in the tens of thousands. The arms of Britain's colonial military presence were inherited by the Zionist forces that it supported. All this while Britain summarily excecuted any Palestinian found in possession of a firearm.

This is not to mention the enthusiastic support of european antisemites for the Zionist project, or its strict early opposition by antifascist jews.

The idea that Israel has any right to exist on Palestinian land is a lie that has been so heavily proliferated, it has to be debunked when it should be paid no consideration at all.

Traditional with mice, natural with touchpads.

Interesting story, I used traditional scrolling with touchpads all my life until I spent three years exclusively using a desktop. Came out of it suddenly rewired to scroll like I do on my phone.

Indifference about genocide is not just unacceptable, it's evil, you piece of shit.

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with microsoft fonts installed I actually found that libreoffice displayed the docx file I wanted to edit better than onlyoffice.

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Yep, I'm working through the review. He's a contributor though not a maintainer.

Actually it means raping brutalizing and killing civilians in territory where you are not welcome

They do see it. They know. They're enacting this genocide because they want to. The US government is and always has been genocidal.

For me this is Gnome with the pop shell extension. It's so much better than plain i3 in usability and just as good with tiling. Using i3 for years made me appreciate the value of a proper modern desktop environment.

You can react to the MR with an emoji if you have a gnome gitlab account. I'm not sure if there are mechanisms to vote for MRs other than that.

Snapdragon is a type of flower. It's a lovely name in my opinion.

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It's not Palestinians' fault for being occupied and mass murdered. How are you so shameless centering and victimizing yourself for being forced to hear about people suffering genocide? This shit is unbelievable.

My problem with Manjaro was that they continually kept their repos behind arch while still depending on the aur and other arch infrastructure. This caused problems like aur packages not being buildable, and software that used the arch debuginfod server being unusable.

Isn't that somewhat accepted like with sequential transmissions pushing forward downshifts and pulling back upshifts

With my code, the lowest brightness setting should be closer to the minimum supported by the screen. There are some limitations with this because some screens become flickery at very low brightness levels. You might be able to circumvent the lower limit by using something other than the gnome settings daemon to set the brightness.

What is standing in the way is capitalism

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I want to highlight a practical usecase for password management with open source tools. Keepass (gnome secrets on computers, and keepassdx on mobile) with syncthing syncing encrypted password files between the devices. Very effective so far. Passwords are synced seamlessly.

xdg-open is one of the most used commands on my system. Video files, movies, pdfs, etc if I want to use the default application to open anything I use it. No need to memorize each application' commands.

They are only winning if killing civilians is winning. It isn't, France killed tens of thousands of Algerians before being promptly defeated and expelled. Same thing happened in Vietnam. The Palestinian resistance is inflicting huge losses in the Israeli army. Scores of destroyed tanks and dead israeli soldiers every day

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Gnome + pop shell extension. Normal i3 tiling keybinds. All the following bindings include super. w for tabbed layout, f1 for calculator, f2 for Firefox, f3 for nautilus, f4 for settings, f5 for package manager. D for search which I can use like dmenu but much better. Shift+s for screenshot. Shift+q to quit application. I program with in the terminal so I need tiling for keyboard-only use. when I first used i3 I underrated tabbing. It solved nearly all of my problems with tiling.

Wrong. There was a white supremacist colonialist Zionist presence in Palestine, which aimed to sieze the country for itself and dispossess its natives, which it did through massacres and ethnic cleansing. There was no "second genocide attempt". There was only Palestinian and Arab self defence in the face of an armed, murderous society that sought to dispossess and erase the Palestinian people entirely. The solution is the destruction of the settler colonialist state and that is what will happen.

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There was a moral imperative to protect Israel when it was massacring and ethnically cleansing 750,000 Palestinians from their land in 1948? No. There was and continues to be a moral imperative to do everything in order to end the existence of the Zionist entity.

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Like murder what we are very likely to learn is 100,000 Palestinians.

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America is the genocidal empire dawg.

No it's not. Israel serves the us and the west's geopolitical interests and that is why they support them. Whatever propagandistic justifications they put out for why people should support Israel are irrelevant.


I don't put certain things like dishes that contacted raw eggs in the dishwasher so that won't happen. I'm still learning what the optimal way to use a dishwasher is though. This smell has a name in Arabic, زنخة (zanakha).

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What's that browser

Well that's stupid 😂

Wrong. Israel has always been a genocidal settler colonialist state.

Last I checked they are lmfao. The US is Israel's patron empire. Without the US propping it up Israel would be on the brink of collapse if not already nonexistent. The US has almost complete authority over Israel. It is the US's loyal dog.

My lenovo yoga slim 7 pro x with a ryzen 6800hs consumed about 6 watts at idle when I used manjaro and i3 with auto-cpufreq. That meant it got around 8 hours of screen on time in the real world and up to 10 if I barely taxed it. Now on fedora with gnome and wayland and no tweaks it also consumes just over 6 watts at idle but we'll we how it pans out. If there are any power tuning tips for gnome/wayland/amd I'd like to hear them. I don't know if auto-cpufreq is still relevent with the newest kernels.

I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory.

I mean if it's a big hassle to research how to do every single little thing in the nixos config file I think it would affect ease of use. If it's easier than doing it manually that's great. Another part of it is whether the distro runs into problems that it creates or makes more likely, which happens in Manjaro.

Literally 1% of Israelis believe that Israel is using too much force in Gaza. The majority believes they are using too little. If Israelis had their way the genocide would be even deadlier than it is today. This is not a state or a society that should be allowed to exist in its current state. The state has to be dismantled to deprogram the fascism and genocidal ideology that it is built on and perpetuates. This is not going to happen peacefully because they refuse to let it happen peacefully, not because anyone wishes suffering on them sadistically. A system of oppression and murder that refuses to be dismantled nonviolently is going to be dismantled by force. That is the only just thing to be done and the responsibility for it lies on Israel wholly.

Depends on how you define conservatives? If you categorize the entire US political spectrum as conservatives (and economically, they are), then sure. In the prevalent usage of the term, that's not true, because liberals are just as much a barrier because they are capitalists. The entire US political spectrum is ideologically liberal save for a few fascists on the right, and both are capitalist ideologies.

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Majority held views among the population are in support of Gazan genocide and withholding all food from entering Gaza. The settler society at all levels understands its interests demand genocide.

How was the patent approved if it already existed tf.

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When I first wanted to try Linux out I made a small 50gb partition for it. the logic was that this was the size of just one game and it was an entire operating system, so I wasn't losing much. As I continued to use Linux I kept expanding that partition to correspond with the priority I gave the OS.

Are you getting offended from a listicle title?

You get to complain to Nvidia, not Linux developers and maintainers.