YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 351 points –
YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge

YouTube's Ad Blocker Crackdown Is Getting Harder to Dodge::The video platform now requires users to disable their ad blockers with an immovable pop-up.


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Currently without issue using Firefox and uBlock Origin. No complaints from YouTube nor ads.

I'm certain that by "users" what they really mean is "people still using Chrome."

I've been having intermittent problems while using Firefox. Of course, all I need to do is clear the Ublock's filters and re-load them.

Oddly, my brother who uses the same ad-blocker as me and Chrome hasn't gotten a anti-AdBlock nag screen for months. No idea why.

That's the majority of people?? Looks like the most recent number is 64% of people with 20% on Safari and the remaining ~17% split among the rest with Firefox (3%) not even beating Edge (5%)

Honestly the process to get ublock origin working is identical between the two of them, so being a chrome user doesn't really make it any harder. Obviously still a better idea to switch, but for that specific problem, its the same.

It's being rolled out in waves. Seems like you haven't been hit yet.

No as ublock has stated you are using other extensions that are tripping detection, ffs 😑

Nope, that's not what uBlock is saying. YouTube rolls out new adblock detection several times a day. uBlock can't stop it instantly, it takes time for the devs to adjust their code. So for a few hours, YouTube's detection works. If you haven't been caught yet, then it means you've been lucky to get the rollout after uBlock already had a fix. Some of us aren't that lucky. Last week, I got an early rollout several hours before uBlock had a patch. Turned off all my extensions, used default uBlock settings, all their suggestions, had no effect. A few hours later, uBlock had a fix and I didn't see YouTube's block anymore.

No, not at all correct. uBlock has stated publicly, on multiple channels, that YT is updating its detection script several times a day while they are racing to patch in a fix.

I had been using Ghostery Dawn for ages. Got the pop-ups. Couldn't get around them. Switched to just firefox with ublock, no more ads. Can confirm it does work.

I was having issues requiring cache dump/updates daily both on a Windows 10 machine with FF/UO and on an ipad with Brave and Orion (which can use UO) including total cookie wipes. Win 11 machines never blinked.

The last couple days or so, I've not seen the block message anywhere. Fun stuff.

Same here, chrome and ublock origin.. did nothing special at all, never seen any of these popups.

I assume it's a slow rollout and we've both been lucky.

I had to use element picker mode to select the popup to make it go away, but now i have two issues:

  1. I cant scroll down after a second of the page loading.
  2. Autoplay does not work on playlists

Unless you're doing something unusual, it's probably because you're browsing youtube without being logged in.

uBlock Origin is from chromium

uBlock Origin is very much available for Firefox.

It was first released in June 2014 as a chrome and opera extension. That’s what I meant. However I did say chromium which would be technically incorrect.

Your original post is absolute nonsense and reads like someone correcting / saying it doesn't exist in Firefox at all.

Op said "I use firefox with uBlock" and you went "ublock is from chromium" - which in the context you explained above is totally useless to the discussion - who cares where it is from?